
IRA to stop all activities

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Knowing they may not be able to succeed and their death would be for nothing could be somewhat of a deterrent.

It's all in the wiring. If I knew the UK had a "shoot to kill" policy, as I do, I'd wire the bomb to go off on the release of a button, rather than needing to push one.

I can't beleive that people who choose to impose policies like this don't know that you can rewire to compromise in less than 2 min.

It's the year of the Pig.

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I'm not sure i quite follow - how is a suicide bomber concerned that he might get shot by someone when he is preparing to blow himself up?

good point. perhaps a vigilant citizen seeing the man with the detonator in his hand might be able to stop him. or perhaps some bloke who is bashing in the head of another bloke

perhaps also it might make it more difficult for the bomber to get to his target if he thinks there may be a chance he may not get there

don't know

lack of guns in the hands of lawabiding citizens leaves them victims

look at the murder rate in Washington DC verses Bethesda, MD

DC no guns high murder and violent crime rates

Bethesda and other areas around DC much lower

"You did what?!?!"

MUFF #3722, TDSM #72, Orfun #26, Nachos Rodriguez

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Then we would have a tube train full on nervous poorly trained armed citizens waiting for someone to come on the tube with a rucksack

What works in the USA does not necessary work in the UK.

I'm off .
I can't believe i've been suckered into another SC Why the UK should be armed debate "again" and Johnrich hasn't even joined this one yet.

(he must be working)
If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers

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good point. perhaps a vigilant citizen seeing the man with the detonator in his hand might be able to stop him.

an average person on a crowded tube spotting a detonator as opposed to someone playing with their MP3 player??


lack of guns in the hands of lawabiding citizens leaves them victims

I don't have a gun and don't consider myself a victim.

What I think you are forgetting is that the VAST majority of Brits are happy with the current gun laws over here, and wouldn't want to carry them even if we could. I for one feel safer in London (aside from the fact that its my hometown) than I do in any other place in the world where people are allowed to carry concealed weapons.

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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Tell you what man, why don't you click here then you can read all the thousands of posts which have gone before on this topic and pretend like we're all having the same conversation all over again.

That way no one else on here has to bother with it and this nice little thread about how the IRA are giving up terrorism can continue undisturbed.

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Well every household in Iraq is allowed an AK, and the US forces are armed.

Why isn't there an instant outbreak of peace?

There's a flaw in your logic somewhere.


the flaw is that in Iraq the majority of people will not stand up for their rights and for the betterment of their society as a whole.

Perhaps because they were oppressed by Sadam

"You did what?!?!"

MUFF #3722, TDSM #72, Orfun #26, Nachos Rodriguez

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Tell you what man, why don't you click here then you can read all the thousands of posts which have gone before on this topic and pretend like we're all having the same conversation all over again.

That way no one else on here has to bother with it and this nice little thread about how the IRA are giving up terrorism can continue undisturbed.

That is the best thing I have read all day.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Tell you what man, why don't you click here then you can read all the thousands of posts which have gone before on this topic and pretend like we're all having the same conversation all over again.

That way no one else on here has to bother with it and this nice little thread about how the IRA are giving up terrorism can continue undisturbed.

Good idea. Now where were we? Oh, yeah, you don't really think the IRA is going to give up all their weapons do you and stop all terrorist activities do you?

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I don't have a gun and don't consider myself a victim.

It's not about whether you carry a gun or not. It's about having the choice. If it was allowed, you could still choose to not have one and no one would have an issue with it. In otherwords, you are happy that OTHERS are not allowed to carry one - forcing your choice on them. Some people choose not to play soccer - maybe it should be outlawed. I don't play it and am fairly content.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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maybe the "IRA" as an entity yeah (actually "PIRA")... but then they are only one of dozens of terrorists organisations in Northern Ireland. After the cease-fire came into place and the PIRA mainland bombing campaign ceased, some terrorists weren't happy with the situation and broke away from PIRA forming the "Real IRA".

I suspect the same will happen now if there's any fight left in any of them. Then again world opinion has turned away from terrorism. I suspect Irish terrorism won't get as far as they once did without the support of Libia and certain US elements. Besides, the people are just plain tired of all the violence. They just want to get on with their lives.

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thats a reasonable enough statement, yes I am happy that I don't need to carry a gun and happy knowing that others around me are extremely unlikely to have a gun.

