
the kyoto treaty

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Regardless of political thought (I'll spare you mine) George W is not reversing the US position. If I remember my poli. sci. minor days correctly the US Senate has to ratify any treaty signed by a president. President Clinton signed it and it is now in the hands of the Senate. All Bush has said is that he considers it a dead issue because there is no way in hell that the Senate would pass i. Regardless what you think of Bush or the treaty the Senate has to ratify all treaties . . . Call your Senator.

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Ready! Set! Go! So we had this great exit. No tension. I was inside center on the four way and we immediately transitioned to a satellite. Outside center cues and we go into a left donut. Everything is cool as I take grips on the tail and we fly into a right donut, then as I look at the hot chick on point and grip we go back to the star. We're only at 9 grand and repeat the dive flow.... 4 thousand and we 180 to break and track..... Oh, shit! SORRY, wrong thread. Thought this was the skydiving thread! L8, I'm going jumpin!

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Ready! Set! Go! So we had this great exit. No tension. I was inside center on the four way and we immediately transitioned to a satellite. Outside center cues and we go into a left donut. Everything is cool as I take grips on the tail and we fly into a right donut, then as I look at the hot chick on point and grip we go back to the star. We're only at 9 grand and repeat the dive flow.... 4 thousand and we 180 to break and track..... Oh, shit! SORRY, wrong thread. Thought this was the skydiving thread! L8, I'm going jumpin!

No need to be sorry, thats the first post in this thread I undertand:S THe rest of you guys/gals are making me feel stupid.... O well back to my GI joe's (he-he)

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Whether skydiving related or not - this is the place to make idle chit-chat!

That's taken from the header to this forum.
Global warming is skydiving related. How much skydiving you think you're going to get done once the polar caps have melted and it's raining ALL the time? In the short term, extracting more crude oil will result in cheaper fuel prices and cheaper jump tickets, but at what price? And this is not about knocking the red, white and blue. But the USA makes up 4% of the global population and produces 25% of global industrial pollution.
Every industrialized and emerging nation has contributed to this very real problem, so shouldn't ALL those countries work together to fix it?
[drop till you party!]

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Okay, I'll keep this short:
I agree with Dan, pretty much. However, I disagree that a free-market approach is the way to go. Sorry, Zennie, we'll just have to agree to disagree. Karl Marx has proved the inevitable fallacy of capitalism (PS., I'm not for socialism either, which is the oppostie of capitalism) which is the inevitable creation of monopolies in a purely free-market, capitalist government which completely defies the idea of supply and demand and therefore the consumers would suffer in prices, be limited in their choices and variety of products, and have less opportunity for upward mobility.
It's hard to explain what I believe politically but in a nut shell (help, i'm in a nut shell...ha ha ha, austin powers) I believe in a balance of the 2, a balance between just enough government regulation, and just enough free-market which is ideally what the U.S. wanted to be but isn't at all. A balance would prevent the inevitable fallacies from occuring. To be anti-government, as you claim, is the definition of anarchy. I'm not sure if that's what you meant or not but surely you can't believe that anarchy would solve any problems.
Okay, so maybe that wasn't so short:).
Much love and blue skies,
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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I apologize for calling you a hypocrite

I know we all love skydiving, but have differing opinions about the rest of the world around us. Like I said, I'm just as much a part of it as the next guy. I have mutual funds. In a round about way, I too hope to make "profit" from all of it. But that doesn't prevent me from having a clear view. I do have a tiny bit of a moral standard, though. I won't EVER shop at COSTCO. I try to avoid products made by slave/child labour in the 3rd world. I will spend more when shopping to support local business and farmers. I drink beer made with no preservatives... I don't know how that helps in the context of this thread, but if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!!!
Apology accepted. But hey, I'be been known to spout off on these threads myself sometimes!

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I'll try & bow out of this gracefully as well, since I've already violated my general rule of avoiding political discussions. I like doing it with people who I know won't get offended. My Dad & I have debates where people watching think "Oh, my God they're going to kill each other" but it's totally not personal and we both enjoy and get a lot out of it. As a general rule, we think a lot alike, but one of us always takes a devil's advocate position just to keep the other on their toes.
Carrie: If you go back and re-read my post about monopolies, I think you'll see that we're not too far apart. The devil is in the details, of course.
Frank: While I wouldn't put things quite the way you have, you are correct that when politicians cater to the whims of the highest bidder, democracy really doesn't exist. That's why I think real campaign finance reform is a must.
There are terrible atrocities committed by both governments and businesses. Governments trample on people's freedom in the interest of the "common good". Businesses often see people & natural resources as mere means to an end... things that are as disposable as your empty pizza box. Listen to a manager talk sometime. We're not human beings anymore, we're "resources" -- replaceable cogs in the wheel.
So the fact is, there's a lot of injustice & suffering in the world. I think most, if not all, people here want to see that end. The disagreement is how we get there.
Religion anyone? ;)

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