
No Charges In Unarmed Iraqi Death

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So freedom of speech and expression aren't allowed on this topic? Excuse me, but why is that?

Whatever do you mean? You seem to be voicing your free speech just fine...

You post this:

sit down and ZIP IT!!

in SC on a hot topic and you expect people to not say anything?

Did you have something to say about the article/issue, or are you simply concerned with Rhino's "ZIP IT" comment?

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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Firstly - I am glad the marine is not being charged things like that happen in the heat of battle and the men and women who are there putting thier lives at risk don't need the extra concerns this could raise.

As a Canadian, (Half french Canadian), Canada as such never ceded from France as it was never part of France, having been taken over by the British prior to the American war of independance and prior to the Confederation of Canada.
I think a lot of people misunder stand the differance between the Quebecers wanting to preserve thier heritage (this is OK) and wanting seperate from Canada(this is bullshit).
But that would be a thread hijack wouldn't it

Go the Marines.
Watch my video Fat Women

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Did you have something to say about the article/issue, or are you simply concerned with Rhino's "ZIP IT" comment?

Did you have something to say about the article/issue, or are you simply concerned with ChasingBlueSky's concern about Rhino's "ZIP IT" comment?

Let's stop wasting bandwith with petty, nagging, inconsequential posts shall we? ;)

May Contain Nut traces......

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?? She wasn't raped. No semen, no physical evidence, and she has no memory of any rape. You've been watching FOX News a little too much, I think.

Please.... this is a regime where the rape of their own citizens has been tolerated for decades. Do you really think they would even think twice about raping a prisoner of war?:(
Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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>Do you really think they would even think twice about raping a prisoner of war?

She was being treated by doctors in a hospital. While Saddam's son might have indeed raped her, I very much doubt that an intern did - just because he was an Iraqi.

A lot of conservatives would absolutely love it if she was really raped. It would prove a lot of their preconceptions about how evil they are and how good we are (hey, maybe we torture people, but they rape prisoners more than we do!) Unfortunately, there is simply no evidence that it happened, outside some vivid imaginations.

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I don't think they would think twice about it, but reality remains that there is no evidence that she was raped.

And for BV - I know that, and I watch Fox news sometimes...
All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. - Edmund Burke

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I very much doubt that an intern did - just because he was an Iraqi.

I totally agree. I'd go as far as saying the doctors probably treated her better than their average patients. No disagreement there, whatsoever.

Do you really believe that the friends of the Iraqi's she killed simply wisked her off to the nearest hospital immediately after her unit was over run? I don't buy it... I'm sure there was quite a bit of interrogation and 'payback' that took place.

Just because there's no evidence, doesn't mean it didn't happen....

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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>I don't buy it... I'm sure there was quite a bit of interrogation
>and 'payback' that took place.

From what reports I've seen, there was far more running going on that interrogating. What were they going to ask, anyway? "What country are you from?" "Why are you invading us?" "Are there more where you come from?"

>Just because there's no evidence, doesn't mean it didn't happen....

I'm aware of that new paradigm, but I'm one of those stubborn old guys who's still in the "reality based community."

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What were they going to ask, anyway? "What country are you from?" "Why are you invading us?" "Are there more where you come from?"

And... we have the funniest thing I've read here in weeks! Nice one!

And now back to disagreeing with you...;)
Oh, hello again!

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>A lot of conservatives would absolutely love it if she was really raped.

This is the kind of generalization that many people are indoctrinated to believe in as they grow up - it's why political discussions degrade to name calling and emotional arguments in the end. sad

(I believe there is another type of similar generality on the first page of this post except this one points at the left and not the right).

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Where are you getting this crap from? Jessica Lynch didn't kill any Iraqis.

So you're saying she didn't participate in the firefight, or are you trying to say there was no firefight????

Careful how you answer this one, females across the free world have heralded her as a hero, firing until her rifle jammed. Although the story is certainly embellished (even reports of the length of the firefight range from 15 minutes to 11 1/2 hours), I think it's reasonable to assume that at least one enemy soldier was killed. I take it you disagree?

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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What were they going to ask, anyway?

Gee, I don't know, maybe -

'where are you taking these supplies?'
'how often are you taking supplies there?'
'how many soldiers are there?'
'what capabilities do those soldiers have?'
'tell us about the other bases you supply!'
'what defenses do those bases have?'
'draw us a detailed picture of your base!'


there was far more running going on that interrogating

Interesting... both her legs were broken, so they obviously went to great lengths to transport her with them, rather than just leaving or killing her. Gee, I wonder why they would do that....:o


I'm aware of that new paradigm, but I'm one of those stubborn old guys who's still in the "reality based community.

