
Do the moderators play favorites in deciding who to ban?

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I don't think anyone has complained about rules involving name calling or racist/hate speech. It's the "we reserve the right..." to ban someone who is "legally within the rules"

One person's racist/hate speech is another's smartass remark. If you delineate extremely clear unambiguous rules, then people who like to skate really close to the edge all of the time will skate close to (and over) those rules too. Or they'll think of a new word, not on the officially-proscribed list, to call someone a (insert racist/hate term here).

You really think that wouldn't happen?

The idea is to be polite. Polite is how you tell someone "I disagree with you vehemently, but I don't intend to directly give offense." Of course, piss someone off, and then they do intend to give offense. Especially if they think they can get away with it.

Wendy W.

If there were NOT a problem then this thread would have died after the first post.

If there were NOT a problem it wouldn't have started in the first place.

If there were NOT a problem Mardigras wouldn't have started the thread with "Please don't ban me for this".

If there were NOT a problem then the other 200+ posts on this very subject over the last week wouldn't have happened.

Are you claiming there's not a problem?
If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

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The SC decided in its wisdom that vague laws are bad laws.

Like the Constitution? Of course, it's not the least subject to interpretation, is it? :o

Wendy W.

The SC does not have the authority to declare the Constitution unconstitutional. Where it has the authority, it declares vague laws unconstitutional.

I always find it funny when people say that US law, constitutions and court rulings should be used for a site ran by an WhenWe (or is it Mozambique.. sorry Willem) living in SA and hosted in Canada! lmao

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The SC decided in its wisdom that vague laws are bad laws.

Like the Constitution? Of course, it's not the least subject to interpretation, is it? :o

Wendy W.

The SC does not have the authority to declare the Constitution unconstitutional. Where it has the authority, it declares vague laws unconstitutional.

I always find it funny when people say that US law, constitutions and court rulings should be used for a site ran by an WhenWe (or is it Mozambique.. sorry Willem) living in SA and hosted in Canada! lmao

He didn't say that at all. He said it's rulings on vague laws are a good model to follow.

BTW the US does just happen to have the world's longest serving written constitution, so presumably there's not too much wrong with it or its implementation.

Do Canada and SA allow vague laws?

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the greenies get together in their dungeon

Hmm, now I have a sudden desire to be a greenie... :$

But I don't think I could handle the torture of having to read everything in Speaker's Corner... (Hmm, maybe Tom, Bill & Quade are all secretly masochists.) :P

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It's a conspiracy, I tell ya. You've got your left wing pinkos seeking to hold the masses of those trying to inject reason into feeling-based leftist ideals. To be held down like that hurts some feelings. Ironic.

Or, you've got your right-wing ex-military hardcore authoritarians who are fed up with mindless drivel and ban people, lock threads and indicate their displeasure with the subject of conversation. This is unreasonable to those who are based on feelings.

You've even got a libertarian BASE jumper banning other BASE jumpers for breaking forum rules! HA! Imagine a BASE jumper maintaining order, rule and discipline and exercising authority.

Is this comedy? No. It's a lesson in what real fucking life is. Piss people off, they'll remember until you stop. Keep pissing people off, they'll never forget. Bitch and whine and snivel about how rights are being violated, there's unfair treatment, yadda yadda? Allegedly pinko moderators banning people using arbitrary and capricious standards? Piss people off, they'll give you less and less rope, until a minor perceived infraction results in punishment.

Sound like the way life works? Well, suck it up cupcakes. That's the way it is in life, too. Piss a girlfriend off, you are not getting laid that night. Keep pissing her off, you're couch surfing. She stays mad at continued actions, that failure to put down the toilet seat (pretty minor) becomes the straw that breaks the camel's back and you're done. Suck it up, cupcake. You had warning.

I just let an employee get for failure to perform her job. The straw? She took two hours off to attend a neighbor's Christmas party. Fairly minor incident, but the final one. She has a right to hang with her friends and talk about her bosses in bad terms behind their backs. And I have a right to hold it against her.

