
Fuck the Race Card!

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I am sick of people crying racism about every goddamn little thing. Its about time people quit blaming their misfortunes on their skin color.

For Gods sake, Miller Lite puts out some beer cans with rock stars on them and the black community is up in arms because there isnt a black person on the cans...Why the fuck does miller lite have to put a black person on their cans? I dont see any Asian people included, or American Indian people included, do you hear them bitching about it??

The black community bitches about not enough black actors being on primetime TV. Why does primetime TV have to have a certain number of black actors on it? Do white people bitch about the WB running shows with nothing but black people? How often do you see a fucking white person on Bernie Mac??? Do I give a shit, hell no! People need to realize it is not all about skin color.

Fuck equal opportunity also. What happened to actually needing to qualify for a job and have the intelligence to do what is required??? 85% of government employees are worthless.

Fuck Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. You two are the biggest racists ever known to man. Go get a real fucking job. Or better yet, perhaps i should suck money out of my community so i can go around promoting White power. Oh, thats right, if i did that i would be considered a racist.

Fuck the NAACP. What if i started the NAAWP? Oh, thats right, if i did that i would be considered a racist.

Oh, and guess what, slavery ended 140 years ago. Get the fuck over it.

Yes, this shit irritates me, and no, nobody pissed in my wheaties this morning:P

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For Gods sake, Miller Lite puts out some beer cans with rock stars on them and the black community is up in arms because there isnt a black person on the cans...Why the fuck does miller lite have to put a black person on their cans? I dont see any Asian people included, or American Indian people included, do you hear them bitching about it??

Why can't I see a white guy on a Shlitz Malt add?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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What pisses me off is the damn crips always wanting ramps put in at public buildings. Fuck them and their handi-capable bull shit. Walking up a ramp requires a greater expenditure of energy than stairs. But if I tried to get them to rip out the ramps and replace them with stairs, people would think I'm an asshole. Go figure.

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And I am sick of all these fucking women who complain about making less than males doing the same job. Don't they fucking know they could just go find another fucking job if they don't fucking like it.


I think that is #32 on the list of why it is good to be a guy..Same job, better pay:P

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women who complain about making less than males doing the same job.



Don't you just love it when under qualified women are promoted becuase a company is afraid the next useless lawsuit will target them for sexism and sexual harassment?

Don't you just love it when a woman can ruin a man's career with one accusation? Don't you just love it when.... oh, fuck off.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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women who complain about making less than males doing the same job.



Chart 5a


recent article in the popular press suggested that gender is one determining factor of corporate executives' pay. The average compensation for the top 20 men was more than 10 times larger than for the top 20 women.



2001 U.S. DOL

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Women earn 76 % of male salaries nationally

So, you either need to concede that women make less than men because they are women. Or you have to claim that women are generally inferior to men and deserve less pay. Which is it?

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women who complain about making less than males doing the same job.



Don't you just love it when under qualified women are promoted becuase a company is afraid the next useless lawsuit will target them for sexism and sexual harassment?

Don't you just love it when a woman can ruin a man's career with one accusation? Don't you just love it when.... oh, fuck off.

the other side of the coin that is probably more common but men are afraid to mention it in fear of being called sexist. AMEN brother.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
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What pisses me off is the damn crips always wanting ramps put in at public buildings. Fuck them and their handi-capable bull shit.

No shit. And what about all these fucktards that want "Handicapped Parking"? Equal Parking for all Americans. (Canadians can park across the street thankyouverymuch.) Accoring to the picture, you've got wheels on your ass. Now who has a harder time getting around. Shit anyone in a wheel chair should have to park 10 miles away!
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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women who complain about making less than males doing the same job.



Chart 5a


recent article in the popular press suggested that gender is one determining factor of corporate executives' pay. The average compensation for the top 20 men was more than 10 times larger than for the top 20 women.



2001 U.S. DOL

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Women earn 76 % of male salaries nationally

So, you either need to concede that women make less than men because they are women. Or you have to claim that women are generally inferior to men and deserve less pay. Which is it?

I wonder sometimes what women will say to their daughters. "I know you are having trouble finding a good job that pays equally. I guess I could have done something about it, but I chose to play with Barbies and join women only groups rather than address these injustices. There were plenty of men willing to help fight these problems, but we ridiculed them for not supporting our separatist groups ...sorry."


