
Katrina: Looting

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Yes i agree they mistook their gun for a flare gun. The thugs that were looting are now shooting at each other? Do you think that it would be ok for the National Guard to fight back...? I think all they can do is fire back at these people. They clearly don't have a real good grip on reality if they think that shooting at the people trying to help them is going to endear them to anyone. Or maybe they like living in water world...who knows but regardless they need to be dealt with! Now it is just self defence. Before you ask how you know who to shoot, it will be anyone pointing a gun at you who is not on your "team" (rescuers) YUCK! Its all out of control, i just hate to see the whole being punished for the actions of a few...
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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Maybe they were just trying to get the rescuers attention, so they could be rescued... yeah, that's it...

Sorry, I'm still not following you. What does me looting have to do with people shooting at the helicopters?
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Maybe they were just trying to get the rescuers attention, so they could be rescued... yeah, that's it...

Sorry, I'm still not following you. What does me looting have to do with people shooting at the helicopters?

:oWhy are you looting, Mary? Doesn't seem your style, somehow.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Hey, if you want to justify breaking the law because of your poor decisions, go for it... just don't get pissy at me because I think you should be dealt harshly with for it.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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i thinkthat people, myself included, are lumping the looters in with the shooters. at this point, if you aren't actively trying to escape the city, you are the enemy. my personal belief is that there are people there who don't want the city to be drained and returned to normal. they want to live in an anarchist society where the man with the biggest gun rules the block. this may be a minority, but this minority have already stopped the evacuation of thousands from the superdome. there are also about 1000 civilian volunteers in 500 boats that tried to get into the city this morning to help with the rescue efforts. these fine people were told to stand down because the first boats to go in this morning got shot at. the time for political correctness and due process is past. while i understand your point about looting, things have escalated to a whole new level and control needs to be regained by any means necessary.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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>in fact i would like to see the national guard in there being very
>liberal with the deadly force.

Yep. There have been reports of cops helping looters with neccessities like shoes. The national guard could shoot the cops, the cops could fire back - and anarchy would be averted.

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i've heard reports of thugs running around with ak-47s and a report of a police station broken into and all of the weapons stolen. the cops aren't the only ones with guns. now there is a housing project on fire. if control isn't regained soon, the whole city may be burned and many more people will die. maybe we should skip the national guard and send in the Marines. this is not the time for diplomacy, this is the time for action.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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>if they were helping the looters (other than food and such) they
>should be shot.

Shooting a cop is a capital offense; so the guardsman should be shot too. But what if a security guard sees the someone shooting the guardsman? He should open fire too! With enough guns the problem will quickly go away.

Here's Bill's Plan - give up on the looters in New Orleans. Everything there is going to be destroyed by seawater and exposure anyway. Concentrate on saving the people who are left there. Looters? Take pictures and arrest em later, after the real problems are solved.

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bill, i think you are absolutely right about giving up on the looters. who gives a crap about material things. the problem here is that there are a bunch of thugs running around the city shooting at rescue personnel. that is the reason rescue boats have been stopped and the superdome is no longer being evacuated. i don't know if helicopters are picking people off of roofs or not. the fact is that the city is under seige and the thugs cannot be ignored. the situation has escalated far beyond theft of tvs or tennis shoes. the rescue and evacuation efforts are severely hindered by people who need to be dealt with in the harshest way.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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You know what's odd? This is sounding more and more like Mogidishu. People thirsty and starving, the US military and other organizations attempting to take supplies to the "refugees," supply vehicles being hijacked by gangs, mass lawlessness, etc.

Now we've got shooting at helicopters. :S

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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>This is sounding more and more like Mogidishu.


CNN from on-scene reporter:
That official told me they were able to take a couple of people out. One woman so desperate that she actually handed up her 2 month old baby and said take my child. I can't get on this bus, but you've got to try to save this child. She didn't even know the woman's name.

CNN, from survivor:
We gotta get some help. We really need some help. WE got babies - I got three kids. They need water, milk, bottles. They don't have nothing. Newborn babies. Premature babies. Everything.

CNN from on-scene reporter:
It's hard to describe. It's something I never could conceive of ever seein gin a major city like New Orleans. It is hard to believe. This is New Orleans Louisiana we ware talking about. We spent the last few hours at the convention center where There are thousands of people just laying in the street. They have nowhere to go. These are mothers. We saw mothers. We talked to mothers holding babies. Some of these babies are 3, 4, 5, months old living in these horrible conditions. Putrid food on the ground. Sewage, their feet sitting in sewage. We saw feces on the ground. These people are being forced to live like animals. When you look at some of these mothers your heart just breaks. We're not talking about a few families or a few hundred families. Thousands of people are gathered around the convention.

