
Ex-freekin'-cuse me?!? "Cheney Blames Democrats for Gas Prices"

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>If the liberals would let us use our own resources while promoting
>programs to reduce the need for oil . . .

We are using our own oil; 40% of the oil we use comes from the US. But that number is dropping fast. We're out of cheap oil. The best short term answer is drop our demand as fast as our supply drops; that way at least we don't become any more dependent on foreign oil than we are currently. Unfortunately our demand is increasing, and the administration has quashed any attempt at new energy efficiency standards for vehicles and machinery. But perhaps Cheney could blame democrats for that as well.

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I'll take the time since others won't. :|


Or if you perfer the Government source to the link:

Source % of World in 2003
Canada 15.2
Saudi Arabia 13.4
Mexico 11.9
Venezuela 11.7
Nigeria 7.8
United Kingdom 4.2
Iraq 3.5
Angola 3.3
Algeria 3.2
Russia 2.6
Norway 2.4
Colombia 2.1
Kuwait 1.6
Gabon 1.5
Brazil 1.5
Ecuador 1.1
Argentina 1.0
Trinidad and Tobago 1.0
Netherlands .8
Belgium .8

Thats the top 20 for 2003. I count about 18.5% is from the Middle East, 28.2% from Latin and South America, 17.9% from Africa, 10.8% from Europe, and a big 15.2% from our neighbors to the north.... Canada.
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don't agree with that. I'd prefer to spend that money investing on alternate fuels and preserving our land. Drilling here at home will not remove our dependance of oil from the world. The road to cutting those ties is long and hard....and we need to invest in it now.

^^^ what he said. very succinctly and eloquently put. Unfortunately, Americans (political affiliation aside) tend to think in the short term, because thinking/planning toward the long term tends to be more expensive now.

You know, there area lot of things I don't agree with the administration on, but the biggest thing that will never allow me to vote for GWB is this one. It makes me almost physically ill to think about the shortsightedness of the administration and their big oil cronies.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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You are right. And the only way to do that is to increase the prices of fossil fuels to where alternative forms are economical. This can be done either by:

1) Artificial price increases, i.e., tariiffs, taxes, etc.
2) Increasing production and usage of expensive domestic oil

Other ways probably exist. At this point, the debate over the cause of the high gas prices is not debateable, since it will be a matter of national policy.

With high gas prices, people look more to alternatives. If I were in charge, it's what I'd do...

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Oil prices are not the sole determining factor in gasoline prices. They are also tied to seasons (higher in the summer), political conditions in oil exporting countries (the damn pipelines in Iraq keep blowing up), refining costs, distribution and status of gasoline supply (which isn't directly tied to oil supply).

As far as drilling our own supplies. We are already the second biggest producer of oil in the world after Saudi Arabia, with less than 1/10th the reseves ranking us about 12th worldwide.

If we decided to just use our own oil, based on our reserves and our current usage, we'd use it all up in just over three years.


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Well, he does have a point.

Let's drill our own land - and stop paying for some third world country to get rich.

Last time I checked the Dems didn't control the White House or either house of Congress.

Pure spin.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'll take the time since others won't. :|


Or if you perfer the Government source to the link:

Source % of World in 2003
Canada 15.2
Saudi Arabia 13.4
Mexico 11.9
Venezuela 11.7
Nigeria 7.8
United Kingdom 4.2
Iraq 3.5
Angola 3.3
Algeria 3.2
Russia 2.6
Norway 2.4
Colombia 2.1
Kuwait 1.6
Gabon 1.5
Brazil 1.5
Ecuador 1.1
Argentina 1.0
Trinidad and Tobago 1.0
Netherlands .8
Belgium .8

Thats the top 20 for 2003. I count about 18.5% is from the Middle East, 28.2% from Latin and South America, 17.9% from Africa, 10.8% from Europe, and a big 15.2% from our neighbors to the north.... Canada.

