
Creation or Evolution - what do you think

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i think evolution (existance) is the creator. to think someting (other that existance itself)created everything is bloody stupid. what created the creator.

what came first the chuicken or the egg?

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will see peace." - 'Jimi' Hendrix

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There was just a report on the news, that 55% of the U.S. citizens believe in creation as the source of life, while 45% believe in evolution. I wonder what you think?
Please keep in mind that I'm more interested in the figures than in people starting fights about their opinion.

First of all, we have to define "life." In that definition, we have to answer the question, "How many diferent forms of life are there?" (Organic, Mechanical, Supernatural, Cross-Dimentional, etc etc) After that is clear and undisputedly proven, then we could explore the question of how "life" came to be.

Did a Cross-Dimentional life form interact with a Supernatural life form to do something causing a mechanical life form to affect a chemical reation causing organic life to be created? Perhaps. Did lightning strike a rock that was near some primordial ooze, giving an electrolytic reaction leading to life? Maybe. But did we just -"Poof" there it is- and there we were . . . as literally as that - probably not.

A more reasonable answer is that, if it wasn't by pure chance and chaos, that if it was a specific act, implemented at will, buy some thing, or some one, that that person or someone affected a chemical reaction to start the process of evolution.

The religions described things in ways that were understandable by the scientific tools and knowledge that was available then. Society out grows what they believed in their youth. Ages change.

Given - there are still some unexplainables, but slowly we are approacjing answers for those too.

The Bible, although being a ancient book, shows GREAT insight into the human psyche. The old testament was great in it's time, but needed to be changed to reflect the societal needs. I.e. Eye for an Eye became turn the other cheek. So the New Testament was introduced. Wise men and women wrote these books. Perhaps knowing that a guideline was needed to prevent chaos from consuming life as they knew it. In there lies a paradox.

The human psyche is fragile. Give it something to take the blame for all that is not understood or accepted, and you have created religion.

Religion is a way for a lot of people to feel better about them selves and show, in most cases, what we call "humanity" to one another. In some cases the zealots that are in power within this religon start abusing the power, not necessarily trying to do the wrong thing, rather, following an extreme version of what was once a good way to help keep a social sect in check and productive, and one which started out as a good thing, and turn it into something that borders a discription of the antonym to humanity.

If that made sense to you, good, if not - try this - God created man, so that man could create God.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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Religion is made up of two parts - having power and using a scapegoat.

The scapegoat thing - humans have no idea why we are here, how we got here and why things happen. To put this into context, we create a scapegoat which "explains" everything and takes away any responsibilty from ourselves.

Power - it is human nature that some humans will want to lead and have power over others, and other humans take a back seat and want to be lead, ie Survival of the Fittest.

Both tie in with each other.

A good example is this guy in the UK put out an advert saying Mail Me with no details bar his mailing address. I forget how many replies he got, but it was heaps. He could have set up his own following or religion through that.


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If you take all the parts required to make a watch and place them in an a box, you can shake that box for a million years and you will never have a working watch!


You've tried, I take it.

Explain how making a watch is an analogy for making DNA (or any chemical reaction, for that matter).

180 years ago it was thought that "organic" chemicals could only be created by living organisms (hence the name "organic". Then in 1828 Friedrich Wohler then upset the applecart by synthesizing an organic chemical in the lab.

We now know that complex amino acids (the basis of proteins) can be made very quickly by simply sparking a gas having the composition of the early Earth's atmosphere. We know that complex organics can be catalyzed on the surface of natural crystals. An artificial virus has already been created in the lab. Variants of DNA that do not occur in nature have now been created by chemists.

In short, your analogy is bad and you are very unlikely to be correct.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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My .02: You can't prove either. For me personally, it takes less faith to believe that someone did all this on purpose than a hundred trillion coincidences happened at precisely the right time.

As far as the 6 days that everyone on here was talking about. It does say that in the Bible, but it also says that 1 day to God is the same as a 10,000 years. I don't remember chapter and verse, but trust me its in there (KJV). It also says that some things you will never understand until you get to Heaven.

Its seems to me that its more logical to believe in the old earth through Creation.

As far as evolution, they can't prove that either. I read daily of new things coming out that prove that the earth is older and older(which supports evolution), but I have yet to read of anything coming out that talks about a discovery that botches the old earth support of evolution. Typical liberal media.

Think Evolution is correct? Think Creation is correct?Polls taken in the late 1400's would overwhelmingly show that the average human thought the earth was flat, until C Columbus blew that theory. I wonder if some futurists on DZ.com will uncover this post in 500 years and discuss how stupid we were to believe in .......

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My .02: You can't prove either. For me personally, it takes less faith to believe that someone did all this on purpose than a hundred trillion coincidences happened at precisely the right time.

Which theory requires that? Evolution doesn't.

So, one argument bites the dust


As far as the 6 days that everyone on here was talking about. It does say that in the Bible, but it also says that 1 day to God is the same as a 10,000 years. I don't remember chapter and verse, but trust me its in there (KJV). It also says that some things you will never understand until you get to Heaven.

Well, if I redefine "tail" to mean "leg", a dog has 5 legs. But it's rather silly to do that, isn't it. If we don't allow words to have defined meanings then we don't get very far.


Its seems to me that its more logical to believe in the old earth through Creation.

No logic applies to faith, and faith needs no logic. Creationism is faith, not science.

As far as evolution, they can't prove that either. I read daily of new things coming out that prove that the earth is older and older(which supports evolution), but I have yet to read of anything coming out that talks about a discovery that botches the old earth support of evolution. Typical liberal media.

What does science have to do with the politics of the media? That's a non-sequitur if ever I saw one.