I want to warn you. Some of these images that you will see they're very very graphic. But people need see this. The people that are down there have been down there for days. People need to see what it is really like here. We saw dead bodies. People are dying at the convention center and there's no one there to come get them. We saw an older woman, someone's mother someone's grandmother, in a wheelchair. Her dead body pushed up against the side of the convention center with a blanket over it. Right on the ground next to her another dead body wrapped in a white sheet.

People are literally dying. Right in front of us as we were watching this a man went into a seizure on the ground. It looked like he was dying. People tried to prop his head up. No one has medical training. No ambulance can come. It is just heartbreaking that people are just sitting there without food or water waiting for the buses to come tak ehtem away. People keep asking us - when are the buses coming. And I just have to say, I don't know.


Something I've thought about. OK, we didn't spend the money on the levees, we were spending it on Homeland Security and all, that's water under the bridge. Hindsight is 20/20.

But aren't we, like, prepared better for disasters now? Wouldn't we have to evacuate a destroyed city if a terrorist fired off a dirty bomb or a biological weapon? Didn't we use those billions to prepare for a disaster just like this? Why aren't those plans we prepared swinging into action?

There are reports of people firing at rescue helicopters. Surely that's almost precisely the sort of scenario our military/guard units prepare for, right? I mean, if you are training all these people for places like Iraq and Afghanistan, surely adapting that to a much more local environment is easier than training some civilian to deal with it.

We've spent a shitload of money over the past 4 years preparing for another disaster of 9/11 proportions, if you are to believe what the press releases say. Billions have gone to bolstering local health systems so they can respond to public health crises. "Emergency preparedness and response" was one of the six parts of our Official National Strategy for Homeland Security. The Urban Area Security Initiative is money for both preventing - and dealing with - urban disasters like this one.

I keep hoping they're massing the big response, that the helicopters and boats are at staging areas now and will be moving in soon to evacuate these people before they all die. But if so - when is it going to happen? People are dying for lack of water and food.

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We've spent a shitload of money over the past 4 years preparing for another disaster of 9/11 proportions, if you are to believe what the press releases say. Billions have gone to bolstering local health systems so they can respond to public health crises. "Emergency preparedness and response" was one of the six parts of our Official National Strategy for Homeland Security. The Urban Area Security Initiative is money for both preventing - and dealing with - urban disasters like this one.

I keep hoping they're massing the big response, that the helicopters and boats are at staging areas now and will be moving in soon to evacuate these people before they all die. But if so - when is it going to happen? People are dying for lack of water and food.

I was under the distinct impression that much of the HSA's activities were designed just to give the impression that the government was doing something. At least we can be secure that terrorists are unlikely to attack us with model rockets, and that our airliners won't be brought down by shoe-wielding Medal of Honor recipients, thanks to the new rules.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Hey, if you want to justify breaking the law because of your poor decisions, go for it... just don't get pissy at me because I think you should be dealt harshly with for it.


I didn't think I was getting "pissy". I was just wondering what parallel you were drawing between me looting for food and water, and some one shooting at a rescue helicopter.

IMO, there is a big difference between me getting water and food, and some one taking a guy and shooting it at a helicopter sent to rescue me.

I'm willing to stand by my "poor decision" of stealing water and food to survive.

John, just to let you know, I do lots of stuff that might shock you;)
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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IMO, there is a big difference between me getting water and food

IMO, there is not.


:o Well, I didn't think stealing food and water in order to live was as bad as shooting at a rescue helicopter.

Ugh......SC. Now I need a shower. NO John, you can not join me:ph34r:
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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What is there to clarify, IMO there is not a difference between a looter, I don't care what or why, and someone who takes a shot at a rescue choper...

Is that harsh? Maybe, but it is my opinion.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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>IMO there is not a difference between a looter, I don't care what or
>why, and someone who takes a shot at a rescue choper...

I think it's easy to say that while sitting in a comfy chair in front of a keyboard. I think if your kid was slowly dying of dehydration you would suddenly discover that the world of morality has shades of gray. (Of course, you couldn't really do anything about it, because Judy would shoot you if you tried to get water.)

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