
Music Brawl

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Attention all Addicts, Old Hands, Enthusiasts, Newbies, and ()s . In order to satisfy Emma's insatiable need for controversy, let's have it out right now. What specific songs and bands suck hairy goat balls and why?
I nominate anything by Lincoln Park as Least Deserving of Airtime. If you have to scream, fine. But please, don't scream at the microphone. And yes, I know plenty of good songs include screaming. But when the only vocal aptitude you exhibit is the "Drunk Wifebeater On A Rampage" style, take it somewhere else!!
And that fusking Britney Spears Pepsi Ad!!!!!!!!!! I listen to a ROCK station so that I don't have to listen to that plastic overproduced bimbo. And Pepsi not only has the gall to intimate that their products make her shed her clothing, but they decide it's such a popular image that the fusking SOUNDTRACK for the commercial has to be played on every radio station in America! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I can't even find refuge on NPR - it's fundraising week next week!!
Blues, squares,
*insert witty sig here*

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I don't know about you but I would pay good money to watch Björk and Trent Reznor kick NSuck and all the other boy band's asses.
Put it on Pay-Per-View and I'll buy it.
Damn. Where'd all this hostility come from...

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Let's see-
My favorites are Kid Biskit, Limp Kornica, Creed-Cubus, and Nirvanasaur Jr.(bush)
Gimme some good 'ole (and even some new)fashioned kick ass rock'n'roll......
The Cult, some old Met, Black Sabbath, Nirvana....I really do like lots of new stuff, just that rap-metal shit kills me......Limpkin Park?????(ugh!)
Bjork and Trent...now yer talkin........


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hey alex--
as a musician i find just about everthing out there pretty weak lately how bout you.
as a listener- i find everything out there pretty weak lately too. haha .
i like ELECTRIC BLUES(srv, kws,hendrix etcetc) METAL(the real metallica, not this shit they put out now. sabbath.etc etc) some stuff you can sink your teeth into,and feel it's juices run down your chin. grrr i love it sorry i sound so insane about music right now, but as i type i am forced to listen to the pet shop boys.......f@*K!
have fun, live free, SKYDIVE

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I agree Jtval. I enjoy a lot of technical stuff. You ever heard Dream Theater? They are about as technical as they get. Thats not just the only cool thing about them either. They write some awesome songs! I encourage everyone to check 'em out. They have a very diverse style. Just about everyone can find a song that they like by them, except for country or rap. Of course there are a bunch of other great bands out there. Cacophony being a very technical band that is great. There music isn't to diverse though. I just have a certain group that I love.
Safe landings,
Alex D-23912

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My Mumma says that all music is the work of the devil and anyone who listens to it should be taken to their local priest for an immidiate exorcism. And then burnt at the stake until they die.
"If a man hasn't found something to die for, he isn't fit to live"
Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

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I'm with GeekStreak - blow up the clowns who blast that rap shit outta their transports. Personally, I can't stand techno/rap/hip hop... When my 6 year old daughter starts humming/singing, it's often Beatles songs. Now THAT'S good taste!

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Music just sucks in general. I just listen to a single electronically-generated tone played at full volume for several hours. For variety, I may adjust the volume a bit, or change from one tone to another half way through.
Ahhhh, that's nice.

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I personally enjoy any and all derivatives of jazz, as well as the blues and rock from the old to the new. I will add that most of the music played on the airwaves these days makes me nauseous. And what the f@#$k is up with this raver techno rap? Look at me, I chowed seven different kinds of pills, and am so wrecked that I keep a pacifier in my mouth. And the glow sticks, those annoying as all hell glow sticks. Stevie Ray, John Lee Hooker, Allman Brothers, Ben Harper, oh yeah, and Tool seem to get my motor running. Anyone in here who likes funk needs to check out Galactic.

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Seriously, Trance is actually quite good for at least one thing, putting you in trance!
I listen to it at work when I need to concentrate, like when pounding out large sections of code. For some reason this type of music quiets the part of the mind that chatters while you are trying to concentrate.
I used to bitch at co-workers who played "music with words" when I was trying to work, because it had the opposite effect. Of course, they always complained about the "music that sounded like it was skipping".
It's some kind of left/right brain thing. Other types of work don't benefit, or ar harder to do in a trance. I haven't really figured it all out yet. I go with what seems to be working.

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I can't stand "cool jazz", "gangsta rap", all those whiney boy bands, Britney Spears and newer country (older country - Willie, Waylon, Charlie Daniels, etc - is cool with me though).
I like techno, trance, industrial, alternative, "classic rock", new wave (early '80's), some blues, some metal (most of the '80's hair bands are kewl), some punk (Blink182, Yellowcard, X, etc.), and some bands you've probably never heard of (like The Beat Farmers, Timbuk 3 & Masters of Reality).
pull and flare,

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I like really REALLY old music! I'm talking caveman jam sessions around the campfire when everyone's likkered up. This usually means beating a stick against a log, or banging two rocks together. Now THAT'S classic rock!!
Y'all should try it some time. Git likkered up & pretend you've all just killed a mammoth together & then JAM!!!
Ugh. Grunt.
(sorry, i get like this on friday afternoons)
Speed Racer
"De plaene!! De plaene!!"

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Anything loud, fast, written since 1930, or that uses horns should be banned.
Is that the kind of outrageous statement you wanted?

Actually I was hoping someone would generate more Drop Zone wisdom for the Pub. ;) I think the ones on there are getting stale (witty though they may be). So if HH (or whoever picks that stuff) is looking, I nominate DZBone's post!!
Blues, Squares,
*insert sub-100 character sig here*

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Jtval and the other blues lovers hit the nail on the head. I tend to listen to the music more than the words, and blues is the only music that can convey pure emotion so well. I also love classic rock - Fogerty, Sabbath, Deep Purple (Highway Star is the greatest driving song ever!!), Zep, etc. But I think that's more for the true rockness of it; there are some newer bands that I'll listen to, e.g. Eve 6 or Firewater, that can kick ass and get my blood going.
Blues, Squares,
*insert sub-100 character sig here*

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Timbuk 3

Let's see if I can remember... "I got a crazy teacher, he wears dark glasses... things are getting bright..." or something like that! Hair bands: maybe like Def Leppard, '80s New Wave: Cars (still a fav of mine)... Yay, 80's !!! Van Halen still turns my crank, too... Can't leave the RUSH off the list of good ones: "Ladies and Gentlemen, the Professor on the Drumkit..."

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