Think Evolution is correct? Think Creation is correct?Polls taken in the late 1400's would overwhelmingly show that the average human thought the earth was flat, until C Columbus blew that theory. I wonder if some futurists on DZ.com will uncover this post in 500 years and discuss how stupid we were to believe in .......

Appealing to what might happen in the future is not a very logical way to frame a debate about the past.


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>For me personally, it takes less faith to believe that someone did all
> this on purpose than a hundred trillion coincidences happened at
> precisely the right time.

Why? There are a hundred trillion planets out there. It only took one case where they all happened this way. And they didn't _have_ to happen this way - make one of those hundred trillion coincidences happen a different way and we'd have green skin, or radial symmetry, or compound eyes. Or there would be even more fundamental differences, like distributed instead of mitochondrial ATP production in our cells, or use of magnesium instead of sodium levels to drive nerve polarization. And we'd be arguing about the same thing.

>Polls taken in the late 1400's would overwhelmingly show that the
> average human thought the earth was flat, until C Columbus blew
> that theory.

Some believed the world was flat for long after that. I have no doubt that creationism will persist for long after the fossil record is complete - and it's getting more complete every day.

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I read daily of new things coming out that prove that the earth is older and older(which supports evolution), but I have yet to read of anything coming out that talks about a discovery that botches the old earth support of evolution. Typical liberal media.

I've yet to read about anything that "botches the old earth support of evolution" as you put it, that wasn't written by pseudo scientists with mail order degrees and/or a willfull ignorance of the scientific method.


Think Evolution is correct? Think Creation is correct?Polls taken in the late 1400's would overwhelmingly show that the average human thought the earth was flat, until C Columbus blew that theory.

You are onto something with this line of reasoning:
A flat earth was suggested by the bible, not to mention the earth as the center of the universe, and other long since debunked ideas.
The reality of a round earth that orbits the sun, which is in turn but one of oodles of stars in our galaxy, and so on, is due to increasing use of the scientific method to understand our world.

So to answer your question:
I've little doubt that future generations will look back and marvel at how stupid some of us were to doggedly hang on to the idea of creationism in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
If you have time to panic, you have time to do something more productive. -Me*
*Ron has accused me of plagiarizing this quote. He attributes it to Douglas Adams.

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You can't prove either. For me personally, it takes less faith to believe that someone did all this on purpose than a hundred trillion coincidences happened at precisely the right time.

When you think of chance of our evolution in terms of a hundred trillion coincidences at the right time, its easy to see why it isn't plausible. Think of it as looking at the wrong part of the tree. When you look at the individual leaf, you are lookin at a one chance in a (whatever amount of leaves in the tree) leaf. If you look at the trunk, you see all the leaves (chances). It's easier to fathom chance if you realize that the other 99 trillion chances are all around co-existing with you and you are just one of the 1/100 trillionth chances.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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I understand you guy's arguments, I just don't get it. Sorry, I'm thick like that. When you have someone who believes in a Biblical version of Creation, I don't think its possible to convince them otherwise. Faith. Strong word. The evidence of things not seen or measureable. It comes down to that. Thanks for the info, though.

Hopefully we can agree to disagree on this one. I'm sure I would be just burning up my keyboard to try to convince you otherwise.

The one thing that I do find very ironic is that Darwin even started to doubt his theories in the end before his death. I quote from his autobiography that he wrote in 1876. "Another source of conviction in the existence of God, connected with the reason, and not with the feelings, impresses me as having much more weight. This follows from the extreme difficulty or rather impossibility of conceiving this immense and wonderful universe, including man, with his capacity of looking far backwards and far into the future, as the result of blind chance. When thus reflecting, I feel compelled to look to a first cause, having an intelligent mind in some degree analogous to that of man, I deserve to be called a Theist. This conclusion was strong in my mind about the time, as far as a I can remember, when I wrote the ‘Origin of Species’, and it is since that time that it has, gradually, with many fluctuations, become weaker. But then arises the thought-- Can the mind of man, which has, as I fully believe, been fully developed from a mind as low as that possessed by the lowest animals, be trusted when it draws such grand conclusion."

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The one thing that I do find very ironic is that Darwin even started to doubt his theories in the end before his death.

Are you sure about that, reading just that passage (and obviously I'm not seeing it in context) I would come to the opposite conclusion, that it is his faith in God that has become weaker over time.


Can the mind of man, which has, as I fully believe, been fully developed from a mind as low as that possessed by the lowest animals

Doesn't sound like much doubt in his work there, however


When thus reflecting, I feel compelled to look to a first cause, having an intelligent mind in some degree analogous to that of man, I deserve to be called a Theist. This conclusion was strong in my mind about the time, as far as a I can remember, when I wrote the ‘Origin of Species’, and it is since that time that it has, gradually, with many fluctuations, become weaker

Sounds like it is his faith in a 'first cause' that is failing, not his commitment to the accuracy of his work.
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but I have yet to read of anything coming out that talks about a discovery that botches the old earth support of evolution. Typical liberal media.

Or, maybe there are no credible discoveries being made that 'botch' evolution.

Have a look at these 15 answers to creationism, particularly number 4.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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To believe in a god and hence the creation theory is the same as believing in fairy tales. Why? A storry written in an old book with absolutely no scientific basis to back it up, Covers both fairy tales and bible.
The really scary thing about this is, that 55% of the population, of, arguably the most powerful nation on earth believe in fairies.

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Front page of one of the local Sunday papers the other day said that schools would begin teaching 'Intelligent Design', or whatever that mix of creation and evolution is.

I thought intelligent design was the politically correct way to say creationism in the public schools. I don't think it has anything to do with evolution.
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We must also consider that the King James version of the Bible was not the first place these stories appeared. They have been changed from earlier versions that appear in the Torah.
The idea of Creationism, as set forth by the King James Bible, is, in itself, a product of Evolution.
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