
Jesse Jackson is a MORON

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Yup. He's an asshole and a moron alright.


Agreed.... he intervenes in things which are none of his business. muddies up the waters. accomplishes little more than pressing his own personal agenda and making the misassumptiuon that he 'speaks for all Americans"

however.... calling him a moron while accurate,
IS in violation of one of the rules here..... no personal attacks....:o:P;)B|:)

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Why do you people pay attention to this guy? I mean, the crazy neighbor across our canyon screams "fuck off!" into the canyon every night around 11pm. Are you going to get all riled about that?

He's one of those guys that many of us just love to hate.


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I just heard this asshole on CNN. He says that the rescue workers should go in despite the snipers because "In Iraq we put on flack jackets and go in anyway".

I wish he would, for once, realize he NEVER helps the situation.

What is wrong with his statement?

Surely if we can send the National Guard in Iraq into hostile ,live fire situations to kill people, we should be able to send the National Guasrd into situations domesticaly where the fire is much less intense to *save* people.

So what is your problem with my man ,Jessess's, statement?

Blood of Melenick II

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i read your subject line and i had to give you an, "AMEN BROTHER!!"

the reverend jesse jackson is a piece of shit no matter what church he claims to come from.:|>:(
"Don't talk to me like that assface...I don't work for you yet." - Fletch
NBFT, Deseoso Rodriguez RB#1329

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the reverend jesse jackson is a piece of shit no matter what church he claims to come from.:|>:(


Mighty Christian of you Brother.
The Most Reverend Jessie Jackson has done more to further the cause of African Americasns than any other man on earth since the great Reverend Dr,Martin Luther King Jr.
But to you he is a piece of shit!!
Maybe you could write the amazing man of God ,Pat Robertson ,and have him include Jesse in his assination prayers.


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The media gives him air time and print. He and his buddy Sharpton are indeed poverty pimps

Actually, Sharpton and Jackson are enemies. Pretty sad, considering what they say they represent.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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Why do you people pay attention to this guy? I mean, the crazy neighbor across our canyon screams "fuck off!" into the canyon every night around 11pm. Are you going to get all riled about that?

Bill makes a good point. Jesse Jackson isnt that bad. Because he goes against the grain he is able to secure results most people can't. Look at the Chaves oil deal for example.. Not a bad move on Jesse's part. He's done a few notable things to compliment the bad ones.. ;)

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He's one of those guys that many of us just love to hate.

I can only speak for myself but there is no love involved. He is eternally inflamatory. He likes to get people riled up. Next he is going to say that not letting people loot is a violation of their civil rights or some such bullshit. YUCK!
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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He's one of those guys that many of us just love to hate.

I can only speak for myself but there is no love involved. He is eternally inflamatory. He likes to get people riled up. Next he is going to say that not letting people loot is a violation of their civil rights or some such bullshit. YUCK!

He definitely is eternally inflammatory and in at least one case I can think of, was very publicly supportive of some young black men who had engaged in violent criminal behavior, simply because they were black. They had been expelled from high school for starting a riot at a football game and Jesse Jackson screamed "racism". After a video showing exactly what they had done surfaced, he quickly faded out of the picture.

I could go on and on about his track record of being a slimeball, but everything I would mention is common knowledge anyway.

He is sleazy. He presents himself as a leader of the black community in the US, but I don't know that anyone in the black community thinks of him as a leader.

I don't hate him at all because he is simply a joke at this point--nothing but an obvious media whore. He has only the power that people give him and I choose to give him only the power to give me a good laugh every now and then.


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Jesse is a racist piece of shit for sure. Is anyone really surprised at his comments. Just how long until he starts blaming the whole thing racism. I mean if they were white people they would have been rescued already.

I'll bet Rainbow Push (Jesse's money machine) hasn't donated a dollar to the rescue. They spend all of their money paying for Jesse's illegitiment children from him bawling his interns.

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courtesy Neal Boortz:



Several listeners emailed this question, so I thought I would pass it on. Has anyone heard from Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton? Have any of these great and exalted black "leaders" issued a statement asking for their brothers in New Orleans to stop the violence? Just asking. If you've said anything, I haven't hear it ... and I'm pretty much glued to the media on this one.

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That man never stops amusing me. Here's your jacket Jessee. I'll be right behind you.

Can anyone think of one time the race pimp had has his ass really hanging out there to try and help another human being?

I can't, but then again I'm only 32.

I'm not a fan of Jesse Jackson, but in 1990/1991 he did secure the release of several western hostages from Saddam Hussein prior to Operation Desert Storm.

In retrospect, his good deed was diluted when he opened his mouth in Germany where the hostages were flown with his diatribe of 25 minutes.

While I don't like the man, Jesse Jackson's actions, many good, are offset by his words. It's too bad too, because he never reached his potential. Instead, he helped to politicize the single most important social issue of our time, Civil Rights.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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It's too bad too, because he never reached his potential. Instead, he helped to politicize the single most important social issue of our time, Civil Rights.

I think there are those that would argue that his success doing just that is the single cause of his influence. What better way to advance one's issue than by making those in power (politicians) so deathly afraid of it that they would rather shit their pants and slap their mothers than get anywhere close to it?

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I'm not a fan of Jesse Jackson, but in 1990/1991 he did secure the release of several western hostages from Saddam Hussein prior to Operation Desert Storm.

In retrospect, his good deed was diluted when he opened his mouth in Germany where the hostages were flown with his diatribe of 25 minutes.

While I don't like the man, Jesse Jackson's actions, many good, are offset by his words. It's too bad too, because he never reached his potential. Instead, he helped to politicize the single most important social issue of our time, Civil Rights.

I think I remember that (vaguely- I was only 17). I always thought that was a little more of a setup to make Bush Sr look bad. But then again, I was just a kid back then. Gotta wonder though, what happened to turn him into what he is today?

I still find the original thread subject disturbing. No one has any business going in there until the Guard can back them up. Doing otherwise would just make things worse as they need to start rescue ops for the rescue workers.

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I just heard this asshole on CNN. He says that the rescue workers should go in despite the snipers because "In Iraq we put on flack jackets and go in anyway".

I wish he would, for once, realize he NEVER helps the situation.

What is wrong with his statement?

If the soldiers shot back to protect themselves, Jesse would be the first one on the scene to jump in front of a camera and bitch about the use of "excessive" force.

Jesse should quit kissing Chavez's ass down in Venezuela, come home, and walk point into the thug-filled neighborhoods in New Orleans himself.

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