
Wow...I'm disappointed!

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I've been VERY scarce for the last year. And those who have been here and around know who I am. All I have to say is, I come back here to enjoy some posts and I am severely disappointed. I think you all know what I'm talking about. And yes I am aware of the hypocricy (sp) embedded in this post. What ever happened to the fun loving free spirited welcome everyone and be nice mentality that this place was born in? It's sad really. Sorry HH.

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Hmmmmm. I don't get that feeling, but there has been a lot of negativity floating around. I think it go's in waves(although I can't say I have been around that long) it's kinda like slow motion K-chat( you just came into a bad time). Like you said you've been away, and maybe the tone has changed while you were away(and what you take as rude is someone elses sense of humor ...../me shrugs). All in all I think everyone has been has been fairly cool and very supportive when others need it( see micheles posts or the post about Merricks leg). Anyawy does the offer for a place to crash if I come to Eloy still hold? you never returned my emails[sad]

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Monk, I have missed you. Actually, I miss everything about the old dz.com. Sure, things change, but things just aren't what they used to be. Now I get flamed all the time, and I am seriously *SERIOUSLY* considering leaving this website. Yes, I know there are a few of you who would welcome this departure...part of me wants to tell you that I will never go away not matter WHAT you say...but I want to come here when I am bored and can't jump (which WHININGLY is a lot) However, I won't come here if it is going to turn into another wreck.skydiving.
Sis (that used to be an affectionate term)
I don't want the meaning of life, I want the experience of being alive!

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As forums go (I frequent a bunch of them), the flaming here is very tame. Even my first thread, which was started in the wrong forum and asked a bunch of beginner questions, was met with friendly responses.
Sure, a lot of people are sick of the posts that are just there to up the poster's numbers, but that I find perfectly understandable.
Of course, I don't remember the 'good old days' that y'all are talking about. At least this place isn't full of trolls like slashdot or some of the other bigger forums.

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Sure, a lot of people are sick of the posts that are just there to up the poster's numbers, but that I find perfectly understandable.

Yeah, it can be mildly annoying, but less so then the mean posts for sure. And there was a LOT of that going on when the forum first started, and everyone thought it was funny then (when we switched from the old one to this one). It's STILL just good fun :)
A few Quincy pics...more to come!

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thanks, spectre. i would appreciate the flameproof suit. honestly, i know its not that bad, but just considering how cool we used to be on here, what we have devolved into is rather uncool. sigh. i went to rec.skyfucking long before i came here and i know its worse.
still considering...
I don't want the meaning of life, I want the experience of being alive!

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Hey, Monk. Pleased ta meetcha. And I am glad you're back.
I will say that I have needed tons, lots, oodles, immense amounts of support about my jumping and the handling of my fears. I had only posted twice before I had my malfunction and cutaway. I attribute the responses I have received (both public posting and private e-mails) with the reason I was able to get back in the plane. Ed got me out of the plane, but these folk got me in the plane.
I have had numerous questions, both stupid and not-so-stupid, that I have been able to ask here, and get valuable information in the replies. I have learned from others' errors, and was able to rpevent some newbie errors because of the shared stories.
I have made friends who, if they were not in my life, would be missed. I have been "flamed", but not everyone is going to like everyone else, so I take it with a grain of salt. They are still people I can learn from, and in that I find value. If they hold a view to which I don't ascribe, o.k., so, like, isn't that like anywhere and anyone else?
I cannot imagine a better place to be new in this sport. I cannot imagine a better place to discuss skydiving. I cannot imagine a place where the knowledge and willingness to share this knowledge is more forthcoming.
I really like this site. I really like the people on this site. And if it was better before, how wonderful. But it is good now, too.
Just my .02, though.
Ciel bleu-
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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You all sound like a bunch of sensitive wimps, not skydivers!

hey dick, haven't heard from you in awhile, either!! cool!
anyway, you're right! we get some wimps and then...we all become them I guess!! dunno...but u r right...we need to buck up and suck it up!!
I don't want the meaning of life, I want the experience of being alive!

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ah, the good ol days..... yup it will never be the same!!! but we will always have the good old days won't we guys. things change and we move on. my advice is guys, that just wait! a few more months and this forum will be diffrent yet again.
sis, (said with much affection)
you know we all love ya, right?
nice ta se ya back!!!!!

"if dreams are like movies, then memories are like films about ghosts"-counting crows

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"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

You think old e (those of us who know him,call him by his middle e) was talking about doing a four way donut? Trying to do one of this has been something of a dream lately. Or maybe a nightmare.

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missed u monk
miss the old dz.com and the ppl
sis dont go im serious it wouldnt be the same without you , and id miss u :-(
my post to postingwhore was born out of lack of jumping and i thought it was the return of wassup /his predesseor.
you r right though it has become very political correct here we used to be able to say anything and it was taken as it was ment i guess if you think about it mayby thats why rec is the way it is they got tired of all this pc bullshit
i guess this site is in a wierd stage because there is a few of the old school left and we have our own waying of speaking/typing and the new ppl are from a different type of dz.com then we when we joined and i guess it starts clashes
i to have been thinking about leaving due to this, the attitude is differnt and so are the posts i skip most of them now in the old days i would read them and post religoiusly, even if i did have to type in my name ever fuken time :-)
times are changing and i guess some of us are going to get left behind, if more old timers leave i prob will to

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*I* won't be going anywhere cuz that would leave me having to actually work during the day!! Why the heck would I want to do such a thing?! *sigh* However, I do have an interview this afternoon that may require me to actually HAVE to work in the near future, rather then lurking here all day. I foresee my numbers going down drastically in the near future. Whatever shall I do?! LOL!
A few Quincy pics...more to come!

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You think old e (those of us who know him,call him by his middle e)
was talking about doing a four way donut?

No, it's just that getting out of a twin otter, if you "turn left at the end of the plane" as you are moving to the door, you won't get out.....so you have to be *in* the sky to actually turn left...
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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