
Thanks Benjamin Franklin

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Benmjamin Franklin wanted so save candle wax, so he came up with the idea of "daylight savings time". Little did he know that it would enable me to skydive after work on Wednesdays and Fridays... thanks, Ben!!! So don't forget to set you clocks ahead one hour saturday night...

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Yes, I remember this "sun" you speak of. You say you actually saw it? That is amazing. I have heard the legends, but never actually believed it was true. I shall dance the dance of the Sun God and pray that he answers my humble calling. (ColdDuck, do I really have to do it naked, it’s like 10 degrees out! Aw man!)

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Skreamer, 470 posts! Holy shit!!! You must have a laptop with cellular connection! Sounds like your weather is very similar to the weather in the Pacific Northwest-rain! The winter was fine, lots of dry, cold days. Now that spring is here it's raining every weekend :( You know what they call it after two days of rain out here? Monday!

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Yeah, we saw this strange thing in the sky over London today, I think it's called the *sun* or something... Man, you guys shoulda seen it - I hope we get to see it again, one day, maybe...

Was that the 30th this year ??? Damn, I've missed it. Oh well there's always 2005. You wouldn't happen to know about when it'll (the sun) appear then would you ??? A March / April date or a bit later ...???

Mark F...
Who got 'is 'ead 'orribly burnt yesterday...:-(

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Hi there,
Just so all us Brits (& visitors) ARE clear on this... It was the Sun that Skreamer saw over London:o.
there is (apparently) some scientific opinion that the Sun is in fact "up there" every day & this is what causes the sky to go a lighter shade of gray during daytime!
Anyway, after a long weekend (actually an interminably lonnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg weekend) of the other sort of Relative Work, Sunday was saved by an early escape from the bosom (clutches?) of my loving mother and an unusually light gray sky which looked on the point of turning blue!!!!!!!
So... Down to the nearest DZ (must have "left" my gear in the back of the car :D but "much to my surprise" there it was).
Manifested & got the kit-up call which included a little surprise "Mike will JM this lift!!!!!" Arrrgh!!! A DZ I hadn't jumped at in 18 months... Surrounded by farmland... In the middle of the Foot & Mouth crisis... With the entire Farmer McNasty Clan trading in their shotguns for 20mm Flak cannon to protect them from the "Four Skydivers of The Apocalypse" landing near to their Beasts"... "The Spot is over there (vague arm waves), but the last (experienced) lift landed out in that farm"!.. "This lift's going to 12,000ft"! "By the way, the pilot's just started flying parachute lifts"... "Don't worry... The rest of the lift are all 'about' "A" Licence".>:(
So... There I was at the back of a C-206 WITH NO FECKIN' DOOR>:( burning up to 12'. At this point would anyone care to hazard a guess at the one piece of kit I didn't have with me? Yep, you got it, my super-duper Gore & Thinsulate warm suit! Still I had my RW suit on over a 't' so everything was fine... Fine in a "Scott of the Feckin' Antartic" sort of way.
Oh... Did I mention "the cloud" yet? The single sodding 1 square mile cloud that lurks under the run in & covers every bloody landmark around the DZ!
So... first run in is about half a mile out so 'round again and good the second time :)So guys... I'd just like to say "thankx" for NOT making me look an utter prat!
Mike D10270.
Edited by miked10270 on 4/1/01 03:57 PM.

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Hey MikeD --
Great story....LMAO at the "Airborne Harbingers of Death" observation ! (GET OUT OF MY AIRSPACE -- BUT FIRST, WIPE YOUR FEET !!)
And you'll always be an "utter prat" in my eyes..........just let me know what "prat" means, okay ?
The PLF Governess

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