
How lucky is this kid?

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You've obviously never been a 14 year old boy

(opens zipper, checks)
nope, never been one :)At least I did note EVEN in a 14-year-old

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I agree completely. Along those lines -

Some lady was on the news today saying the laws should be different for females - her theory was that females aren't usually predatory or habitual sex offenders like males are. And in a case like this, the males child is damaged less than a female child would be.


Since females aren't usually predatory the law should treat them differently? What scientific facts does she have backing here theory up? With the case of a 23-14 yr old "relationship", i don't think either would be significantly psychologically scarring. If it were consensual (not according to the law of course) then I see no reason why a girl would be more traumatized.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Well, I can almost see her point. She didn't force the boy to have sex with her. I doubt she even had to coerce him at all. She at least has a point in that it has different effects on the different genders - so should the punishment reflect that?


If it were consensual (not according to the law of course) then I see no reason why a girl would be more traumatized.

This is just my opinion - a 14-year old boy would have sex with just about any female. They just want sex. I think most of the times that it happens with an under girl, there's some 'talking into it' that takes place. The men abuse their postion of power or whatever. I mean sure, there's probably a lot of school girls that had a crush on their teacher, but how many would actually act on that if propositioned?
it's like incest - you're substituting convenience for quality

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My responce "Hot for Teacher" was a reference to a song which is what I thought was an appropriate responce from ME after seeing her photo. It was not a comment on the situation, but I can see how it could have been taken that way. Sorry if there was any offense.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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This is just my opinion - a 14-year old boy would have sex with just about any female. They just want sex. I think most of the times that it happens with an under girl, there's some 'talking into it' that takes place. The men abuse their postion of power or whatever. I mean sure, there's probably a lot of school girls that had a crush on their teacher, but how many would actually act on that if propositioned?

Yep, you're right, having a penis between your legs just makes you a horn-dog who will use every opportunity, including power, to get laid. Females are just little angels who want to keep their virginity as long as possible until some big bad man comes and talks them out of it. Gee, aren't we talking about a 23 yr woman screwing a 14 yr old boy... My question, is, surely this woman had other options no? I mean with all the horndog men around.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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She didn't force the boy to have sex with her.

That's one of the reasons why some jurisdictions don't have laws reflecting a rape of a man by a woman. The logic being a man can force himself on an unwilling woman.... if a man is unwilling however there is the simple practical point that it is (to put it bluntly) quite difficult to achieve penetration with a flaccid member; i.e. if the man don't want sex, sex aint happening. Or at least that's the logic. I know of at least one occasion in England when that has successfully been challenged, but the circumstances were extremely unusual.

Statutory rape is statutory rape though. There should be no distinction because of the sex vis a vie the actual commission of the offence. There should be a distinction in the sentencing however to reflect the actual harm done. Thus in this case, there would (probably - I'm guessing here) be very little harm done. This should lead to a light sentence. In a case where there was significant harm done, there should be a significant sentence.

Thus sentencing would not change dependant on the sex per say, but would adequately reflect the fact that most female offenders will do significantly less harm than males. This would be without fettering the ability of the judge to punish predatory females or to go easy on dumb males who are taken advantage of.

To be honest, I do not know if this is actually reflected in the law anywhere… I’d have to check a book at home for the UK and have no direct knowledge of the US system. The above is simply my opinion.

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34-year-old Mary Kay Letourneau and 13-year-old Vili Fualaau had sexual intercourse 300 to 400 times

It is very much a double standard. Male adults are perverts, their female child partner is a helpless victim; Female adults are lonely and misguilded. their male child parter-ROCKS!


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I am not a psicologist, just studying to became one. (although that disqualifies me to write about psichology as someone stated in these boards), so take what i say with a grain of salt.

So the class that deals with spelling "psychologist" is next year?

Really. How much credibility does a person have when he can't spell the name of the profession he claims to be studying?
The only excuse I could see would be, say, ifEnglish is not your native language. You don't appear to have much trouble with the rest of it, though. And even if it were not, something as important as a career choice would be something that I would make sure I knew how to spell in any language I were attempting to use.


Any psichologist agrees with me?

Good luck finding any "psichologists/psicologists" out there in the first place.


