
Unbelievable true story - A must read

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I have a problem with picking out a group and treating them differently so that busy white people feel safer when they travel.

I don't. Or so black people feel safer, or oriental people feel safer, or arabs feel safer. What I don't want are terrorists to feel safer which is exactly what you want to die for.

14 Syrians.

14 guys with Syrian pasports and 1 way tickets.

And no one asked them what was up.

Till it was too late.

Why? Because some bleading heart thought "that's not fair" and "they are entitled to be left alone".


The airlines won't do anything till the goverment can no longer sue them.

The TSA ain't gonna do shit cause they are too busy trying to find their own ashole with 2 hands, a flashlight, and a monkey wrench.

The only thing that anyone is entitled to in this life by being born is death.

You want to protect the sensitivities of a handfull of people at the increased risk of my skin? I don't think so.

You're the one throwing out the race card in this game. I said "profiling". So far as I know having a one way ticket and Syrian pasport doesn't guarentee your of any one particular race.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Every one travels naked without carry-ons and with a pre-boarding cavity search.

Now that's terrorism. Have you seen the average American? Would you really want to spend hours naked next to them?

I think not.

It's the year of the Pig.

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what did I read in the story? A bunch of people got up, moved around and chatted,

and NOTHING happened. Apparently from the story, security WAS in place and if something suspicious had happened, sounds like the Air Marshalls who were on board would have stepped in (they are trained in what they are looking for)

The suspicious acitvity obviously was checked out if agents were waiting to see these folks, and I would guess they were not concerned about explosives on board because I suspect these people had none

I also suspect that the agencies overseeing security were pretty confident of that as well.

Sounds to me like a story of large differences in cultures. I got on an airplane once with a bunch of UK soccer players. They were obnoxious, drunk, throwing things around and generally out of control - but that is what they do. except now I am soccer profiling I guess.

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See that's the problem with an "entitlement" attitude.

I am no fan of "big brother". I don't believe in unlawful search in your home, or strolling down the street, but when you've agreed to travle via an easily sabatoged method of transportation like an airline? Well you should have to give up some of those rights.

What happened to my right to be protected from terorisim when I buy my ticker? I still haven't seen a disclamer on my ticket yet....

Rights that you "have to give up" are not rights any more.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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14 Syrians.

So what? If they were traveling together, it makes sense they all went in the same plane.


14 guys with Syrian pasports and 1 way tickets.

If those guys were terrorists, they could afford even round trips in first class if that would help them go unnoticed.


And no one asked them what was up.

Like they would tell you if they were up to no good

I admit though, that it could have looked suspicious, but not for those reasons.
Apparently they could not search more than 2 of them because it would be considered as profiling, right? if the airliner is concerned about a group of people, could they search thoroughly ALL the passangers so it could not be consider profiling?

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This is a true story from Womens Wall Street. One of the writers was on this flight. After much debate they decided to release the accounts. This is one of the most incredible stories I have read since 9/11

After reading the story, I am wondering if these occurences were alla round their prayer times. since they would have to use the washrooms to wash hands and feet and would prob congregate in small groups after.

Just an idea.

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I'd rather accept risk, not fear, than agree to stomp all over someone's rights.

What right are you talking about. As far as I know there is no inherent or legal right to travel in the manner you choose, at the time you choose, under the rules of your choosing, in someone elses vehicle. Flying in a plane offers you no more rights than renting a limo. The guy with the keys makes the rules.
-There's always free cheese in a mouse trap.

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Actually those of us who pay the ticket really make the rules. If you want a cavity search to make you feel comfortable before flying then fly the airline that insists on it. Frankly I'll take the carrier that is looking for more overt signs of trouble.

From what I can tell about the story everyone in a position to be able to do anything did just what they should and a flight attendant did more than she should have thus spreading panic.

Don't you think that terrorists know that purchasing one way tickets is considered suspicious? Does anyone know what type of tickets the 9/11 crew had. I don't so they may have been one way for all I know but I bet they won't be in the future.

Face it folks the next attack will come from a completely different angle.

"Truth is tough. It will not break, like a bubble, at a touch; nay, you may kick it about all day like a football, and it will be round and full at evening."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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What right are you talking about. As far as I know there is no inherent or legal right to travel in the manner you choose,

The right I'm talking about is protection from illegal seach. I know it's not a "right" to travel on a plane. I disagree with profiling people.
Owned by Remi #?

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I'd rather accept risk, not fear, than agree to stomp all over someone's rights.

