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Ok - seems like we have some new folks around who have not heard this before so I'm going to say it again....

This is a moderated forum. The idea is to create an inviting environment where everyone, newbies and whuffos included will feel welcome to post their questions without the risk of personal attack or insult. For everyone else who wants a different vibe, there's always rec.skydiving. I will not tolerate posts on topics like child-rape. I don't care if you write a warning, a hand-full of disclaimers and pronounce to the world that it's only a joke. I don't care if you run 3 sites on free speech and is a board member of the ACLU (nothing against them). Free speech is for democracies, and this ain't no damn democracy!

I've been running this site for a few years now and have long accepted that it’s impossible to please everyone. In fact, trying to please everyone is a sign of mediocrity and you only end up pissing off the good folks. So, accepting the fact that some people will not like what I do and probably leave, I have to make some choices as to whom I'd like to keep around - I opted for the people who appreciate the character of the community that we're trying to create.

I will run this site with the minimum interference, but this is a moderated forum. If your posts serves no other purpose but to provoke, insult and annoy people, you are not welcome and I'll cancel your membership. (and all 120 the new ones that you register afterwards!). Dropzone.com has a specific character that I will protect, whether you end up liking me or not. Another cool thing about this not being a democracy is that I will not ask your opinion on this nor seek your approval. Read my terms of use.

Also, if someone does post something that you find insulting, please refrain from doing the same. Calling that person names and making personal attacks is in principle no different from the original post itself. It defeats the purpose of the exercise.

This is a great crowd. Let's have fun and keep our cool. :)
Safe swoops

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Hey Sangiro,
As a card carrying ACLU member, I have to say I couldn't agree with your actions more. Establishing and enforcing terms of service is not censorship, and if you have to take the regretable step to keep this message board the enjoyable place it is, I appreciate you taking the time to do it.
"Oh, you went to a movie this weekend? That's nice. Me? Oh... Actually, me too..."

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and enforcing terms of service is not censorship,

I also agree. It's not censorship since it is on his private property(dz.com). He's made rules for his property and can enforce them. WTG HH
I'll see you at 13,5 amongst the clouds.

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(There is no such thing as democracy anyway, anywhere!)
I'm glad you deleted those threads... they left a bad taste and seemed inappropriate in this forum... (even though I will always promote feminist/humanist ideals I did throw one insult at Macaulay and tho' I said sorry it was inconsistent with my humanist stance)...
"In a world turned to desert, we [thirst] for comradeship: the taste of bread broken among comrades made us accept the values of war. But we do not need war to feel the warmth of neighbouring shoulders as we head for the same goal. War deceives us. Hatred adds nothing to the excitement of the journey.
Why hate one another? We stand together, carried along by the same planet, the crew of a single ship."
- "Wind, Sand and Stars", Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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I also agree. It's not censorship since it is on his private property(dz.com). He's made rules for his property and can enforce them. WTG HH

In a way, it's our property too......we are the ones who will ultimately make it enjoyable for everyone.
I come to these forums on an almost daily basis, as a way to relax, and enjoy the thoughts and experiences of my fellow divers. If I wanted to listen to a bunch of crap, I'd just work longer hours.
The PLF King

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Thanks for deleting the posts Sangiro. This is a wicked site and even though it distracts me from doing ANY work, it is almost as good as being at a real DZ.....we-e-e-lll, maybe! :)Anyway, from the above it seems pretty obvious that we are all 'friends really' anyway, let's keep it that way and leave the crap to wreck.skydiving.

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Damn, man...I hope you're making some money doing this. One of the best run web sites and forums I've ever seen on any topic. You do a great job. I've moderated some forums as well, and I know it's not a pleasant thing to delete a thread. You're always worried about how that will be perceived. Especially when you're moderating someone else's forum. And if anyone gives you the free speech crap, just tell them they're welcome to talk to their computer screen until their blue in the face, just don't type that junk on here.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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Free speech is for democracies, and this ain't no damn democracy!

Yeah, what he said. The only DICTATOR in the world who isn't in the UN, but the only one who I will listen to!!
This is your house, HH, and we ALL should always remember that! I wouldn't like it if I invited people into my house and they were disrespectful. I will try to remember to do the same.
Keep it up Sangiro. And crack that whip whenever you like...(Sis would love it to land on her arse if you could arrange that!:D:D Good thing she is offline for a few more days...I will have time to make my get-away!!!:D:)Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
NZPF A - 2584

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Thanks for all your work HH.
I was kind of thinking to myself that we were slowly becoming more wreck-like in the past couple of weeks. Sure we have our debates (in which I am usually a willing participant) but they have been civil and generally on some topic of consequence. Glad to see that you want to preserve the nice environment we have here. It's why I keep coming back.
Keep up the good work HH!
Blue Skies!

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Um, er, I hate to admit I'm the bad guy, but I noticed that something I posted yesterday was deleted, which means I probably offended someone.
(And NO, I didn't post anything about child molesting!)
I had initiated a thread called "some mindless fun" in which I posted some jokes about West Virginia, as well as some others. I logged on this morning and I noticed the entire thread was deleted.
I would like to apologize to anyone I may have offended. I didn't mean any harm and, given the rather racy humor we see on this forum, I didn't realize that I was stepping over the line. :$
In fact, I am still confused over exactly which joke was so offensive. If someone could please tell me what joke(s) caused the thread to be deleted, I'd appreciate it.
I'm not exactly the most sensitive guy in the world, so I can often be clueless as to when I've offended someone! So please let me know where I screwed up so I won't do it again.
Speed Racer
"I think I think, therefore, I think I am, I think!"

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Its kind of funny but my wife and I were discussing just last night how long you would allow this to continue. I think you gave it just enough time to see if it would work itself out and when it became apparent that was not going to happen you stepped in. I can't believe that by acting you could offend anyone. Everyone was well aware that there were lines being crossed that should not have been. While I'm saddened that it became necessary for you to take action, I'm pleased that you want to keep this the dynamic site that it is. So thanks for reminding us that common decency is still expected in a civil society.
bleau skies

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I am still confused over exactly which joke was so offensive.

Speed I don't think it was the jokes you started. It was what followed in the thread that crossed the line. The best thing to do was what Sangiro did, just get rid of the whole thing. Of course I don't speak for the HH or anyone else for that matter.
bleau skies

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I think we are all to blame. Things were said that were offensive and several of us took offense to them and then acted offensive back. The old "two wrongs don't make a right."
Speedy... my joke was deleated too so I think HH just took all the sh!# off which in a way is a good thing. Nobody can feel slighted because they were all deleated.

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OK, after I posted my West Virginia jokes, I logged off & didn't re-check the forum until this morning, when I found the whole thing deleted. So I have no idea what was posted on the Mindless Fun thread after 6 PM Eastern Time. So it might not have been me, I guess. Or it might have been. Who knows.
Speed Racer
"I think I think, therefore, I think I am, I think!"

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Speedy...stop beating yourself up about it. You have apologized with gentlemanly flair and now let's just learn from our mistakes and move on. You accepted responsibility for your actions even if you were not to blame so that proved you are a good person.

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Thank you for taking the step needed to keep this forum a warm and fuzzy place. I truly have felt welcome at dropzone.com. The group is awesome! I can't believe the trash posted on other boards - things that have no positive value NONE! Can you say rec.skydiving. I am bias.
Thank you again for what you have given us!

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