
Iraqi soccer players angered by Bush campaign ads featuring team

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But came to a point in my life where I decided it was my civic duty to make sure I had them on hand....just in case***
Can't wait for the Phillykev/Peacefuljeffrey showdown...

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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Well, if that's the way you feel, I'd think you'd be more on the left side of things. Considering that's where the majority of civil disobedience and revolutionary rhetoric comes from.

I don't disagree with your musings. I was never into guns, wasn't raised in a family with them. But came to a point in my life where I decided it was my civic duty to make sure I had them on hand....just in case.

I just consider the "conservative" view on guns to be worth any, say, two dozen other "issues" that the left defends.

I would go so far as to say that gun rights are more important than free speech rights, because although the ability to rise up and fight the government is not invoked nearly as much as the right to speak against it, it is a right that can be used to win back the right to free speech, whereas free speech cannot be used to win back the right to keep and bear arms.

I grin and bear it when it comes to the right's positions on things like religion, and I'm less steadfastly pro-choice on abortion than I used to be (because I now do view the developing fetus as something special and not just a lump of cells). I do so because the left is not in line with me on issues like personal responsibility, abuse of the courts for extorting money via lawsuit, race-based anything, and gun rights. The left is too damned socialist for me to do anything but loathe it.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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Can't wait for the Phillykev/Peacefuljeffrey showdown...

PhillyKev can't enter that match. personal attack deleted

And that earned you some time off from this forum. Personal attacks, especially ones where you go after someone's infirmities, are a good way to get some time off.

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I would go so far as to say that gun rights are more important than free speech rights, because although the ability to rise up and fight the government is not invoked nearly as much as the right to speak against it, it is a right that can be used to win back the right to free speech, whereas free speech cannot be used to win back the right to keep and bear arm

Irrelevant. COuld be used to protect free speech or to silence it. Red Jackets are long gone.

I grin and bear it when it comes to the right's positions on things like religion, and I'm less steadfastly pro-choice on abortion than I used to be (because I now do view the developing fetus as something special and not just a lump of cells). I do so because the left is not in line with me on issues like personal responsibility

2 wrongs don't make a right

abuse of the courts for extorting money via lawsuit

Agreed, Hate it. But sometimes, it is the little guy/business that gets abused by the law (ever fought a WHOLE union???)?

The left is too damned socialist for me***
I bet you wouldn't know a real Socialist if it bit you in the ass;)

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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>If this were a rapist or murderer, like Nathaniel Brazill who murdered
> his teacher here in Florida a couple years ago, the typical liberal
> response is, "He made a mistake. We shouldn't lock him away for
> the rest of his life. He could still become a productive member of
> society. We should give him another chance."

Hmm. I think you should get one chance, and murdering someone means you used up that one chance. If he wants to be a productive murderer he can make license plates in the state pen.

>So how about it? The Liberal Second Chance. I think Bush deserves
> one. Don't you? It's only fair. He can still be a productive member of
> society. Let's not just waste the rest of his life.

I agree with you 100%. He has a fine record of being CEO of several oil companies - I'd have absolutely no problem with him returning to being a productive member of society.

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Should be a different thread. But would anyone venture to state where the terms "left" and "right" originally came from? (and then everyone rushed to Google.com...)

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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"I bet you wouldn't know a real Socialist if it bit you in the ass"

Och, PJ would probably recognise the strange accent.:)
Let me just say, that as this forum's only self confessed token socialist, PJ, your ass is safe.B|

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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And so much for free speech, huh? You're saying that I'm not entitled to "spew my partisan political views"? Why? Because you said so?! Laugh O-o-okay! *guffaw*

Remeber Jeffrey, we're entitled to free speech as long as we agree with them. We're allowed to think whatever we want, as long as we think their PC thoughts.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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Remeber Jeffrey, we're entitled to free speech as long as we agree with them. We're allowed to think whatever we want, as long as we think their PC thoughts.

Who are you referring to when you say them? Are some of you guys assuming that someone like myself automatically belongs to a certain socialist and/or leftist political ideology just because I don't like GWB? Historically I've always sided with the GOP (even though I'm not a Yank), but this time around it is different. I am a capitalist, I own stock, have owned a corporation in the past and acted as it's CEO (albeit a small one) and have always believed that people need to take responsibility for their financial well being and not rely on the government. But this time is different. I believe that GWB is dangerous, arrogant and an ignorant person for the job that he has running the most powerful country. He has little foreward vision for making the USA a better country. I mean look at the campaigns. All GWB wants to talk about is terrorism and Iraq (and of course he likes to slam anyone who's against him). He offers no solutions towards the economy and other important domestic issues. Why? I can only guess because he's not a very smart person and only made it to the White House because of his ties to big money. But that's just me and how I feel about GWB. Obviously there are plenty of people who like him, like his war on terrorism and his war in Iraq stance and could care little else about other important domestic issues.

