
Offtopic: Job Market SUCKS!

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Okay, not really related to skydiving, except that I might soon be a DZ bum. I am graduating in Dec. and the job market seems to be totally flat. I guess 9/11 had more of an economic impact than I realized. I have a BS in Computer Information Systems with a 4.0 GPA and a Cisco Certified Network Associate cert. And I am getting next to no response from anyone!! What the heck are all the more general majors doing?? Guess I am just venting, but I seriously hope this gets better soon. So far in 4 weeks I will be without a job and housing, so no money to do anything let alone jump.

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Thats why you become a medical profesional and they give you raises as everyone else is getting laid off....my life is sweet...and I am finishing up nursing school in 4 months...let the money roll in.....[gloat][gloat][gloat]....sorry man..
good luck and good job on the 4.0....I have the same thing but found that my employers could care less...but the graduate schools do care..
Because I fly, I envy no man on earth

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I am a realtor in one of the hottest real estate msrkets in the country -Southern CA - specifically the San Fernando Valley/San Gabriel Valley.
On September 10, I had nearly 800K worht of transactions in escrow - and on the morning of September 12, I had received cancellation requests for the entire lot. Nothing else has come my way, and doesn't look like it will anytime soon.
One September 10, I had several listing appointments. By September 18, they had all decided to hold on to their properties until future notice. One lease, but that's all.
On Spetember 10, I was working with 4 active buyers - good, qualified, money in the bank type buyers. I am now working with one, and I doubt she'll ever get off her ass and commit to buying.
Let's see. No escrows=no checks. No checks=no cash. No cash=no jumping (or food, utilities, gas, clothes, paid bills, etc. - no Christmas or holidays).
Yep, the job market sucks, even if you have one! Now, you were talking about a spot at the DZ. How big would you like that tent?!?
Hey - anyone need a realtor? I can give good referrals if you're not in my area....
"What of the dreams that never die? Turn to your left at the end of the sky".
~e e cummings~

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i'm with ya on this one bro' i'm a p.e. by trade, not much drilling going on right now. rig count is dropping like an anvil! price of oil down to $16.00-$17.00 a barrel. (as opposed to $35.00 a barrel last year at this time) i'm considering going to the middle east, as much as i hate to, just to go to work, there is none here for my trade. hope everything works out for you.
"Gravity Is My Friend"

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Fuck all this negative bullshit. Fuck the terrorists. I am still working on the same stuff I was working on before (finding cures for cancer and heart disease) and I believe that if what you're working for is important, then it will STILL be important regardless of what a few dickless, directionless cowards did on Sep. 11th. Keep the faith, & fuck the terrorists!!:)Speed Racer
The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind

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Speedracer, I am with you. However one problem...apparently the consumers are not. You sound just like me 4 or 6 weeks ago. I thought, it is not that bad, there is always something. Then I started really looking...WRONG. The American economy is a not so indirect reflection of the American people. People are not buying things they used to, whether that affects your R&D or not. I am all about being positive, but unless I find something within4 weeks, I will have no job or apartement (college housing right now) and within 2 more weeks my bank accounts will be negative, and there is not much arguing with that!
So yeah, fuck the terrorists, give me a job doing that for all I care. I am not even looking for a career right now, just a paycheck. If it comes down to it, I am not afraid to work, I will flip stinking burgers. But after putting in the time to get the education and certifications I have that seems pretty damn pathetic.

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OK, well, maybe I'm overly optimistic, but we have at least one person on this thread complaining that no ones's buying houses right now. But that's not what I've been seeing! I'm one of those people out there right now, looking to lay down over $100K to buy a house, to get out of renter's prison, & take advantage of these low mortgage rates right now! And don't tell me there's no opportunity, everyone's saying that it's a seller's market! Yeah, we got hit on Sep. 11th. But this ain't Afghanistan! It's a seller's market right now for a reason! I'm about to be a part of that reason, even though it means selling my rig & giving up skydiving (for a while ;))!!!
Speed Racer
The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind

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No offense, but....
People with jobs and 100K available to purchase houses does nothing for someone trying to find an entry to mid level position. And it does not help michele either, becuase she is in Silicon Valley. Her, me, what is the connection? IT --information technology, which is apparently taking the brunt right now. Not sure why, sinces corps. need info above all else, but the CEOs dont see what we do, so they cut back.
And in my theory, why are people buying houses right now? Same reason they are buy cars...interest rates are falling through the floor. The fed is doing its part to try and get money in circulation rather than in savings, so maybe if it stays that way it will help eventually.
I am glad you are doing well, and yes I was being negative. Something that most of my friends can assure you I am usually not. But after spending countless hours on jobs searching and resume building after school and work and see no responses, it gets a littel negative.

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If you live in the US/UK join the Armed Forces be a soldier, marine etc. with your qualification you would be an officer.
Really it is not a joke, I know that it will not pay a lot but at least you would have a safe work, I do not think so that is common to kick somebody out of the military unless he made a very very stupid thing. After 20 or so years you would get you pension at the age of 45-50 and that is good.
With your degree you would work in an office just in a uniform.
OK you won't earn as much as you could in the civivl world. If I would be a US/UK citizen I would do that.
Maybe you can even do some interesting job or maybe linked to "military skydiving".
When people from the US complain about the jobs I could not understand that they have the Army, Marine, Air Force looking for always looking for people.
Unfortunately in Hungary where I live the Army is a real joke 25-30 Talibans could conquer the country in a day.But in the glorious, mighty Hungarian Army for airborne personnel there was/is a very good payment, they have a very low salary -compared to Western standards- like 300 bucks a month but as a "danger compensation" they got paid an ammount of money like 10-15$ after every jump! Do you jave that system?
In the military you do not pay for your food, .accomodation.
You can save up some money. After some years you might go to a company using your experince.

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Technology has not decreased at all, it continues to expand as usual. But, it's shifted slightly as to what type of technology people want. I'm a network engineer and just got a brand new job with a huge raise, penthouse window office and a secretary. How? I left the big corporation scene (J&J) and went to a small financial investment company.
Here's the angle, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity. