
Flag Burning Amendment

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They keep this up and the US constitution will look like the Texas constitution. A post Civil War constitution, designed to limit power rather than lay out broad guidelines, it had over 350 amendments in the mid-1990's.

The constitution should lay the groundwork, and leave the limitations and details (like flag-burning and what marriage is) elsewhere.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Anything like this can be handled at the municipal level if the locals feel it's that important. Seems even at that level there is more important things to spend energy on.

Certainly an amendment is out of line. It's like passing a law for people to be 'nice'. What's the point - they are still assholes.

If people are classless enough to burn a flag for any stupid reason, then they will be recognized for their impotent, ineffectual little tantrums and inability to recognize that pathetic 'statements' are just stupid - and a waste of energy that could have been used productively. It has all the social contribution as gratuitous swearing, shock jocks, and playground fighting.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Suppose it were against the law to burn a national flag. Would it be against the law to burn:

--a photo of the flag? Would it matter if the photo was b&w or color?
--a drawing of the flag?
--a really poor drawing of the flag, one only the artist would recognize?
--a magazine that had a flag photo, even if you didn't know the photo was in it?
--a flag that was similar in layout, but was black, green, and yellow instead of red, white, and blue?
--a flag that had peace symbols instead of stars?
--a flag that had 51 or more stars?
--a flag made in a country other than the one it represents (say, a US flag made in China)?

Should there be a similar law to prevent burning the US Constitution? Or would the Constitution be less worthy of protection than a flag?


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Well, kids can be expelled in schools for drawing a picture of a weapon....... So if there ever is a law against burning flags, let's not allow the NEA to define it - mmmmkay?

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I am against flag burning... I think there are better ways to protest. I have a lot of respect for our flag, as it's the symbol of our country, and I come from a family with many veterans. If my grandfather ever caught me doing anything to disrespect the flag, he'd slap me silly.

That said, while I oppose the act, I firmly believe that people have a legal right to do it, and that we shouldn't outlaw a valid method of protest. I don't like it, but I won't stop someone who wants to do it, just like I won't stop someone from saying something I disagree with.

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Im glad there are many intellectual people here and not merely blindly emotional . Flag burning is simply a cathartic release for those who feel they are not being heard. I would much rather someone burn a flag to make a statement than escalate and do a OKC bombing. Although I would not burn a flag as it stands, if it ever passed and became constitutional amendment I would be the first on the street burning. That action of amending the constitution would minimize ever veteran that died for our country, to simply dying for a piece of cloth and not for what it represents. Sad state of affairs

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Anything like this can be handled at the municipal level if the locals feel it's that important. Seems even at that level there is more important things to spend energy on.

Certainly an amendment is out of line. It's like passing a law for people to be 'nice'. What's the point - they are still assholes.

If people are classless enough to burn a flag for any stupid reason, then they will be recognized for their impotent, ineffectual little tantrums and inability to recognize that pathetic 'statements' are just stupid - and a waste of energy that could have been used productively. It has all the social contribution as gratuitous swearing, shock jocks, and playground fighting.

I agree. Let em do it, watch and take names. This is a good way to identify the idiots among us.

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Uh oh. Tough guy behind a keyboard alert.

no.. people on here that know me well KNOW that I stand up for what I believe in... If you dislike my country enough to burn my flag you need to leave... And you need an ass whipping... lol

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Uh oh. Tough guy behind a keyboard alert.

no.. people on here that know me well KNOW that I stand up for what I believe in... If you dislike my country enough to burn my flag you need to leave... And you need an ass whipping... lol

I was under the impression that burning was the correct way to dispose of a worn out flag.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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As it comes up every year, here it is again getting closer to becoming a Constitutional Amendment to Ban flag Burning. Curious what everyones thoughts were. Personally, I am adamantly against it becoming an amendment, and yes I am a veteran

I remember seeing somewhere that in every session of congress, someone proposes a bill to repeal the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

Fortunately, it never goes anywhere, but it does prove, as does the proposed flag amendment, that there are people on both sides who absolutely do not deserve to be serving as legislators on behalf of the people of the United States of America.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I remember seeing somewhere that in every session of congress, someone proposes a bill to repeal the Second Amendment to the Constitution.

Fortunately, it never goes anywhere, but it does prove, as does the proposed flag amendment, that there are people on both sides who absolutely do not deserve to be serving as legislators on behalf of the people of the United States of America.

Why would you say that? Whether you agree with them or not, there is a large group of people in the USA who would like to see the Second Ammendment repealed, or who believe that the deliberate destruction of one of our national symbols should be forbidden. Don't they deserve legislators to represent them as well? Isn't that what democracy is all about?
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Rhino- quick question, you are no doubt a patriot i am not trying or suggesting a lack of patriotism on youre part. What is more important to you, the flag, or the freedom it represents? The brave veterans in iraq now, are they there dying to give iraqi's a flag or as bush states "a nation that is free"? Take that freedom away and the flag is a medium that has lost its meaning and therefore is worthless. Imagine getting youre first drivers license then leaning its illegal for you to use it. It is not unpatriotic to give people the right to burn the flag. No U.S veteran in any war has ever died for a piece of cloth. If I were a veteran in heaven looking down and seen the very freedom I died for taken away i would be seething.

"I may not agree with what you say, however I will fight to the death, youre right to say it."

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No U.S veteran in any war has ever died for a piece of cloth.

As you aren't a veteran and you clearly don't understand that to many it isn't just a piece of cloth... I resent the fact that you would insinuate such a thing or even say it.


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Uh oh. Tough guy behind a keyboard alert.

no.. people on here that know me well KNOW that I stand up for what I believe in... If you dislike my country enough to burn my flag you need to leave... And you need an ass whipping... lol

So, let's look at this logically.

Buring a piece of cloth is bad.

Physically hurting someone that burns a piece of cloth is Ok.

Good job.


You be the king and I'll overthrow your government. --KRS-ONE

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