
One In The Door!

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This is not at all skydiving related, but I wanted to post it.
There is big news in the "jfields" household. We have one in the door. Yes, a baby is on the way. :D:)We are pondering names for the baby. If you want, you can take a look at our web page. Here are links to take you to the news & events page, where you can make your submissions.
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You can also check out the upcoming Kid-a-pult. (tm) ;)
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So far, I think I am in the lead on the most ridiculous names. We sat around eating steamed crabs one night with some friends of ours and spent a couple hours making up stupid names for everyone's future children. Some highlights:
Septic Fields
Wrigley Fields
Strawberry Fields
Electromagnetic Fields....
Needless to say, beers were being consumed. :o
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Right on! Don't forget to pick up your obligitory copy of What to Expect When You're Expecting and add the pregnancy calendar to My Yahoo!

Done, as well as a lot of other books.
I'm already fighting the "Nobody in our families wants to you keep skydiving" issue. Grrr! And DOUBLE GRRRR!!!!
They just don't get it.
Thanks for all the warm wishes, folks! :)Justin
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Congrats Justin! (well obviously that joke about what do you call a man with a small winkie doesn't apply to you then!)
Hey, how about calling the baby 'skreamer' - it would be really appopriate and I wouldn't even make you add (TM) to the birth certificate. :)/s
PS you gonna be flat-packing or pro-packing those nappies???

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I'm already fighting the "Nobody in our families wants to you keep skydiving" issue. Grrr! And DOUBLE GRRRR!!!!

I find it very offensive, for two reasons. First, who are you* to tell me how to raise my family? Second, what makes you think I wanted to die before I had the kid? I want to be there for him, yes, but I wanted to "be there" before also! Come to think of it, is that all you think of me? As a caregiver for a child? I didn't mean as much to you before? WTF?
* metaphorcal "you", I'm not yelling at you, Justin. Natch.

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you gonna be flat-packing or pro-packing those nappies???

you know after a few pack jobs he'll be a pro at it so naturaly he'll be pro packing them!!! and remember skreamer, they arn't nappies they are diappers! ya know like the outdated skydiving equipment :S

"up my noooossseee"- wingnut, at first euro dz.com boogie

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