
Hanoi John

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New Ann Coulter commentary:

The Unsubstantiated Heroism of Hanoi John
The New York Times has a new typewriter key for the Swift Boat Veterans story that reads: "the unsubstantiated charges of the Swift Boat Veterans."

Unsubstantiated? It was Kerry – not the Swift Boat Veterans – who told The Washington Post: "I wish they had a delete button on LexisNexis." The Swift Boat Veterans haven't been forced to retract any of their story. Meanwhile, John Kerry has been issuing about a retraction a day since the Swift Boat Veterans started talking...
"Full Story"

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LOL. Ann Coulter sure does come up with some good material. I love the way her prose drips with sarcasm.

Sometimes I wonder if the NYT is just jealous of the LA Times as being viewed as the most liberal newspaper in America and is simply trying to catch up in that regard.

Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Now, about Bush's AWOL...

Now, if you knew anything about what AWOL actually is and how charges are brought against a person who is suspected of it, you'd already know that Bush couldn't possibly have been guilty of it. The media has thrown that term around like Bush has committed some kind of henious felony.

It's not like he consorted with the enemy (meetings with North Vietnam) while on reserve status (proven), or participated in meetings with a group who admited to plotting to kill 6 senators and actually voted (proven), or submitted himself for 3 purple hearts usually done by medical personnel treating a patient (proven.)

No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is
sick of her shit!

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Well, you need to get used to the "off the wall" answers he can come up with. We are lucky that it wasn't Bush lied!!!!.

Easy there Kallend, take care of that pulse rate..:D
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Well, you need to get used to the "off the wall" answers he can come up with. We are lucky that it wasn't Bush lied!!!!.

Oh, I'm used to Kallend, but I just can't pass up the opportunity to respond to him, PhillyKev, or Quade on a variety of issues. At some point, I learn some things. I'm sure they don't always feel the same way, but frankly, that isn't my problem. :D

No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is
sick of her shit!

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Now, about Bush's AWOL...

Now, if you knew anything about what AWOL actually is and how charges are brought against a person who is suspected of it, you'd already know that Bush couldn't possibly have been guilty of it. The media has thrown that term around like Bush has committed some kind of henious felony.

It's not like he consorted with the enemy (meetings with North Vietnam) while on reserve status (proven), or participated in meetings with a group who admited to plotting to kill 6 senators and actually voted (proven), or submitted himself for 3 purple hearts usually done by medical personnel treating a patient (proven.)

I hate to break it to you Jazz, but the Kerry supporters idea of proof isn't what the rest of the entire world's is. (Hey at least they are unique)

See in order for Kerry to be proven ANYTHING - It doesn't matter that he says it - you have to take him to court and - oh wait - that's alot like a congressional hearing - well i guess they will never believe it -

See - Maybe - JUST MAYBE - if Kerry told them, himself, that he had done these things . . . Nah - prolly not.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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He has some problems giving answers to a simple question. Sometime you ask him yes or no? The answer most likely be Bush Lied.

I kid you not.:S
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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I hate to break it to you Jazz, but the Kerry supporters idea of proof isn't what the rest of the entire world's is. (Hey at least they are unique)

Turtle, I can outlast them all...don't worry about me. It will all be moot in 2 months.


See - Maybe - JUST MAYBE - if Kerry told them, himself, that he had done these things . . . Nah - prolly not.

Bwaahaahaa...that is the point, he already has admitted to most of it, right before he denied it.

No matter how good she looks, someone, somewhere is
sick of her shit!

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He has some problems giving answers to a simple question. Sometime you ask him yes or no? The answer most likely be Bush Lied.

I kid you not.

Oh I know. It's the same with all liberals. You ask them any fence question and they balk. They are scared to death to take a stand on anything. It's much easier to be vague so you can flip flop whenever it suits you most.

That is precisely why I am not a democrat.


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>You ask them any fence question and they balk. They are scared to death
>to take a stand on anything.

As opposed to the right-wingers, who just plain make stuff up.

"There are tons of WMD's in Iraq."
"We found the banned weapons."
"We closed Saddam Hussein's torture chambers forever."

And then, once the truth is pointed out - either deny it or keep right on saying the original untruth. If cornered, claim that the untruth is not a lie - it was just due to faulty intelligence.

Being a right-wing extremist means never having to say you're wrong! And if you are having trouble keeping the party line straight when actual experience proves it wrong - just tune in to FOX News.

>That is precisely why I am not a democrat.


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Oh...and I forgot another common trait all liberals have. They always flip the spotlight around on the other person when they know they're in the wrong or the heat gets too much for them.

Go back and read Billyvon's response. Count how many times he addresses the issues concerning the democratic party (the exact issue this post is about). Now count the number of times he refers to the republican party.

It's what we referred to in the military as the mirror effect.


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Which specific issue is this post about?
That all liberals are whiners? That they are all liars? That they are all stupid? That they don't answer questions?

What possible response is there to any of those charges other than a denial, which, of course, is then countered with "are too!"

I don't pretend that John Kerry is the best thing since sliced bread. I do think he's likely to be less damaging than George Bush. I am not all-knowing, but I'm sick of being called, by proxy, a liar, stupid, whining, and all those other things.

So please -- ask me a question, and if I know the answer, I'll give it. If it's an opinion, I'll say so.

But, ya know, you'll just have to accept that sometimes my opinions are exactly that. I don't think that the same things you do are important necessarily, just as you don't think the same things I do are important.

Wendy Wilkinson
this note is worth signing my whole name to. I have a real name -- do you?
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Hanoi John. How true!
This swiftboat issue brought Mr. Kerry's anti-war activities to light. He didn't just make few speeches about the war. He was the radical leader of the pro-Hanoi group called Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW), Jane Fonda was a major financial supporter. Kerry should stand by his past or repudiate it, but that would require backbone.


And so when thirty years from now our brothers go down the street without a leg, without an arm, or a face, and small boys ask why, we will be able to say "Vietnam" and not mean a desert, not a filthy obscene memory, but mean instead where America finally turned and where soldiers like us helped it in the turning.

John Kerry to the Senate Committee of Foreign Relations
April 23, 1971



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Now, about Bush's AWOL...

Now, if you knew anything about what AWOL actually is and how charges are brought against a person who is suspected of it, you'd already know that Bush couldn't possibly have been guilty of it. The media has thrown that term around like Bush has committed some kind of henious felony......

Bush could not have been awol because people covered for him back then and today. In the same circumstances, you or I might have been charged awol and then ordered to active duty. Remember, back then it was not who you blow; it was who has the money and connections. It's sad we have to choose between these two scumbags. My scumbag is better than your scumbag continues.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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Now, about Bush's AWOL...

"Your question is a transparent attempt to divert attention away from the liar." --

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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Nobody listens. They're all too busy squabbling over which leg the government should gnaw on.

That's the truth.



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Now, about Bush's AWOL...

Does this screed below sound familiar? :P

Go to your nearest military base and speak to the Legal Affairs office about having George Bush arrested for violations of the UCMJ

After all, if he was truly AWOL, they'd love to hear from you, right?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Now, about Bush's AWOL...

Does this screed below sound familiar? :P

Go to your nearest military base and speak to the Legal Affairs office about having George Bush arrested for violations of the UCMJ

After all, if he was truly AWOL, they'd love to hear from you, right?

Nope - just like the US Attorney will laugh you out of his office if you try to bring up Kerry's address to Congress.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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