Lately I've seen you show some good restraint here Kennedy. But I just knew PJ could not let me have the last word (nor will he let me have it this time either). The dude can't even recognize when he's being purposely baited for the sake of seeing him go balistic on these boards. Remember, arguing on the internet is just like being in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded. :$

Peace out people and try to respect these Iraqi soccer players who are pissed off that GWB is using them in his election campaign. Put yourself in their shoes and maybe you will see why they feel this way.

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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This story just reinforces the general view held by most Iraqis which is: yes, many of them hated Saddam, and yes many of them are glad he's gone. Now however, more Iraqis hate the US and more Iraqis would like the coalition forces to just fuck off out of their country.

They didn't want us there in the first place. Now that our glorious leaders have ordered the murder of thousands of their civilians and turned their country into some kind of terrorists playground they want us there even less. And who can blame them.

I read on this website the total outrage vented when it seems like someone might interfere with peoples right to carry their pistols around with them. I wish those same people would stop for a minute and imagine how they would feel is some foreign power bombed their neighborhood to shit and sent in a bunch of trigger-happy troops to "liberate" them. Would they be out there throwing flowers at the invading forces or would they be putting their precious guns to some use?

No one in their right mind would have planned for this outcome, the whole situation is a total disaster and its all down to Bush, the cretins who advise him and the spineless suck-up world leaders, particularly those from the UK, Australia, Poland & Spain who supported him.

Show some empathy people. Try to put yourselves in ther shoes. for most Iraqis the last year has been a fucking nightmare for which they should be grateful to absolutely no one.

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I would go so far as to say that gun rights are more important than free speech rights, because although the ability to rise up and fight the government is not invoked nearly as much as the right to speak against it, it is a right that can be used to win back the right to free speech, whereas free speech cannot be used to win back the right to keep and bear arm***
Irrelevant. COuld be used to protect free speech or to silence it. Red Jackets are long gone.

When was the last time that arms in the hands of the masses were used to silence free speech? Isn't it usually the government i.e. Nazis, that take away guns to silence free speech?

the depth of his depravity sickens me.
-- Jerry Falwell, People v. Larry Flynt

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No one in their right mind would have planned for this outcome, the whole situation is a total disaster and its all down to Bush, the cretins who advise him and the spineless suck-up world leaders, particularly those from the UK, Australia, Poland & Spain who supported him.

Yeap, I am glad that so far this mistake has costed Mr Jose Maria (The puppet) Aznar his elections. Hopefully it will happen the same with the rest.

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Yeap, I am glad that so far this mistake has costed Mr Jose Maria (The puppet) Aznar his elections. Hopefully it will happen the same with the rest.

So you are glad that the terroists were able to elect your next leader for you?...Thats funny.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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So you are glad that the terroists were able to elect your next leader for you?...Thats funny.

You clearly dont understand what happened in Spain if that is your interpretation of what happened.

The Spanish government was very unpopular for supporting Bush's invasion of Iraq. They knew that they would lose votes in the election if the public knew the bombings were caused by their decision to go to support the war. So they stalled investigations whilst at the same time putting out the word that the domestic terrorist group Eta was responsible for the attacks.

The public threw them out for this deceit.

And quite rightly in my opinion.

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So you are glad that the terroists were able to elect your next leader for you?...Thats funny.


You clearly dont understand what happened in Spain if that is your interpretation of what happened.


The Spanish government was very unpopular for supporting Bush's invasion of Iraq. They knew that they would lose votes in the election if the public knew the bombings were caused by their decision to go to support the war.

So the terroists elected your new leader?

Seems pretty clear to me.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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So the terroists elected your new leader?

No Ron, the people of Spain elected their new leader, and they made a decision based on a load of facts, prominently amongst them being the fact the previous government had just been caught in a fucking big lie.

If anyone played into the hands of the terrorists it was previous Spanish government when they responded to the bombings with a bunch of lies and misdirection designed to get themselves re-elected.

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I was reading last night - I was tired and didn't write down the site - but the material I was reading was that it there was a law against there being a soccer team in Iraq. So, what Bush said IS true - that wouldn't have been possible - without our intervention.

He should be a bit more grateful.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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No Ron, the people of Spain elected their new leader

Out of FEAR of another attack.

They won, you lost.

Short term security for selling your soul.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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