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Hi Guys and Girls,
I've been reading everyone's post's for a fue months now, so I thought I'd introduce myself. My home DZ is Air Capital Skydiving Center in Wichita Kansas. I've been jumping for about a year and a half, and I am dangeriously close to my 200th jump. Three more to go!!! I am working on my Jumpmaster rating now. I enjoy RW, Freeflying and Skysurfing. Well enough about me, tell me about yourself.
Blue Skies,

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Hi ya Tracy!
I'm from New Zealand..heard of it???...LOL..hope so. I'm only a A licensed jumper here. But love it. I'm also the sales and marketing manager for The Central Parachute School in Palmerston North, North Island, NZ. My aim over the next 3 years is to develop a wind tunnel here! Have you been in one?..Ok, well better go..skies are blue...Post me soon..!

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you are our second freefallfreak. the other one has retired to the ropes of a woman :) welcome to our little cozy home here. Youll find us all a friendly group. ready to bust stones and hit on eachother in a heartbeat. lol.
Im kelly. Going thru the student program at Xkeys in williamstown NJ. You prolly know more about us than we do you, since you said youve been reading the threads here for a few months now. You are officially "welcomed" into our little demented family here! Good luck on the JM rating. Please let us know how it goes.

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Hey! I'm stacy, jump at cross keys in nj as well. been jumping since june (except one tandem before that) and I'm gonna hit 200 in the next 2 weeks too! yahoo!!! I like RW much better than freeflying unless it's somethign goofy like eating freezer pops or bananas in a sit... =c) CRW is my second choice. =c)

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Hi Hamish,
Thanks for the welcome! Yes, I've herd of New Zealand. The wind tunnel idea sounds fantastic! Sorry to say I've never been in one. For what I've read sounds like a blast.(Freefall from 100,000 ft. Ye Ha!!) And a very good money maker to.
Blue Ones,

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Hi! I’m Cindy! I jump a CK too!!!! I really cute and adorable and all of the boys there like me. I haven’t jumped yet but I like hanging out at the DZ getting drunk and waking up in different places…… it’s really a lot of fun.. Everyone there likes me too, I can tell (they always bring me back to the DZ).
And they all gave me a really cute nick name…….. “wuffo chick”………. Isn’t that great!!!
I'm sooo glad when I first got there that I met fruce. fruce introduced me to all the really cool people there. fruce is nice..... he always buys me candy.
he,he,he............ frucinate me

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Hey freefallfreak,
Welcome to the forums....My name is Sangiro. I have a web site, you can see it here. I like to skydive. :)Just an FYI. Jim Riley (TripleF) has long established an identity on these forums using the names TripleF and FFF.
In fairness to him you should probably not use these. He used to be Freefallfreak in the old forums as well but was busy with his new woman when he had to register so you got that before him on the new site. :)Safe swoops

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I haven't retired anywhere...What happened to all the people concerned about the names when the forums became new....I remember reading about the concern that this would happen...and all the help...Wow, man, discouraging...

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The Original One and Only FFF

FFF, you're the one and only - "A Legend In Your Own Mind"!
But seriously ... we can't have two triple f's ... that would be - let's see... carry the 4, subtact 1/2 the sq. root of the sum - half a dozen F's! How's 'bout, in the fashion of the deep south (or was it the wild west...?), pistols at 20 paces??? Better yet, who can do the most back loops in freefall??? Oh, man, this is gonna be good ... (I don't know what I'll do when the REAL Iflyme finds out I'm posting using his handle...!)
BTW, Welcome to the new dude! I only got in one jump today due to snow/ice pellets/rain... yuck!

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Hi FreeFallFreak #2. I'm Monk. I've been around for a long time...but been scarce lately. My Home DZ is the Wonderful Wonderful Disney Land I call Eloy, AZ. I work for Lufthansa and got back into jumping about a year ago. I always extend an invitation to anyone who comes to AZ. I'll even give everyone a chaufered plane ride down to Eloy from Phoenix. Pleased to meet you. Hope you get that nickname thing worked out with FFF.

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Hi alternate FFF-
Wouldn't the whuffos say we all are a little freaky since we jump out of (say it with me now) "perfectly good airplanes"? I have to say my loyalty is with FFF #1 since he flirted with me already, but I'm glad you're with us anyway.:)I'm skymama, and I live outside of Orlando. You can find my post about my return to jumping on another page. I just got my "A" license a couple of months ago. I'm a mother of 2 kids, a girl age 12, and a son age 10 today. I work as the office manager for my father's construction business during the day, run the kids around in the afternoon, and work at a department store at night for my parachute fund. Welcome to the family!

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Hello pseudo FFF
Welcome to our diluded little family. You can already see that we are just like any other family we bicker and call each ohter nasty names but whenthigs are rough there is no better place to be than with good friends. My name is Chris. I have been jumping at Perris since Oct and just hit 50 jumps. Good luck with your rating.
Restore the original FFF
Blue Skys and Safe Landings

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Yo FFF (the real one)
I know exactly how you feel, people keep posting using my handle and it REALLY is starting to piss me off!!! If wannabe 'FFF' has been reading the posts for a couple of months, then surely they would have known about FFF (the jenoowine one) and registered a different alias.
Anonymous (the only real one)

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i'm dave, i am in the air force (U.S.)and am currently living in germany and have been jumping for almost 3 years but only have 71 jumps so far. this whole military thing doesn't help with me being able to find close places to jump. hopefully that will change this year. just got promoted and that means more $$$$$ to jump with. not to mention i'm trying to buld a second rig right now. this summer is going to rock!!!

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Hi there 'FFF #2' (I hope you weren't scared off by the 'outbursts' over the name! I'm sure you weren't aware of the previous Triple F :)I'm Pam(mi) and jump at Oklahoma Skydiving Center in Cushing, OK. I started jumping a year ago, and have just 25 jumps now. However, I've got my own rig and such now, so I expect this summer to be awesome! After a rather nasty student progression it's all good times now and I'm loving it more then ever! Welcome to our little home-away-from-DZ...a way to get through the week until our next jump!
Blue skies!

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OH! I forgot to say, FFF #2, that I hope to get up there to Wichita soon (when I get licensed)! I want to check it out sometime since it's only an hour from where we live also (same as OSC). So maybe we'll meet soon!

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