What right are you talking about. As far as I know there is no inherent or legal right to travel in the manner you choose, at the time you choose, under the rules of your choosing, in someone elses vehicle. Flying in a plane offers you no more rights than renting a limo. The guy with the keys makes the rules.

The 10th Amendment seems to have been completely forgotten.

We do have rights that are not otherwise stated.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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I'll just say "Profiling Works!!!".

Hooyah. It sure does, buddy. Anyone that says different is just not in touch with the real world and lacks a real-life understanding of what it takes to win the war against terrorism.

Too many people sit in their cubicles at work and think they know what works and what doesn't in the real world. Sadly more is that the vast majority of them are wrong and have a twisted and skewed outlook on reality.

Too many wannabes and not enough BTDT people.


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How many of your "profiling works" folks think it's unfair that men under the age of 25 have to pay more for car insurance? Or that people have preconceptions based on the way you dress?

How many of you think it's unfair that some companies seem to hire people based on whether they seem to fit into the working environment (especially when it's not someone who looks like you?).

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I'll just say "Profiling Works!!!".

Your point is that profiling works. I sure won't deny that and never tried to.

That isn't the issue being discussed. The issue was violating someone else's 4th Amendment rights so that you feel safer.

Regarding profiling. We all know that the vast majority of violent crime is committed by men. Maybe men in general should be exempted from Constitutional protection and thrown into jail every time they act macho.

That would work. It would be profiling and it would reduce crime A LOT.
Owned by Remi #?

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How many of your "profiling works" folks think it's unfair that men under the age of 25 have to pay more for car insurance? Or that people have preconceptions based on the way you dress?

How many of you think it's unfair that some companies seem to hire people based on whether they seem to fit into the working environment (especially when it's not someone who looks like you?).

The insurance companies base their rates on alot of statistical data, younger men tend to screw-up more often, hence higher rates, Don't like it? Shop around.

Stereotyping is a daily fact of life, get over it or dress the way you want to be perceived.

I for one think employers should be able to hire whoever they dang well please.

Unfair! Unfair Unfair!... Life isn't fair, get over it.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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The insurance companies base their rates on alot of statistical data, younger men tend to screw-up more often, hence higher rates, Don't like it? Shop around.

How do shop around for a federal gov't that doesn't treat you a certain way based on your race?


Stereotyping is a daily fact of life, get over it or dress the way you want to be perceived.

We're talking about profiling based on race here, not how someone dresses.


I for one think employers should be able to hire whoever they dang well please.

So do I, as long as they are not violating someone's civil rights.


Unfair! Unfair Unfair!... Life isn't fair, get over it.

Right, no reason to try and improve and make life more fair. That would take work and compromise, and those who benefit from the unfairness would suffer.

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Hey, I'm all for our 4th amendment rights.
But when you go to a airport and the airlines/authorities aren't allowed to thoroughly screen people who fit a "profile" that would have most foreign authorities asking questions to protect you, your family and everyone else there's something askew.
When there can be no pre-emption, we leave ourselves open to attack.

The fact is there are people out there who want to kill you/us and don't give a ratsass about who, when, when or how.

"Profiling works!!!"

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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>But when you go to a airport and the airlines/authorities aren't allowed to
> thoroughly screen people who fit a "profile" that would have most foreign
>authorities asking questions to protect you, your family and everyone else
>there's something askew.

Right! Because we all know that people like Patty Hearst, Timothy McVeigh, Ted Kaczynski, and David Berkowitz would never think of committing a violent crime.

From the AP:

"WASHINGTON--Recent intelligence has the FBI worried that al-Qaida may be recruiting and training women to carry out terror attacks, trying to regain an element of surprise for a network thinned by arrests, officials say."

Thought experiment. You are a terrorist ringleader. You hear that LAX is now profiling, and will search male arabs between the ages of 18-40 very closely, will do a cursory search on most other males, and will let small or elderly females by with barely a glance. You have a whole world of people angry at the US to recruit from. Which type of people will you recruit to pull off a bombing at LAX? A 22 year old male Islamic militant, or a 50 year old Afghani woman who had her family killed by US bombs?

Any system that ignores a certain class of people because they are "safe" will fail miserably when terrorists realize that there is a hole in the system. I am suprised that anyone who thinks we need better security would push a system in which some types of people are given a "pass." Why on earth would you push a system that leaves gaping holes in our security? If anything, profiling would be a huge boon to terrorist groups throughout the world.

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