Evidence showed OJ was innocent.... I guess we know where you stand on that one too!:P

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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... females across the free world have heralded her as a hero...

We obviously get the news you guys aren't allowed to see. Maybe she is seen as a hero by the Fox watching US audience but not elsewhere.

The official version of what happened has been completely rubbished. The poor girl happened to be in an Iraqi ambush. She didn't kill anyone. She wasn't raped. She was cared for in an Iraqi hospital by Iraqis. Her 'rescue' was a piss-poor bunch of acting.



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BILL VON.... A simple google brings this up from CNN. Funny how you love to distort things isn't.
Right... But FOXNews is evil.... Why cuz you can't handle the truth?

God bill... talk about making shit up.... WERE YOU THERE? So you don't know anymore than I do right?
OK... nuff said.
Go back to your bubble now.


PALESTINE, West Virginia (AP) -- The authorized biography of former prisoner of war Pfc. Jessica Lynch says she was raped by her Iraqi captors, a family spokesman said Thursday.

"The book does cover the subject," spokesman Stephen Goodwin told The Associated Press. "It's a very difficult subject."

The book -- "I am a Soldier, Too: The Jessica Lynch Story" -- is being released by Knopf publishing on Tuesday, Veterans Day. Reporter Rick Bragg, who wrote the book, tells Lynch's story.

Medical records cited in the book indicate that she was raped, the Daily News of New York reported in its Thursday editions. Officials have said Lynch has no memory of her ordeal.

"Jessi lost three hours. She lost them in the snapping bones, in the crash of the Humvee, in the torment her enemies inflicted on her after she was pulled from it," writes Bragg, according to the Daily News, which obtained a copy of the book.

"The records do not tell whether her captors assaulted her almost lifeless, broken body after she was lifted from the wreckage, or if they assaulted her and then broke her bones into splinters until she was almost dead," Bragg continues.

On ABC's "Good Morning America" host Diane Sawyer also gave details of the contents.

"The book does indeed cite some intelligence reports that she was treated brutally and a medical record which says, in the book, that she was a victim of a sodomizing rape," Sawyer said.

In confirming the reports, family spokesman Goodwin told the AP: "It's important to tell the story and let it be known, but she's not going to talk about it any more."

Another family representative said it was unfortunate attention was being focused on one incident.

Sometimes it is more important to protect LIFE than Liberty

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We obviously get the news you guys aren't allowed to see. Maybe she is seen as a hero by the Fox watching US audience but not elsewhere.

Oh come on, don't turn this into a 'my country is better than yours' argument.... didn't I say 'females', instead of 'U.S. audience'? And no, not all females believe it either, but it was the liberal females propagating the story in an attempt to field support for the 'women are just as effective in combat as men' argument. Yes, the story was embellished, but so was the story about the rescue all being an 'act'....

Shhh... you hear that sound? That's the sound of nobody caring!

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Sorry for drifting back towards the thread:P

But as far as charges being considered for the shooting of an unarmed combatant,much ado about nothing IMHO.Given the propensity for a lot of these guys to become "martyrs for Allah" with bombs,grenades etc.hidden on their person,the grunt wasnt taking any chances(Good for him) nor should he have been.He eliminated the threat as he was trained to do....and after a couple of weeks in Fallujah,I think most of us in his situation would've done the same
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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Not only that but she denounced the entire "rescue" saying it was grandstanded for pub.

I commanded in the 101st Airborne with the Ranger company commander involved in that rescue. I ran into him at the memorial service for my former company XO who was killed in Iraq last year. Lynch was a Pfc and really had no clue what was going on during that rescue. First hand info from the guys conducting the rescue says It was not a grandstand. To echo others, you've been watching too much CNN.

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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Her 'rescue' was a piss-poor bunch of acting.

Yeah, who would doubt the word of Dr Anmar Uday and Dr Harith a-Houssona. :P The Baghdad Broadcasting Channel surely wouldn't slant news or only report what they want people to believe. It has to be the Americans who are lying and controlling the media.:|


We obviously get the news you guys aren't allowed to see.

BTW, who do you believe is preventing us from reading this liberal fiction you call news?

"Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do." Ben Franklin

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She didn't kill anyone. She wasn't raped. She was cared for in an Iraqi hospital by Iraqis. Her 'rescue' was a piss-poor bunch of acting.

And you know this how? You seem pretty confident that you are correct. Please enlighten us as to your sources.


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