
911: Tips for Coping with September 11 Anniversary

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For many Americans the one-year anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks will bring on a variety of emotions, from helplessness and despair to anxiety and anger. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and a coalition of other leading victim assistance groups are offering tips to help people understand and cope with their feelings as the nation reflects on one of its most traumatic events.

"Because the September 11th events were unexpected, and so tragic, many people may experience a heightened emotional response and anxiety," said Debbie Weir, MADD national director of victim services. "This is normal. Coping with traumatic images and experiences are essential to recovery and there are a vast amount of resources in every community to help with the healing process." She added that with any disaster, there comes a time to observe the event's anniversary. "Many people believe that grief will wane with time, however, feelings of anger, guilt, isolation, loneliness, sadness and despair often occur long after the traumatic event."

Experts say that the anticipation of the anniversary date may bring out a rush of emotions and cause possible anxiety in those who have experienced trauma. Wendy Hamilton, MADD national president, said, "Often the pain increases and becomes more intense following the first anniversary. Grief is a journey and we must recognize that all people grieve in their own way."

MADD and the coalition, including The National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC), the National Organization of Victims Assistance (NOVA), and the National Organization of Parents of Murdered Children (POMC), among others, offer the following tips to help people cope with grief and their emotions:

Talk about it. Unspeakable trauma becomes more manageable when it is verbalized. It can be very harmful to bottle up feelings. Recognize that not everyone surviving trauma will be at the same stage in their grief. Reach out to others as a mean of establishing supportive relationships. Talk to someone who is a good listener or someone who understands trauma and its ramifications to help lessen feelings of isolation.

Recognize anniversaries. Recognizing a traumatic anniversary, however slight, may be vital to the health and healing of the community and its citizens. The anniversary serves as another step towards healing and activity helps in this process as well. Anniversary remembrances must be planned and executed with care. Rituals, such as planting a tree or perennial plant in memory of a loved one who died or in honor of someone who was injured, creating a wall of memories for notes and photos, and coordinating candlelight vigils, help people recognize the reality of the trauma that has changed the lives of people and the community.

Honor differences. There are many different ways of dealing with trauma and grief. Respect the different ways in which people cope and help them to channel their energies into positive activities, such as setting goals, writing in a journal, visiting with a close friend, finding spiritual guidance and sharing their talents with others. Without acceptance, true recovery may not be nurtured among individuals.

Remember the Victims. Many people who are grieving feel that friends, family and their community have "forgotten" about them. This can lead to increased feelings of isolation and loneliness. Reach out and listen to their stories. Although they may say the same things over and over, honor these experiences by listening rather than giving advice or using clichés such as "time heals all wounds."

Do something to help. Even the smallest deeds can help people. Send a card or letter to show your concern and support. Make a donation of time or money to a victim service organization. The positive impact will last a lifetime.
It's the year of the Pig.

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The part I'm looking forward to is when our President comes on the TV and reminds us what a horrible day that was, and lets us know that the bad guys are still out there to get us, and that we need to be afraid of them, and that also we need to stay the course in Iraq because if we don't, the bad guys will kill us even more! I also hopes he raises the terror alert level! That would bring some excitement into my day! *Yawn*


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9 / 11....
That's the 9th of November isn't it??
I'll be looking forward to Santa coming down the chimney:P

No, 9/11 in the United States is recognized as September 11. In case you missed it, that is the anniversary date of when a bunch of pig fucking ass hats flew 2 airplanes into the twin towers in New York.

I don't know if you didn't know this or not. I'm a little sensative about it because of the number of people I knew that died because of these arab ass fuckers.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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For many Americans the one-year anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks

Ummm, this is the 3rd year anniversary

In think in the meaning of "anniversary", he was not counting the years. It's just something to be repeated, to remind on, every year.

In German we would even say "anniversary" to remind on something special every year at same date.

I understood him like that.


dudeist skydiver # 3105

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is really good Sept.11 rememberance site. Excellant pictures, speeches, and the names of the victims.

You know what? In order to protect myself, I avoid to look/listen to that more than a second. It hurts.

I am not able to judge if the world needs to be reminded every year or one day, should forget.

Don't know.

dudeist skydiver # 3105

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Hey, at this point if the friggin towers didn't fall down on top of you, and you are still cowering under your bed, you are a pussy, get over it.

Bad form. I will keep my 2 cents of thought on the reply except to say...
Ya know....all the credentials on the wall...still doesnt make for a decent person....I think thats my mantra for today.

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Hey, at this point if the friggin towers didn't fall down on top of you, and you are still cowering under your bed, you are a pussy, get over it.

This statement is probably the most mean-spirited statement I have read on dz.com.

Dude, I may not be cowering under my bed, but I will never forget the 2 relatives I lost on 9/11/01.

Tonto, thanks for your post. I found it quite informative.:)


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I don't know if you didn't know this or not. I'm a little sensative about it because of the number of people I knew that died because of these arab ass fuckers.

And while I appreciate your pain, althoug I can't imageine it, I hope you never have any input to anything involved in dealing with it.

Having lived on three differnt continents I can tell you that there are a lot of screwed up people in the world and a lot of them live here in the dear old USA.

Edit for a typo.

"Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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Hey, at this point if the friggin towers didn't fall down on top of you, and you are still cowering under your bed, you are a pussy, get over it.

This statement is probably the most mean-spirited statement I have read on dz.com.

Dude, I may not be cowering under my bed, but I will never forget the 2 relatives I lost on 9/11/01.

Tonto, thanks for your post. I found it quite informative.:)

I am sorry for your loss You are a real victim of the Sept. 11 attacks. My first post in this thread was directed toward the people who were not directly affected by the events of that day, but still act as though it has some great impact on their lives. For the average Tom, Dick, and Harry the aftermath of 9/11 has not changed their daily lives.

It doesn't matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice.

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For the average Tom, Dick, and Harry the aftermath of 9/11 has not changed their daily lives.

.. and for the average Joe, too, nothing's changed, I guess!


How many Toms, Dicks, Harrys, Joes and MarySues died either on Sept 11 or in the war on terrorism.
How many little Toms, Dicks, Harrys, Joes and MarySues are growing up withot a parent.
How many of Toms', Dicks', Harrys', Joes' or MarySues' parents had to bury a child?!
9/11 affects everyone on the planet and every one born from that day forward. Regardless of what their mother names them.
It is our obligation, our duty, as a country and as a people who believe in freedom and all it implies, to fight this kind of hatred and terrorism, wherever it is and whenever it strikes. We cannot allow men like Bin Laden or Hussein to continue terrifying and murdering innocent men, women and children. These monstrousities camouflaged as humans Must Be Stopped!


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For the first year Anniversary, I stood atop a building directly under the approach path of an international airport watching jumbo jetliners fly over head clearly in bazooka range.

I watched people get pulled over and given drunk tests, watched people walking around, it was pretty easy to see, nothing at that point was different. To clarify, nothing in that area, was any different. Life continued as it has during every previous sept 11th.

After awhile, I decided it was time to jump and end it all. I looked down to the sidewalk and street below at the point where I was to impact approximately 4 seconds after my feet left the edge. I had no follow through, no commitment and had to toss the pilot chute. ;)

Tonight, the plan is similar, but in a different location. Again I'll simply walk into a building and climb to the top completely unseen or noticed by the masses.

That's my plan anyway. It seems to work. There are some interesting websites you may want to check out. Just google "pentagon crash site" and start surfing.

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