That's only imports; doesn't include US produced oil.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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refining costs,

And right there is a big one.

When is the last time an oil company built a refinery in the US? When is the last time an oil company closed a refinery in the US?

Environmental regulations these days, while nice, aren't really condusive to keeping gasoline prices low. Demand has gone way, way up. The ability to produce the product domestically has declined. What do you think will happen to gas prices?

(Not directed at you Kev, but you mentioned refining costs - something I think most people overlook)

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would that be the same as Michigan governor Granholm infering in her speach at the DNC that John Kerry would stop the flow of jobs oversea's and creating new ones also?

Bill freakin Clinton is the asshole that signed NAFTA into law and married the United States into the WTO. but that blond bimbo was making it sound as if the current administration was responsible.

Bush is as big a criminal as any of them, but small minds can't seem to tell that both "PARTIES" are really one and the same. all politicians seem to think that the entire nation has alzheimers and can't remember what lies and promises they fed us 4 years ago.

so please don't try and spin the spin unless you are running for office please.


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Who said 11%? You're owed beer.

Is this like how you can get multiple electoral college poll numbers depending on which website you go to?

What kids like Phree and Dave don't understand is one website is not the here-all end-all say on anything. As I told Billvon in an earlier post, you can find data to support anyr theory/opinion if you look hard/long enough.


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I make no claims of authenticity as regards the given data. :P

I checked Quade's post and if you take the five month average for '04, then 15% of the total oil consumed in the US is imported from the Arab OPEC suppliers. I would say that is fairly close to 11%. That is, if total imports accounted for 60% of consumption. ;)


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As I told Billvon in an earlier post, you can find data to support anyr theory/opinion if you look hard/long enough.

That defeats your arguement as well.

Have you ever gone to college, taken upper level research courses? I think I understand quite well how one source can manipulate data to support an agenda. Just as M. Moore has done as well as countless others.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Have you ever gone to college, taken upper level research courses?


I'm sure being a "smart" college kid from Texas and playing the trumpet out in the sticks constitutes in your mind as being a genius, but until you've gotten the BTDT T-shirt and have received a real-life education, we'll stick to the facts. Ready? Here they are.....

You can find any data to support your claims on the internet.


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Thanks for the nice attempt at a personal attack.

My point was and still is, you might think of me as a 24yr old kid, but remember that I've been around the block "in real life" and in academia, I've had to trudge through muddled sources more then once, and the truely muddled sources aren't found on the internet, they're found in dusty old libraries.

Well, since I didn't join the Navy when I was 12 or something, you'll probably still choose to ignore and attempt to belittle me. Have fun in your own little world there scooter.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Well, since I didn't join the Navy when I was 12 or something

Can't legally join the Navy at age 12. Guess they didn't mention that at your school of higher education. Oh, I was 18 btw.


Have fun in your own little world there scooter.

Always B|


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Can't legally join the Navy at age 12. Guess they didn't mention that at your school of higher education. Oh, I was 18 btw.

It's interesting how different one's approach is to a discussion when they've either been in the military, or attended college, or both.

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It's interesting how different one's approach is to a discussion when they've either been in the military, or attended college, or both.

I'm both. Sure it changes your approach. I got mind-adjusted in college. I got mind-fucked in the Army. And I got mind-sodomized-with-a-sandpaper-condom when I got my doctorate.

Of course, that couple of years in the real world after flunking out of college also changed my outlook.

But I dont' think you can credit any single one of them for my outlook. One of my best friends was military/college/doctorate with me and he's a pinko. :P

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>but until you've gotten the BTDT T-shirt and have received a real-life
>education, we'll stick to the facts. Ready? Here they are.....

>You can find any data to support your claims on the internet.

So you draw from real-life experiences, lived out there in the real world, to come to a conclusion on statistical validity of data on the net? Makes about as much sense as a guy who has only read about skydiving giving advice to Dan BC - or a pilot who knows no math or engineering trying to design an airplane.

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