So, we've got a system here where the moderators are judge, jury and executioner. Suck it up, cupcakes.

We've got a system where the rules are open to interpetation by the moderators. Suck it up, cupcakes.

We've got a system here where one moderator may find an offense bannable, and another moderator may find it inoffensive and laugh about it. Suck it up, cupcakes.

We've got a system where I may get banned for making covert slams at people by calling them "cupcakes." Well, if that happens, I better suck it up. I don't think it's a personal attack, but a moderator may. I'm aware of the rules, and if that's the case, so be it.

Suck it up, cupcakes. If you can't handle rule enforcement for the good of the greater, even if you think it arbitrary and capricious, you've chosen the wrong hobby.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Are you claiming there's not a problem?

I don't think there is a problem. This post is only ongoing because there is dissention as to whether or not the greenies are biased. There are those that defend and those that condemn. It has nothing to do with whether or not there is an actual problem, it's just one more thing to debate about.

How 'bout we get back to discussing guns? ;)

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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There's a very good reason that the Supreme Court throws out vague laws as unconstitutional - if the law is vague it is going to be misunderstood and is open to abuse. Same applies here.

I must be dumb or something, but I just don't see how supreme court decisions apply to how someone runs a private forum.

I must be dumb or something,...

Hey, you know you can be banned for insulting yourself like that. Now go and appologize to yourself. :S

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There's a very good reason that the Supreme Court throws out vague laws as unconstitutional - if the law is vague it is going to be misunderstood and is open to abuse. Same applies here.

I must be dumb or something, but I just don't see how supreme court decisions apply to how someone runs a private forum.

He was merely drawing a parallel. But, if taken litterally, the US Sup Ct does get involved in many private matters more trivial in scope than an internet forum, but it must have a federal implication.

There are lower appellate courts that handle state cases that are again, more trivial than an internet issue.

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It's a conspiracy, I tell ya. You've got your left wing pinkos seeking to hold the masses of those trying to inject reason into feeling-based leftist ideals. To be held down like that hurts some feelings. Ironic.

Or, you've got your right-wing ex-military hardcore authoritarians who are fed up with mindless drivel and ban people, lock threads and indicate their displeasure with the subject of conversation. This is unreasonable to those who are based on feelings.

You've even got a libertarian BASE jumper banning other BASE jumpers for breaking forum rules! HA! Imagine a BASE jumper maintaining order, rule and discipline and exercising authority.

Is this comedy? No. It's a lesson in what real fucking life is. Piss people off, they'll remember until you stop. Keep pissing people off, they'll never forget. Bitch and whine and snivel about how rights are being violated, there's unfair treatment, yadda yadda? Allegedly pinko moderators banning people using arbitrary and capricious standards? Piss people off, they'll give you less and less rope, until a minor perceived infraction results in punishment.

Sound like the way life works? Well, suck it up cupcakes. That's the way it is in life, too. Piss a girlfriend off, you are not getting laid that night. Keep pissing her off, you're couch surfing. She stays mad at continued actions, that failure to put down the toilet seat (pretty minor) becomes the straw that breaks the camel's back and you're done. Suck it up, cupcake. You had warning.

I just let an employee get for failure to perform her job. The straw? She took two hours off to attend a neighbor's Christmas party. Fairly minor incident, but the final one. She has a right to hang with her friends and talk about her bosses in bad terms behind their backs. And I have a right to hold it against her.

So, we've got a system here where the moderators are judge, jury and executioner. Suck it up, cupcakes.

We've got a system where the rules are open to interpetation by the moderators. Suck it up, cupcakes.

We've got a system here where one moderator may find an offense bannable, and another moderator may find it inoffensive and laugh about it. Suck it up, cupcakes.

We've got a system where I may get banned for making covert slams at people by calling them "cupcakes." Well, if that happens, I better suck it up. I don't think it's a personal attack, but a moderator may. I'm aware of the rules, and if that's the case, so be it.