Anyway, do you really think he is lucky? Honestly, he has tasted delights forbidden to many of us, he has reached heaven at 14. All his female classmates will look ugly now in comparison. he will eventually realize that what happened happens only once in a lifetime. :P

This does NOT strike me as meeting the maturity level that ought to be required of a psychologist.

"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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14 year old...boy. Boy as in kid. As in child. As in young one.

Bad taste, all. If it was a 14 year old girl, and her middle school teacher was a 23 year old man...would you still be laughing? Would she be 'lucky'?

Just something to think about....if you're into thinking tonight.

The only part I agree with is that males and females are different. Sure as shit we cannot allow one set of laws for females and one for males -- our Constitution guarantees us EQUAL protectionunder the law.

But I do see a difference between an older male teacher having sex with a young female student and an older female teacher having sex with a younger male student. Young males are typically desperate to get sex, and young females are typically desperate to withhold it. You can hardly claim that a young male who gets given his dearest desire is going to suffer psychological harm from it. A girl, who typically at that age is kind of reluctant and nervous about having sex, as opposed to hyper-eager for it, might be disturbed by being led into it by an older person.


I agree completely. Along those lines -

Some lady was on the news today saying the laws should be different for females - her theory was that females aren't usually predatory or habitual sex offenders like males are. And in a case like this, the males child is damaged less than a female child would be.


"With tha thoughts of a militant mind... Hard line, hard line after hard line!"

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I assume, peacefuljefrey, that you can, at least, speak as many languages as i do to take the piss about my spelling skills.
Of course English is not my native language, As you can see in my profile I am spanish. Although i don´t need to excuse myself, nor i feel particularly compelled to do so, i want to explain why i had the confussion with how i spell my career. Psychologist is "Psicólogo" in spanish, so we could say i wrote my career in Spanglish. But you knew that, right, Peaceful Jeffrey?
By the way PeacefulJeffrey, what do you do for living?, no, wait, tell me in Spanish and Cantonese.

Do you know what the maturity level for a psychologist should be? if so, please, let us know. I don´t think i will be a succesful psychologist until i meet your standards. Just so you know, Irony, sarcasm, and a fine sense of humor, directly correlates with a high level of mental maturity and more often than not with a high IQ.
If you didn´t get my words as, at least humorous, probably means that your maturity level was even lower than mine. Sorry, you cannot be a "psicologist" either. As a matter of fact, i don´t think you should be allowed to own guns with your maturity level :P

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So much knowledge you profess, and allow spanglish to be a norm rather than to stick with one language? Is it so hard to find the spelling button on your end?

One tends to think that a teenager being seduced and raped at fourteen is plain bad, not only there are laws against it but if that was not sufficient, you said it is heaven for the child. That definitely strikes as very mature on your professional skills:S.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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One tends to think that a teenager being seduced and raped at fourteen is plain bad, not only there are laws against it but if that was not sufficient, you said it is heaven for the child. That definitely strikes as very mature on your professional skills:S.

I think that view is more a product of the European realization that adolescents are sexual beings, rather than the prudich American view that a switch suddenly turns on when you reach a magic number (18) and then your ready to screw.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Great. Doesn't really matter that there is the little legal issue of statutory rape if the victim is 14. Still very mature on his part.:S
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Great. Doesn't really matter that there is the little legal issue of statutory rape if the victim is 14. Still very mature on his part.:S

No kidding there's a legal issue, there's a legal issue in many states with a 19 yr old having sex with a 17 year old, do you really think said situation would be all that mentally scarring? The fact of the matter is that we as Americans have a fairly regressive view of human sexuality, and in addition we often tend to see the law as the definition or right and wrong when the law is merely a tool. Recall prohibition, slavery, etc.. The law doesn't define right or wrong, only what we can get away with at a certain point in time.

Never go to a DZ strip show.

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Legal? You seem to support the mature idea that it is ok for a 20+ YO having sex with a child who is 14. No matter what the law, it is still bad. Not because the avant guard Euro friends say it is ok no to repress it, it does not mean that it is ok.

Still I think it is very mature to concede that it is ok for a 23 yo to have sex with a 14 yo. That is great:S...It is heaven.:P
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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