
is george bush a murderer?

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First of all, a murder is an "unlawful killing". Bush hasn't killed anyone in an unlawful manner, so that would be the factual answer. Aside from that, the unquestioning moral certainty the guy has shown on every life and death issue from invading Iraq (and Iran ?) to the death penalty in Texas is unnerving. Hate to say it, but when you sign off on over 100 death warrants as a governor, you are for sure send some innocent poeple (plural, as in more than one of them) to their deaths, but the guy said he "knew they were all guilty". It just ain't so...

The guy is scary as hell, but a murderer ? Nope.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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How do you call someone paying a murderer but, not killing by himself? No blood on his own hands... I voted: Yes, he is.

Let's see... You're from Germany. You pay taxes to the German government. Your government sent German troops in Iraq for a while. German soldiers committed some unjustifiable killings.

Therefore... You are a murderer!

(You paid to have those people murdered, even though there is no blood on your own hands.)

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***is george bush a murderer?

No but Clinton probably was...........does that count?

Mena,Arkansas smuggling operation

Whitewater witnesses turning up dead

Unexplained deaths on his state trooper security detachment

oh....... and Vince Foster's "suicide"

and LBJ too, with his handiwork in JFK's assassination..........whew,I think I covered most of the presidential murder conspiracy theories
Marc SCR 6046 SCS 3004

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interesting that the so called murders you listed are/were all Democrats. Lets not forgot old Ted Kennedy. I'm sure that his name belongs on that list.
I thought that only republicans where war mongering murders and democrats where the more peace loving of the two parties At least that's what the media keeps telling me. Then again, who was it that sent troops into Vietnam? Wasn't it one of the most revered Democratic presidents in modern history JFK?
Funny how things change. Don't ya think?

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any soldier that kills someone froma direct order is not resposable for that killing, who is giving the initial orders here? thousands are dead from his decisions.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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First of all, a murder is an "unlawful killing". Bush hasn't killed anyone in an unlawful manner, so that would be the factual answer. Aside from that, the unquestioning moral certainty the guy has shown on every life and death issue from invading Iraq (and Iran ?) to the death penalty in Texas is unnerving. Hate to say it, but when you sign off on over 100 death warrants as a governor, you are for sure send some innocent poeple (plural, as in more than one of them) to their deaths, but the guy said he "knew they were all guilty". It just ain't so...

The guy is scary as hell, but a murderer ? Nope.

That's a fair assessment. If we had a Ken Star-type Nazi to persecute Bush we might be pursuing him as a murderer.... don't count on it though, we are worlds from that.

Bush signed in the area of 150ish death warrants - the most by far. Gov Ryan commuted all death sentences to life and exonerated a few completely - they were/are both Repubs but the former is being pursued by the right for doing his deed; is it the differences in the two parties, the two people, or the attitudes of the people of the US? .... I think the latter.

But Bush is a joke calling himself the, "compassionate conservative" when he leads the league in death assignments..... course his mini-Viet Nam will lead to another Carter-type dem being elected in 2008.

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How do you call someone paying a murderer but, not killing by himself? No blood on his own hands... I voted: Yes, he is.

Let's see... You're from Germany. You pay taxes to the German government. Your government sent German troops in Iraq for a while. German soldiers committed some unjustifiable killings.

Therefore... You are a murderer!

(You paid to have those people murdered, even though there is no blood on your own hands.)

You can vicarious logic to extremes, which you have done here, and make all kinds of assertions. Let's see, you paid taxes during the Clinton years, therefore you were partly to blame for Clinton's blowjob. Even to say more direct infererences like calling Viet Nam troops murderers is nuts, considering they were drafted for the most part and were threatened with up to execution for desertion.

Please, make the arguments have a somewhatdirect component.

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***is george bush a murderer?

No but Clinton probably was...........does that count?

Mena,Arkansas smuggling operation

Whitewater witnesses turning up dead

Unexplained deaths on his state trooper security detachment

oh....... and Vince Foster's "suicide"

and LBJ too, with his handiwork in JFK's assassination..........whew,I think I covered most of the presidential murder conspiracy theories

I see the theme here ..... all Dems bad / all Repubs good. Are you serious?