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You didn't prove it, Kev.

There's no doubt that the average male salary is higher than the average female salary. Removing the claim of sexism from the question, you can see big differences in college majors and in professions chosen. So for that 76 cents on the dollar claim, how much is a legitimate discimination for doing the same job?

Maternity leave is a secondary question - leaving your career for a couple years at a time definitely has salary impact and probably should. Otherwise we would propose paying less experienced women the same as men. Big question on social values there.

Looking at the top 20 CEOs is a tiny sampling, and we know that at big companies there is a historic bias.

Around here in the tech world, there is no difference. But it is based on what you negotiate for. Two men aren't guaranteed to be the same either.

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OHH MY PUSSY HURTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh, and guess what, slavery ended 140 years ago. Get the fuck over it.

I will as soon as society and your government stop practicing institutional racisim. That way I won't have to be hit, called names, followed through stores like a criminal, ignored when trying to get seating in a nice restaurant, jacked up and searched by police for walking down the street, pulled over by police for DWB, simply because of the color of my skin

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So, you either need to concede that women make less than men because they are women. Or you have to claim that women are generally inferior to men and deserve less pay. Which is it?

It's interesting how you present two alternatives, then demand that people pick one of your pre-planned choices. I think that stage magicians do that a lot, too.

For example, you might think that women are less easily pressured by society than men, hence they are unwilling to unbalance their lives for their careers, and so they focus on work less, and on things that really matter more. Which might explain why women have generally lower levels of stress, and higher levels of personal happiness. They may just be strong, and smart, enough to realize that happiness is more important than pay.

Would you like me to think of some more possible scenarios? Or do you just want to admit that your two possible scenarios are far from being the _only_ two possible scenarios.
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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The only way to end the race card is to confront the sons of bitches that play it every single time they attempt one of their bullshit arguments. Race pimps such as $hartpon, Je$$e Jack$on, and Julian Bond disgust me on so many levels it's not even funny.
Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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And I am sick of all these fucking women who complain about making less than males doing the same job. Don't they fucking know they could just go find another fucking job if they don't fucking like it.


You know, for all the talk, I have NEVER -- EVER -- personally heard of such a thing happening. There is nothing like that going on where I work -- at a major newspaper in Palm Beach County, FL. If you get hired for a job, the POSITION pays a certain amount. Period. I think the claims that "women don't get paid the same for the same job" is bullshit. Companies know they can get the shit sued out of them if they pull that kind of thing. I remain unconvinced that they are doing it.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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There were plenty of men willing to help fight these problems, but we ridiculed them for not supporting our separatist groups

Now you aren't be suggesting that womens' groups are ineffective if men aren't a part of them, are you? Surely not... :P

Last I checked, NOW wasn't a womens' only club. Feel free to join the fight:

Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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leaving your career for a couple years at a time definitely has salary impact and probably should.

Women should be so lucky to be allowed a couple years to rear their children.

So, the reason that womens' salaries are generally lower than mens' is because women have babies? Not all women have babies, you know. In fact, not all women CAN have babies. Why should my salary suffer because of a presumption that I will reproduce and require time away from work just because I have a uterus? And, if a woman were interested/able to have children, why should she be penalized for taking six weeks leave with significant salary differences? Does that mean a woman should be given a bonus to make up the difference for every year of child free work?

But, then, if we were talking penalties and reduced salaries for women due to the possibility of reproducing, we would be talking discrimination wouldn't we?

Oh, wait....Fuck the discrimination card!! ;)
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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There were plenty of men willing to help fight these problems, but we ridiculed them for not supporting our separatist groups

Now you aren't be suggesting that womens' groups are ineffective if men aren't a part of them, are you? Surely not... :P

Last I checked, NOW wasn't a womens' only club. Feel free to join the fight:


A group of us marched on the university administration building in 1968 to protest their refusal to allow a NOW rally on campus. We took up a collection to bring NOW organizers to our campus and I borrowed my buddy Gus' VW microbus to drive to Nashville, to pick them up. I thought their goals were good then and not so bad now. Feel free to join the fight.

Seriously, as a humanist, I think the more people we have working for fairness and equality, the better ...don't you?

Or ...I suppose women can just keep on harboring resentment and being underemployed and underpaid.



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