
Florida Power and Light are FUCKING INCOMPETENTS

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[Dude, I don't care if you don't sympathize, or don't understand, or don't read with full comprehension, or don't approve of my righteous rage. But I'll bet you're no prize to live with when something YOU expect to be a certain way fails to meet your pleasure.

Either that, or you're SO much better than I am.


you'd lose that bet, and there is NOTHING righteous about your rage......

i dont expect the world to conform to my desire or comfort level, unlike a lot of people i've observed. Learning to accept that which you have ZERO control over is part of growing up..... something, apparently, many people have yet to accomplish. [:/]
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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I grew up in Florida. We didn't have air conditioning until I was 16 when a family member got sick and was bed-ridden, so we got 2 wall units. Some nights it got so hot that you couldn't sleep until it cooled a little around 3am. Sometimes I slept on the porch.

There was no a/c in grade school, but huge windows that hinged in the middle. The buildings were also built off the ground to allow the air layer underneath to stay cool and it was ok. Now all buildings are built on a concrete slab and are designed to have a/c. There is no air flow around the building.

In high school, only the offices has a/c. The entire school was built without it. Only 1/3 of the rooms had portable fans.

The high school was also built on a filled-in pond. When it rained, a lot of the grounds flooded (some halls) and made it totally humid because of the standing water. After lunch, it was a fight to stay awake. Full stomachs and warm weather make for an instant nap.

Of course, doing without a/c sucked. :D

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you'd lose that bet, and there is NOTHING righteous about your rage......

i dont expect the world to conform to my desire or comfort level, unlike a lot of people i've observed. Learning to accept that which you have ZERO control over is part of growing up..... something, apparently, many people have yet to accomplish.

Okay, everyone agrees the initial post was nasty and violent and should never have been written and was the product of over reaction. PJ apologized and retracted big parts of it. We've all given him total hell over it. Can we stop now? :P

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Yeah, I kinda liked that one too. Poor PJ, saddled with that forever now. :)

Hi pere

So is this offical no more PJ bashing forever :|or can we just wait until the next time PJ goes Postal.

Damn did I just say Postal:o Hmmm Peaceful Jeffrey:), PJ, Postal Jeffrey>:(.

Time for another Poll?


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So is this offical no more PJ bashing forever or can we just wait until the next time PJ goes Postal.

Now I NEVER said no PJ bashing forever, definitely only for this thread!! B| I'm sure we can all come up with PJ bashing on other threads though, and that's fair game.

Definitely need a poll though...

PeacefulJeffrey, PostalJeffrey, or just plain PJ

Poor PJ though... we are talking about him like he isn't even here. How rude. Oh well, screw it.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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One more thing.....lineman have memories longer that elephants. If word of this post would ever get out I would bet my IRA you will be the last SOB tuned on.........

There is a dz.commer who works with a power company in another state who came down here to help out with Charley and stayed so he could help out with Frances. He's spent a long time here away from his home so he could help get us up and running. I hope this thead is buried by the time he logs back on. [:/]
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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One more thing.....lineman have memories longer that elephants. If word of this post would ever get out I would bet my IRA you will be the last SOB tuned on.........

There is a dz.commer who works with a power company in another state who came down here to help out with Charley and stayed so he could help out with Frances. He's spent a long time here away from his home so he could help get us up and running. I hope this thead is buried by the time he logs back on. [:/]

It would be nice if the thread was buried so your friend didn't have to read this do do. But I don't think thats going to happen.

In a another thread PJ says he's "dreaming" about buying some Hi capacity magazines know that the big bad gun ban has expired.:P

PJ sems to be intelligent and articulate I wonder why he doesn't just buy a UPS or generator for the next hurrican just in case he loses electricity again, rather than get more gun stuff.

I'm sure your sparky buddy has some good stories about people complaining about not being the first ones to get their power back on.

We learned our lesson about being without elec for a couple of days : don't leave the rental video in the VCR in case the power goes out you can't eject the tape and will get chatged a late fee. Problems problems:|

Now we have a generator just in case we still have a house. But now I'm haveing nightmares about not being able to buy fuel for my generator[:/].


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PJ sems to be intelligent and articulate I wonder why he doesn't just buy a UPS or generator for the next hurrican just in case he loses electricity again, rather than get more gun stuff.


The Unibomber was intelligent and articulate too. Doesn't mean he acted rationally.