LBJ was a SOB in many ways via the Kennedy deal and VN, Nixon was a cheat and a liar, but a great joiner of countries. Reagan,Bush 1, and Bush 2 are serious deficit spenders via shipping loads of cash to corps, but they have differences besides that. Regan carried a certian ora with him that made him a descent leader, although I dislike him. Bush 1 was a descent character (wwii hero) who bore the brunt of Reagan's deficit spending, Bush 2 is a semi-litterate buffoon that cares little about life; can you find 1 positive deed he's done? Please post.

Point is, this, "my side is perfect - yours sucks" is blind partisanship, but does nothing to support your argument.

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interesting that the so called murders you listed are/were all Democrats. Lets not forgot old Ted Kennedy. I'm sure that his name belongs on that list.
I thought that only republicans where war mongering murders and democrats where the more peace loving of the two parties At least that's what the media keeps telling me. Then again, who was it that sent troops into Vietnam? Wasn't it one of the most revered Democratic presidents in modern history JFK?
Funny how things change. Don't ya think?

No, the Repubs are Fascist, totalitarian Nazis ;)

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Sorry, forgot a few. FDR-WW2 Wilson WW1 Both Democrats

Your argument held some water until this. Are you saying that WWII was a black eye in the face of the US? Does being attacked by a country and having others declare war make a person/country not peace-loving? Paaalease.

You forgot Korea BTW. Remember, the parties change a lot. It was the Repubs that signed the Emancipation Proclamaition. When Johnson pushed civil rights for blacks, he turned many southern dems into repubs overnight, so there was a great shift of ideology/membership then.

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any soldier that kills someone froma direct order is not resposable for that killing, who is giving the initial orders here? thousands are dead from his decisions.

Does that mean that those who served under Hitler, or hell, even Saddam, are not responsible for their killings?

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Sorry, forgot a few. FDR-WW2 Wilson WW1 Both Democrats

Your argument held some water until this. Are you saying that WWII was a black eye in the face of the US? Does being attacked by a country and having others declare war make a person/country not peace-loving? Paaalease.

Actually I didn't for get about Korea. I was just trying to make the case that both sides have used the sword not just Republicans. But let me address your other question.
Had some one kept a watchfull eye on Germany after WW1 and had some one acted premtivly to reduce Germanys re-newed war making capabilitys then things would have been much different

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How do you call someone paying a murderer but, not killing by himself? No blood on his own hands...

I voted: Yes, he is.

This from someone in Germany...home of the greatist run of murders ever.:S

16 MILLON sheesh...People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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While I may disagree with their vote too, if you want to talk numbers, lets not forget about the indians [:/]

Every country (that I can think of, maybe there are exceptions) has a history where they did some grave injustice. Let's not forget that and keep to the topic at hand :P

Now, do I think Bush is a murderer: No.

He has made decisions that cost lives, and while I may disagree with a lot of them, I do believe he is doing what he thinks is right for the country.

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This from someone in Germany...home of the greatist run of murders ever.

16 MILLON sheesh...People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.

But Ron, I'm confused. A little while back you had this to say on the 'Glass parking lot' discussion.


b. We NUKE them(Or any vicious killing spree)...Really a bad choice. While I can understand the use of the two bombs in Japan...And in that case I feel it did save many lives on both sides...You can't nuke a city and only kill the people that are against you....You would kill them all. And that would just give the US a really bad name in the World, opposition to the US would mount and the rosters of the terrorist's would overflow...The US can't fight the world.

An admirable sentiment to be sure, but wait a minute, aren't you from the US, the only nation to have used Atomic weapons in anger?

How can you possibly be opposed to nuclear war with that terrible history behind you?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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But Ron, I'm confused. A little while back you had this to say on the 'Glass parking lot' discussion.


b. We NUKE them(Or any vicious killing spree)...Really a bad choice. While I can understand the use of the two bombs in Japan...And in that case I feel it did save many lives on both sides...You can't nuke a city and only kill the people that are against you....You would kill them all. And that would just give the US a really bad name in the World, opposition to the US would mount and the rosters of the terrorist's would overflow...The US can't fight the world.


An admirable sentiment to be sure, but wait a minute, aren't you from the US, the only nation to have used Atomic weapons in anger?

They were not used in anger...They were used in war. And the use of those two weapons saved close to a millon lives by taking 250,000. Much less I might add than the normal carpet bombing that was already taking place.

An Atomic weapon would be a bad tool for Iraq.


How can you possibly be opposed to nuclear war with that terrible history behind you?

Who said I was opposed to nuclear weapons? Re-read it...I said that it would be a bad choice to use in this situation.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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