
Never Did a Tandem

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Hey All,
It seems to me sometimes like almost every jumper has tried a tandem. Now, I sure didn't know I was going to keep coming back when I made my first jump, and that's a lot of the reason why I wanted to go solo on what I thought might well be my only jump. Who else here has never tried a tandem? Frankly, I think it would scare the hell out of me...

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I have never gone on one. I just dont think I would enjoy it as much. Dont know if I would get that sense of freedom I get jumping on my own. The other day I was the last one out the door. kinda cool looking up the otter and seeing an empty bus. It was definately a first.

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i never did a tandem....went to first jump class for static line and before i even started the class i knew i was going to get my lisence!!!!! took me two years because of money and other stuff but i did and someday i'll do a tandem,....from the tandem master side of it!!

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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My first jump was static line. First time I did a tandem I had 300 jumps and was helping a friend get his rating. I hated it! At one point he started a turn and I'm like "huh? why are we turning?" as I'm trying to stop it. Opening sucked too. Overall I just didn't like the lack of control.
I've done several more passenger jumps for other friends since; didn't like it any more for the repitition ;-)
pull and flare,

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If you really want to see what it's like just for the experience, then go for it! Otherwise, I would spend my time and money on whatever part of the sport interests you most. If you decide to become a Tandem Instructor later in your skydiving life, you will ride in the front during the Tandem Instructor Training Course anyway. If you're looking to have your cake and eat it too, wait until a skydiver friend that you trust is making his requisite jumps with experienced skydivers after completing the course and before being rated to carry paying customers. Riding the front is different, and not for everybody.

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I wouldn't mind doing another static line one day, just for the hell of it and I would definitely do more hop 'n pops. But the thought of being a tandem passenger scares the hell out of me. Even if it was a free jump with somebody trying for his/her rating, I don't think I would be up for it. Maybe its a control thing, but if I get into shit, I want to be the one getting me out of it.

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I haven't tried a tandem either...I probably would if given the opportunity but I won't actually go looking to do it. I definately would recommend it to the person looking to get into skydiving to get the full effect of things before making the investment it takes to go thru the whole course. Going IAD, it took me a long time to even feel what 'real skydiving' was like with all of those hop n' pops and so forth. However, I've heard so much about the uncomfortableness of it and seen people about pass out or puke from riding in the tandem harness. If I'd done a tandem first and had something like that happen, I don't know that I would've ever done it again. So...it's a toss-up. I would, however, go if it were a friend getting his rating or it were free. I mean gee...I'm an air whore...I'll take anything they'll put me up on, and if it were free...weeeeeelllll....I'm there! I don't know about the whole being out of control thing. I have issues with that usually...just riding in a car with someone if someone pulls in front of us or some such freaks me out. So I might not like the non-control thing either...but ya never know until you try...I'll do anything once!
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

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I never did a tandem or static line. AFF-1 was my first jump.
But yesterday I got my older brother's girlfriend to try a tandem at Pepperell, MA. She loved it! She wants to do it again, so we may have a new skydiver! My brother won't do it, though.
Speed Racer
Brew Skies

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