
Buh-bye Tom Ridge

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>what is amazing is he actually seems to believe he has done
>something to make america safer...

Well, Ashcroft said we're safer now. After all, they confiscated nail clippers from air travelers for a little while.

As I drive to the local (small) airport to get my plane out, I now have a policeman to wave at. Dunno how much it costs the city to keep a police presence there 24/7. The guys must be bored out of their heads.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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It costs the National Park Service millions per day when the Security color is raised to Orange. The budget they are given is the same as if it was all Blue. They are now cutting other programs and services to pay for the additional security they now have to provide. BLM is having the same issue and rumor has it that they want to give up some of their lands that border on NPS lands so they don't have to secure them also and pass that on to the NPS.

Next time you go to a National Park and have to pay a $10 entrance fee and a $10 parking fee be sure to thank the rent a cop that is standing there since he's where your money is going to.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Next time you go to a National Park and have to pay a $10 entrance fee and a $10 parking fee be sure to thank the rent a cop that is standing there since he's where your money is going to.

So GWB is creating jobs.:ph34r:;)


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>Resulting in a subsequent reduced staffing budget and therefore less rangers patrolling parks? I can see how this can be a good thing.

Good thing for BASE? Sometimes. Often times they are just restricting hours the park is open to visitors. Death Valley now opens at like 10 am instead of the 7 am it used to. They are forgoing buying new equipment and are passing rescue costs along to the entire party associated with back country rescues again. Back country rangers for the most part are still doing their thing, expecially at extremely popular spots like El Cap and other famous points in National Parks. Last thing you want as a BASE'er is for BLM to start giving up their lands and putting it in NPS control... Can you imagine Moab being NPS controled :S
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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do you really feel that un-safe? I do not. All we hear about is the 'new threats', which tells me that the measures we have taken are not working. Or more likely, they just want us to stay scared so they can further the agenda.

Are you are willing to give up so many freedoms in the name of security?

It could, can, and probably will get much worse

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>Every day I thank God you guys aren't making the decisions that
>effect my security.

The guys who are in charge:

-just lost Pakistan's help in hunting Bin Laden
-are phasing out the TSA at some airports and going back to rent-a-cops at checkpoints

Feel safer yet?

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Seems like Ridge's replacement will be Bernie Kerrick (sp on the last name - not sure at all, and no time to verify). Breaking news just over MSNBC, supposedly to be confirmed/officially named tomorrow.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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[replyThe guys who are in charge:

-just lost Pakistan's help in hunting Bin Laden

How did we lose their help? I think it's pretty clear he's not there.
"There is not an inch of South Waziristan or the tribal area which we have not swept time and again, and if he was here in the tribal areas, I can assure you that he wouldn't have escaped my eyes and ears."....Lt. Gen. Safdar Hussain, military chief of northwest Pakistan

-are phasing out the TSA at some airports and going back to rent-a-cops at checkpoints

The TSA screeners weren't doing much better than the system that was in place before. There's plenty of reports of that. Why force the airports to use gov't employees if its not any more effective? It's gonna take more than box cutters to bring down airliners this time.

Feel safer yet?

We won't be "safe" again for a long time, if ever. Those days are gone. But I know that the best way to deal with the "cut your head off" crowd is to stay on the offensive. As long as you keep them moving and on the run they can't mount any major strikes. Yes, they'll blow things up here and there but the chances of another 911 style attack go way down. It's not prefect...W said it over and over during the debates (a few too many times IMO) It's hard work. I think everyone can agree that most things worth having don't come easily.
Please don't dent the planet.

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>How did we lose their help? I think it's pretty clear he's not there.

Bin Laden 'alive and in Pakistan'
Monday, September 27, 2004

(CNN) -- Intelligence indicates Osama bin Laden is alive, Pakistan's president says, and the top U.S. military official in Afghanistan believes the al Qaeda leader is probably in Pakistan.

On a visit to The Hague in the Netherlands Monday, Pervez Musharraf told reporters that interrogations of captured al Qaeda operatives and technological evidence indicate bin Laden is alive.


US looking for "right hole" to find bin Laden

Wed Dec 1, 1:03 AM ET

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (AFP) - The United States is looking for the "right hole" in which to find Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) like it did with former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein (news - web sites), the new US ambassador to Pakistan said.

. . .

International intelligence agencies have long believed bin Laden is hiding in cave-pocked mountains straddling the remote Afghan-Pakistan frontier.


Pakistan Backs Off Bin Laden Hunt

POSTED: 1:00 pm EST November 27, 2004

PESHAWAR, Pakistan -- The Pakistan army says it is withdrawing troops from the area where Osama bin Laden and a top aide are believed to be hiding.

. . .

Although the tribal region is considered a possible hiding place for bin Laden and his deputy, a senior Pakistan general has said there's been no sign of them. But earlier this month, the deputy commander of U.S. Central Command said it was "essential" that Pakistan continue military operations in the area.


> We won't be "safe" again for a long time, if ever.

We are much safer today than during the time I was growing up. We're not currently threatened by the nuclear annhiliation of many of our major cities - and no matter how scary the specter of another 9/11 is, it doesn't hold a candle to all-out nuclear war.

We are also safer today than we were on September 10, 2001. It has nothing to do with our airport security, and it certainly has nothing to do with the war in Iraq, which has placed us in greater danger. It has to do with our understanding of the world. We stopped seeing terrorism as something that happened to someone else, and we realized it could happen to us.

Our complacence, and our willingness to just sit back and take it, ended a few hours after the first plane hit the towers, when Todd Beamer and company fought back against the hijackers of the fourth plane, and won. That is the single biggest improvement in our security we've seen.

>But I know that the best way to deal with the "cut your head off" crowd
> is to stay on the offensive. As long as you keep them moving and on
>the run they can't mount any major strikes.

Keep killing arabs for the next 50 years and they're won't be any more terrorism? That's worked really well for Israel.

>Yes, they'll blow things up here and there but the chances of another
> 911 style attack go way down.

I think that:

-creating tens of thousands of new terrorists through endless killing
-giving up on looking for the perpetrator of 9/11
-losing our allies in 'the war on terror'

will result in a greater, not a lesser, likelihood of another 9/11.

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