
For the Last Time, WTF is an Assault Pistol?!?

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Corzine, Lautenberg to introduce bill banning assault pistol use

WASHINGTON - New Jersey's U.S. senators plan to introduce a bill that would make it illegal for anyone, except a police officer or military official, to purchase or use an assault pistol that fires bullets capable of penetrating a bulletproof vest.
Democratic Sens. Jon Corzine and Frank Lautenberg said the guns are a menace to society.

"There is absolutely no reason anyone other than law enforcement and the military should possess firepower capable of piercing protective body armor," Lautenberg said.

OK, first, what in God's name is an assault pistol? We all know how they mangled the term assault rifle to fit their political aspirations. What are they going to do with "assault pistol?"

Oh, and that "piercing body armor" line? Yeah, they happen to neglect to mention what level of body armor they're talking about. If they mean Level IIa, then the list of banned pistols just got very long indeed.

(google for "NIJ Standard 0101.04, ballistic resistance body armor" - I have a pdf guide but can't attach it for size)
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Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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assault pistol?
i remember watching CNN the day nicole simpson was murdered (by those drug lords). the reporter termed the knife possibly used as a "military style assault knife".
an increasing number of these reporters do not allow facts to get in the way of their political agenda.

---Future Darwin Award recipient-

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Well, I guess any pistol with bayonett attatchments would be on the list...:D:P

Ok, seriously. Just about every pistol over a caliber of .32 would fit most of the bullshit stereotypes I can think of.

I know my kimber tle/rl II Pro would probably make one of these anti-rights nutz shit their pants.

Next they're going to ban kitchen knives except for professional police and military cooks.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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As far as I was aware “assault pistol” was a term invented by the Germans during WWII; the translation being "sturmpistole".

Running out of ways to fight our endless supply of cheap crappy tanks, the Germans essentially took the warhead off their excellent panzerfaust and stuck it on the front of their anti-amour kampfpistole. Think of something which looks like a single shot Webley revolver with a grenade stuck out the front. :S

There's some nice pics of them here but sadly the page is all in foreignish. http://www.pkymasehist.fi/kivkranaatit.html

I think they were also called Gerwehrpanzergrenate or something like that... my German's rusty to say the least... still they do make it easy for us by just gluing loads of existing words together to make a new one. :P

Thus an "assault pistol" is actually an anti-tank device... certainly nothing to do with anything that fires on fully auto as I think they’re trying to ban.

There you go - my years of studying WWII can be of use to sticking two fingers up at the guns-are-evil lot. Next time you hear the phrase you can tell the prat on the other side that “assault pistols” (being something which fires an explosive charge) are already banned and that they can put their signs away and go home.

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That's nothin', I just ordered my assault stapler this morning. ;)B|

Is it painted black with a rubber grippy handle on top? Yup... That's some dangerous and scary shit. :D I like the full-automatic ones with laser sensors myself.

Yeah mine is laser sighted, fully auto, and has a bayonet mount on the top for those big reports. B|

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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At the end of the day though, unless your stapler spits out 80lb shaped charges it's still just for pussies and not a real "assault stapler". :P

Can YOUR stapler staple through 2 inch thick stacks at 16 rounds per second??? ;) I don't think so.....:P

Imagine what that could do to a hamster in an antler attaching scenario.......you bet your ass it's an assault stapler. ;)

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
The wiser wolf prevails.

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What Jon D for Dickhead Corzine probably doesn't grasp is that shit like that is already illegal in
the people's republic of zoo jersey anyway. NJ's
ban was used as the model for the It's A Crime,
Bill. This is a move to ban gangbanger weapons
of choice like the .500 S&W revolver, the .454
Casull and other similar firearms. Next to go
will be those evil T/C Contender "portable
assault sniper pistols"....
that state needs an enema.

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"OK, first, what in God's name is an assault pistol?"

How about a Mauser 712? Heckler & Koch VP-70? Stechkin?

In effect a handgun with some selective fire capability? Commonly with the ability to add a shoulder stock?

In effect the bridge between self loading handguns and machine-pistols (sub-machine guns).


Taking the piss out of the FrenchAmericans since before it was fashionable.

Prenait la pisse hors du FrançaisCanadiens méridionaux puisqu'avant lui à la mode.

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