And, as we saw in 2000, it's possible to be neither and still get elected President of the USA.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Notice all this time PJ is wishing death on those trying to help him (while most of his neighbors have power) he is sitting alone in his powerless house draining his laptop battery telling us his terrible lot in life?

I wonder why he isn't staying with friends? Hmmmmmm...I wonder.......

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Notice all this time PJ is wishing death on those trying to help him (while most of his neighbors have power) he is sitting alone in his powerless house draining his laptop battery telling us his terrible lot in life?

I wonder why he isn't staying with friends? Hmmmmmm...I wonder.......

Been there, did that -- just not every single night. Logistics, responsibilities...

edit: Oh, and when your friends all don't have power, it makes little sense to go out of the way to stay with them. Only makes sense when they have power restored while you still don't, right? And if some get it early, but they live 45 minutes away, you gonna schlep there and back just for the overnight, when there's a curfew in effect, the threat of arrest, and debris all over the streets and traffic signals still not working?

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Only makes sense when they have power restored while you still don't, right? And if some get it early, but they live 45 minutes away

Yes it does make sense. And since nobody had power within 45 minutes of you, I would stay in the dark too.

But wait a minute - Your 1st post:


Oh, and it's ONLY MY SIDE of ONLY THIS FUCKING BLOCK! Right across the motherfucking street, they have power!

I certainly am friends enough with my across the street neighbors to stay with them, as MOST people probably are. Perhaps the people across the Street from you overheard you badmouthing FPL workers and want to keep their distance. I certainly would.

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In 2002
108 Policemen were killled
46 Firemen were killed
189 Electrical Workers were killed

A lot of us have quite a bit of respect for these workers that have a more dangerous job than cops and firemen all in the name of our COMFORT.

Imagine if I started badmouthing the firemen in the WTC because they didn't get the fire out.

If I was you, I would BEG a moderator to lock this thread. It good for nothing but offending good people and you would be better served by its demise.

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But wait a minute - Your 1st post:


Oh, and it's ONLY MY SIDE of ONLY THIS FUCKING BLOCK! Right across the motherfucking street, they have power!

I certainly am friends enough with my across the street neighbors to stay with them, as MOST people probably are. Perhaps the people across the Street from you overheard you badmouthing FPL workers and want to keep their distance. I certainly would.

Trust me, I have no problem with you keeping your distance.

The people who live across the street are mostly elderly people, or families, and I am not acquainted with them in a way in which I would feel comfortable inviting myself to spend the night at their houses. That is not the same as staying over at "friends' " houses. That, I did, once they got their power back on and I didn't have mine yet.

Look, I'm through discussing this, justifying it, whatever. I made my apologies and stuff posts and posts ago, but people like you keep harping on it. Makes me wonder how you keep friends.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Makes me wonder how you keep friends.

Ther people that helped me out when my power went out was my neighbor, not my friend. They are into Rodeo and all that and I never 'hang' with them. They let me stay there because it was neighborly. It is a Texas thing.

I do let their 17 year old daughter and her friends swim in my pool whenever they want though.B| Im such a saint.....

One last SERIOUS thing....

I see you have listed swooping as one of your disciplines. I see you have 106 jumps. Please tell me that you just want to swoop one day or that you havent updated your jump #'s in a LONG time. Im serious when I say I don't want to see you get hurt but if you are trying to swoop with 100 jumps - really, really bad idea.

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I do let their 17 year old daughter and her friends swim in my pool whenever they want though***
Uh... who's doing whom a favor???;)

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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A lot of us have quite a bit of respect for these workers that have a more dangerous job than cops and firemen all in the name of our COMFORT.

It's not all in the name of COMFORT, it's all in the name of the all mighty dollar. Don't be either naive or dishonest by suggesting that these people are out there working because they want us to be comfortable.


If I was you, I would BEG a moderator to lock this thread. It good for nothing but offending good people and you would be better served by its demise.

Thank you, Mr. PC Police.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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Well, I got in on this a little late but I've been out leaning on my shovel. Yes I'm a lineman. No I didn't get to come to FL to play. I do however have co-workers there doing their jobs as I write this. Your initial post left me sitting here with my jaw dropped. I know you apologized but it seemed rather insincere to me. There is much more I would like to say but personal attacks are all that come to mind right now. Maybe some day we'll meet and discuss your high regards of lineman over our favorite beverage.

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