
Why call yourself (anything) American?

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So this reference is moot to me.

Thats critical thinking:S...Ignore anything that proves you wrong.

You sure you are in school?

The reference is moot to me because it was an opinion statement from Teddy Roosevelt in 1915. Women couldn;t even vote yet, or have basic human/civil rights, so are you going to tell me we should cite ethics of our leaders from that era?

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I think people like to distinguish themselves form the norm. They like to indicate they are different

Then why do they bitch when they think they are being treated differently?

they were threated differently (worse) before the advent of the hyphen, so get your chronology straight.

Shouldn't you be asking: Why did our forefathers buy people? Why did our forefathers kill the American Indians and steal their country? Why did America lock up good Americans simply because they had roots in Japan, but were good citizens otherwise? Why did America have on the books, laws that allowed for the deportation of women who marry non-white males? HUH, why not ask those questions? I know, racism is still alive and well and if someone wants to recognize their culture, they're being stupid.

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I find that people using the term African American pisses of Africans and the Irish American thing gets up peoples noses too.
When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
Lucius Annaeus Seneca

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The reference is moot to me because it was an opinion statement from Teddy Roosevelt in 1915. Women couldn;t even vote yet, or have basic human/civil rights, so are you going to tell me we should cite ethics of our leaders from that era?

So all opinion statements from American leaders prior to the 1960s are invalid and have no bearing on your thinking whatsoever?

All thoughts on patriotism, leadership, and legality are useless if they predate the current system?

A very ...interesting... way of determining an idea's worth you have there.
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I find that people using the term African American pisses of Africans and the Irish American thing gets up peoples noses too.

Especially if, as someone else pointed out, they have never set foot on the continent, nor do they know anything at all about being African (or Irish).:S

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I find that people using the term African American pisses of Africans and the Irish American thing gets up peoples noses too.

Especially if, as someone else pointed out, they have never set foot on the continent, nor do they know anything at all about being African (or Irish).:S

Since I spent 7 weeks working in Ireland doing volunteer social work in churches and spending the weekends on my family farm and traveling the entire country ....and that I only have to file the paperwork to get an Irish passport in my name since my grandparents were from there (would make life easier traveling in EC countries).....does this give me the right??? I never really liked using the hyphenated term for me - then my family in Ireland thought it was respectful of the family roots and said I should be using it.

Either way it really doesn't matter to me what you call me, I don't use it on any forms and I never ask anyone to refer to me that way. It's something I will mention when asked. Do I care that anyone will have an issue with me saying it? Nope, not at all. Like I said - I just don't understand the fuss everyone makes about this. Does it really effect your day-to-day being???:S
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
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If you don't like the system, thumb your nose at it by from now on referring to yourself as a Jedi - I'm serious.

I can't think of a better way of letting "the man" know that you think the PC classification system is a crap idea.

390,000 of us did it over here and it worked wonders to bring them down a peg or two.

From now on, you shall all be Jedi-Americans and shall henceforth be allowed to make "bbrrrrthew... bbbbbreeetheww" sounds as you waft an imaginary light sabre in the faces of the authorities.

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Because the system gives material benefits to those who do. It's a purely mercenary act.

Again, I tried to say the same thing earlier and someone does it much better and more succinctly.

Nicely put

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The reference is moot to me because it was an opinion statement from Teddy Roosevelt in 1915. Women couldn;t even vote yet, or have basic human/civil rights, so are you going to tell me we should cite ethics of our leaders from that era?

And that is a lame argument. I'm done with you. It's clear that you will discount in from good sources and get your info from 12 year olds websites.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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and that I only have to file the paperwork to get an Irish passport in my name since my grandparents were from there

Your grandparents on both sides? I'm allowed to work in the UK thanks to my ancestry visa (Scottish grandparents). However I'd never call myself Scottish South African. Similarly I've never met any Kiwis or Australians who'd call themselves Irish Australian or Welsh Kiwi. This seems to be mostly an American thing.