Suck it up, cupcakes. If you can't handle rule enforcement for the good of the greater, even if you think it arbitrary and capricious, you've chosen the wrong hobby.

Is this a trial summation? If so, it'snot very good! :P

...rule enforcement for the good of the greater...

Uh oh, that's utilitarianism, which is derived from Communism.... are you suggesting we become more Commi in here?

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Are you claiming there's not a problem?

There isn't a problem. I've never been banned and I post a lot in SC and have plenty of arguments with those that post in here. I've been warned once (by a greenie that holds similar beliefs) about something I didn't think was against the rules; I got a bunch of PMs asking me why I got a warning as well. You know what? I didn't care. I took the warning, nodded my head and moved on to the next thread.

Geez, its just a website and if you don't like it or the rules you don't need to stick around.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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Are you claiming there's not a problem?

There isn't a problem. I've never been banned and I post a lot in SC and have plenty of arguments with those that post in here. I've been warned once (by a greenie that holds similar beliefs) about something I didn't think was against the rules; I got a bunch of PMs asking me why I got a warning as well. You know what? I didn't care. I took the warning, nodded my head and moved on to the next thread.

Geez, its just a website and if you don't like it or the rules you don't need to stick around.

So you're in a boat and several people say they think it's leaking. Do you (1) Deny there's a leak, (2) Say there's a leak but we musn't rock the boat, (3) Ask for suggestions to fix the leak, or (4) say "this is a great boat, if you don't like this boat, get out and swim".

All four attitudes have been expressed in this thread.
If you can't fix it with a hammer, the problem's electrical.

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are you suggesting we become more Commi in here?

I'm suggesting that the moderators do what they do because they have been given that authority. And people need to suck it up.

Hell, tunaplanet is, in all honesty, probably one of the nicest guys I have ever known. Sure, his posts can be pretty damned blunt, and I disagree with him regularly. Problem is, it doesn't matter what a teddy bear tunaplanet really is. The posts, on their face, can be somewhat inflammatory. Same with kallend, ron, etc.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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So you're in a boat and several people say they think it's leaking. Do you (1) Deny there's a leak, (2) Say there's a leak but we musn't rock the boat, (3) Ask for suggestions to fix the leak, or (4) say "this is a great boat, if you don't like this boat, get out and swim".

All four attitudes have been expressed in this thread.

This isn't a boat. This isn't real life. This is a web forum. There are thousands of them out there and you can create your own if you want. You can use this site as a tool and never post on here. You can never post on here and still be a part of this community.

I tend to buck authority on a regular basis. But when I am in someones house, I play by their rules. If I don't like it, I leave.
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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So you're in a boat and several people say they think it's leaking. Do you (1) Deny there's a leak, (2) Say there's a leak but we musn't rock the boat, (3) Ask for suggestions to fix the leak, or (4) say "this is a great boat, if you don't like this boat, get out and swim".

Horrible analogy. Let me make it closer.

You're in a fine restaurant getting a free meal and several people also getting free meals say they don't like the service. (1) Deny that the service is poor (2) Say, yeah the service is poor, but it's free food so who cares (3) Ask the waiter to provide better service (4) Tell the complainers to not look a gift horse in the mouth, no one is forcing them to be there and they can go to another restaurant or go home and cook their own meal.

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>So you're in a boat . . .

This isn't a boat. It's more like a hot dog stand that gives out free hotdogs (chili dogs cost extra.) If you don't like the free hotdogs, you can go to another hotdog stand. If you fight with people in line all the time, or curse at the sauerkraut guy, the owner might just say "no hotdog for you."

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>So you're in a boat . . .

This isn't a boat. It's more like a hot dog stand that gives out free hotdogs (chili dogs cost extra.) If you don't like the free hotdogs, you can go to another hotdog stand. If you fight with people in line all the time, or curse at the sauerkraut guy, the owner might just say "no hotdog for you."

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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