If it were to ever go to a public vote over here though about whether British Citizens should have the same kind of gun laws as you guys do across the pond I sincerely doubt that anything would change. People over here just don't feel the same way about them as you guys do, and don't feel that we're oppressed in any way by not being allowed to carry them.

~~~ London Skydivers ~~~

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maybe the "IRA" as an entity yeah (actually "PIRA")... but then they are only one of dozens of terrorists organisations in Northern Ireland. After the ceace fire came into place and the PIRA mainland bombing campaign ceaced, some terrorists weren't happy with the situation and broke away from PIRA forming the "Real IRA".

I suspect the same will happen now if there's any fight left in any of them. Then again world opinion has turned away from terrorism. I suspect Irish terrorism won't get as far as they once did without the support of Libia and certain US elements. Besides, the people are just plain tired of all the violence. They just want to get on with their lives.

I hope you are correct.

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lack of guns in the hands of lawabiding citizens leaves them victims

look at the murder rate in Washington DC verses Bethesda, MD

DC no guns high murder and violent crime rates

hmmm, do you think there just might possibly be other factors contributing to this....:S
Speed Racer

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Turn over firearms, not good. they are the only armed citizens in the UK.

??? Are you serious? You want full-blown, cold blooded killing terrorists with 35+ years of violent actions against all those that stand in their way to keep their guns? (plus, do you think the IRA couldn't get weapons if they changed their mind?). Most of the Irish people I know (and that is a few), have been tired of this IRA stuff for well over a decade.

Pushing for gun rights and having the IRA as your poster child is a bad idea and a good way to get people to ignore your argument. I know I already have.

To say this idea suprised me is an understatment. America has only had to deal with terrorism on it's soil since 9/11 - and look how frustrated we are. These are two countries that have had their lives rudely interupted by men with small minds for close to 40 years!! You want to make a soap-box out of a peaceful move in the right direction? :|[:/]

As far as the news item - God, I hope this is finally true. Now, I hope the other terrorist factions related to this follow suit.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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What kind of role, if any, did Al Quaeda play in making the IRA begin to change? Is it possible that 9/11 affected the way they wanted to present themselves? like maybe they were concerned with being compared to bin Laden's gang might further ostracize them.

what do y'all think?
Speed Racer

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lack of guns in the hands of lawabiding citizens leaves them victims

look at the murder rate in Washington DC verses Bethesda, MD

DC no guns high murder and violent crime rates

hmmm, do you think there just might possibly be other factors contributing to this....:S

Possibly but if you were to take a broad look at areas with low gun ownership verses high gun ownership there is a dramatic difference between the crime rates.

There are many contributing factors but if the analysed group is very large trends emerge. and although a trend may or may not indicate causality it can show a corelation.

"You did what?!?!"

MUFF #3722, TDSM #72, Orfun #26, Nachos Rodriguez

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the flaw is that in Iraq the majority of people will not stand up for their rights and for the betterment of their society as a whole.

Perhaps because they were oppressed by Sadam

yeah but....how could Saddam be so oppressive if guns bring peace? In his days there were more guns circulating than there are now. Actually, the US imposed gun restrictions and regulations on the population when they invaded.

edited for spelling

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??? Are you serious? You want full-blown, cold blooded killing terrorists with 35+ years of violent actions against all those that stand in their way to keep their guns? (plus, do you think the IRA couldn't get weapons if they changed their mind?). Most of the Irish people I know (and that is a few), have been tired of this IRA stuff for well over a decade.

Pushing for gun rights and having the IRA as your poster child is a bad idea and a good way to get people to ignore your argument. I know I already have.

To say this idea suprised me is an understatment. America has only had to deal with terrorism on it's soil since 9/11 - and look how frustrated we are. These are two countries that have had their lives rudely interupted by men with small minds for close to 40 years!! You want to make a soap-box out of a peaceful move in the right direction? :|[:/]

Poster Children? Hell no.

Terrorists keep their arms? Hell no.

Sarcams my good friend. Irony that when you take away the firearms from lawabiding citizens then only criminals are armed.


America has only had to deal with terrorism on it's soil since 9/11

Was not oklahoma city terrorism?

How about bombing abortion clinics?

How about shooting doctors and nurses?

How about the cuban terrorists in 1965?

There are more examples

Soap box? No. Yes it is a move in the right direction

"You did what?!?!"

MUFF #3722, TDSM #72, Orfun #26, Nachos Rodriguez

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Is it possible that 9/11 affected the way they wanted to present themselves? like maybe they were concerned with being compared to bin Laden's gang might further ostracize them.

More likely they earned enough cash from their £25M bank job they did last year they no longer need the guns to control the supply of drugs because it's peanuts to knocking off banks.

If they invest the cash wisely the may be able to support all future "Volunteers" without having to plant a bomb or enforce the supply and demand of drugs.

Whats happened (politically) recently to prompt this action and how can we trust them.

After all senior Sinn Fein figures Gerry Adams, Martin McGuinness and Martin Ferris have now left the IRA army council. (reported Tues 26th July) even though all three have denied being members for years.

TRUTH - A word that the top people of Sinn Fein and the IRA no nothing about.

I will believe it when I see every gun , every bullet and every gram of semtex destroyed without the political backtracking and and dancing around the issue of decomissioning that we have seen in the past .
If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers

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I will believe it when I see every gun , every bullet and every gram of semtex destroyed without the political backtracking and and dancing around the issue of decomissioning that we have seen in the past .

(not to hijack the thread, but this sounds kinda like the Bush administration in 2002 re. Saddam);)
Speed Racer

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So they're going to stop murdering and stealing and will destroy all weapons (good thing).... BUT will they return all of the money that they stole from the Irish people over the years?

P.S will ex-terrorists be as sanctimonious as ex-smokers:P

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Yea, sure and Bin Laden is getting a razor for Christmas. The only time they destroy weapons is when they just aquired some nice new ones. Even if the PIRA does do this (Fat chance) the RIRA and OIRA won't and I suspect that their ranks will just swell in that unlikely event.
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