
Change is in the wind...

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I'm moving!!
No, not any closer to any of y'all (more's the pity), but further south. I'm moving to San Antonio, Texas!!
*shooting off guns*
Yeeha! Remember the Alamo!!
I'm sick and tired of Dallas -- I've lived here all my life -- and it's time to try something a little different. I've got another newspaper job -- a more-fun job with a little more money and a little more responsibility -- and I'll be working in downtown San Antone. :)I'm really excited. Just wanted to let y'all know.
Wish me luck -- I'm giving notice at my current job as soon as my bosses get here (they're late!!).

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Cool...the RiverWalk (damn my memory is bad) is the shit! I dont have very fond memories of most of my time in that town as it was all spent in one mode of military training or another. I do think it would be nice under differen't circumstances. Have fun!
"The cab driver said... he recognized my girly by the back of her head" -Beasty Boys

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Wahoo! I quit yesterday and I'm moving too! Well, I actually gave notice, and since it's a summer job they were kinda expecting it. ;)
Anyway, I'm all packed up, just have to pawn my bass and my trumpet to pay for the week of skydiving between here and my next home - wonderful Princeton NJ! Now if I can just accumulate more than two semesters in a row, I'll be set....
Seriously, congrats - I was in San Antonio for a week last summer and it's a great city.
Blues, squares,

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nooooooo it can't be........ now dallas will no longer have the best population of skychicks!!!!!..... i hope ya enjoy your new home.... most importantly is there a dz close by????

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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Are you a VEGETARIAN?!
Or did you just know that I'm one?

I didn't know you were one!!! Did you know I was too? We will have to have a veggie cook-out at the Halloween boogie this year!!!!
I would love to swap some reserve stories over some tofu!
Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Pyke :P
NZPF A - 2584
USPA C- ?????

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Are people vegetarians because they are lazy and plants are easier to catch?

Well, some are veggies for health...others for moral reasons...I am a veggie for taste! I HATE the taste of meat! Always have...ever since I was (like) 10 and my dad was SHOVING steak in my mouth. HATED IT!!
I was raised by a Texan who like it bloody and mooing! I don't care if you eat it in front of me...just don't force me to eat it!!!
Keep your meat to YOURSELF!!!(in all respects;):D)
Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Pyke :P
NZPF A - 2584
USPA C- ?????

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First of all, congrats jessica.
Can't say much about Texas though, been there twice, once a couple of days in Dallas which I really enjoyed, and once a night in Houston because I missed a flight. Didn't enjoy that as much. :(
I am however a vegetarian, well more a fat-free vegan. Has allowed me to drop about 30 lbs and still losing and allows me to skydive.....
Blue Skies, SkyDekker

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HaHa Clay....but if you read the last comment in my post...it'll tell you my preference there!!!!
KEEP YOUR TUBE STEAK TO YOURSELF!!!!! (regardless of what the Sis says about me)
But, if you're so fascinated with the topic...then that is TMI!!!:D
Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Pyke :P
NZPF A - 2584
USPA C- ?????

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DO NOT flame me.

Too late...
:Ding my ass off!!!!
Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Pyke :P
NZPF A - 2584
USPA C- ?????

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STILL trying to defend yourself? LMAO....

Actually I can see this whole thing back-firing on YOU Sis, because if Pyke is gay, then doesn't that make you the FreakBrother???
Shock horror, Pyke is gay and Freaksis is a man!!! :o
PS we launched a 3-way flower from '3 600 this morning (cloud) and it was 14 of the sweeeeetest seconds of skydiving I have ever had! :)

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No, not any closer to any of y'all (more's the pity), but further south. I'm moving to San Antonio, Texas!!

Yes thats much closer to me. Congrats on the new job and the relocation. Looks like I'll get to pour beer on that beautiful body after all HAHAHA. When is the big move? Good luck and we'll see ya soon.
"I pee in the fountain then I claw cluthing the cliff cause I got to get higher" G.C.

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