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Your grandparents on both sides? I'm allowed to work in the UK thanks to my ancestry visa (Scottish grandparents).

It doesn't need to be both sets of grandparents. I haven't looked into doing it for a few years - not since 9/11 and don't know if anything has changed since then. When/If I finally get back to Europe I will look into it again just to make travel easier.


This seems to be mostly an American thing.


If anything the hyphen makes it easier to say what your heritage is without letting go of your nationality. Besides, maybe all of those Irish in Oz aren't proud of how their families got started there :P
you can burn the land and boil the sea, but you can't take the sky from me....
I WILL fly again.....

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I mean why bother adding the description?

Why not just be an American? (If you are)

Does it really matter?

Here's my experience:

Some Guy: "So, where are you from?"
Me: "San Francisco."
SG: "No, I mean where are you originally from."
Me: "I'm originally from San Francisco. I was born at St. Mary's on Stanyan Street."
SG: "Yeah, but you don't look American."

Hand to God, I can't count how many times I've had that conversation in my lifetime.

edited for spelling

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Hand to God, I can't count how many times I've had that conversation in my lifetime.

Some folks are just stupid.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Yeah, the guy is an asshat. Whacha gonna do?

It's not just one guy. I've had this same conversation with literally hundreds of people all over the US. I've criss-crossed this country up, down and sideways and it doesn't matter where I am, someone will come up and ask me what country I'm from. It's frustrating and annoying and incredibly naive to think that ethnicity doesn't have any impact on being an American.

I've had a complete stranger actually challenge me on my citizenship and right to be in the US. At the time, I was working out of a corner office at a Wall Street investment bank, paying more in state taxes than he made gross annually x 5. But apparently, being melanin-blessed makes my citizenship suspect.

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Could it be that some of them were curious about your ancestry, not your citizenship?

Or do you just have all the luck in locating imbeciles?
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Could it be that some of them were curious about your ancestry, not your citizenship?

I know Laura....They were most likely hitting on her....But not doing very well;)

Laura...How U doin?;)
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Could it be that some of them were curious about your ancestry, not your citizenship??

I wish.


Or do you just have all the luck in locating imbeciles

I have pretty good Moron-Radar, but I've been told "funny, you don't look American" by: a Vice-Chairman of a huge Wall Street bank, some partners at a very prestigious Chicago law firm, a Colonel in the US Army, and a Dean from one of the Ivy League Business schools.

Yeah, I may be from crunchy-granola San Francisco and I may be (gasp!) a Democrat, but ethnic profiling in any way, shape or form - be it affirmative action, or whatever - is just fucking bullshit. We all have the same opportunities and responsibilities. But it never ceases to amaze me that in 2004, I'm still not American-looking enough in my own country.

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"funny, you don't look American"

job position and function doesnt mean they are not ignorant (dont get me started on colonels..:P) anyone that tries to judge citizenship (particularly US citizenship) on appearance is ignorant, completely disregarding the entire history of our country...

about the only time i'd ever ask about citizenship vs ancestry is based on accent...there are accents that tend to identify your country of origin, or at least the culture of origin if your family retained and used alot of their original language at home...

unfortunately your experience reflects more on the state of the American educational system and a lack of critical thinking skills on the part of the individual than anything else...[:/]
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...there are accents that tend to identify your country of origin, or at least the culture of origin if your family retained and used alot of their original language at home...

Like Wisconsin, or New York, or Alabama, or Belgium.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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...there are accents that tend to identify your country of origin, or at least the culture of origin if your family retained and used alot of their original language at home...

Like Wisconsin, or New York, or Alabama, or Belgium.

well three of those are 'American accents'... so are expected.. if i heard a Belgium accent i'd likely ask him/her where they were from... its not very hard to recognize it as European but unless you are familar with the specific country you might not be able to identify it...

I imagine most Europeans dont have any issues telling the difference between a Belgium and an Austrian accent either....even when they are both speaking English...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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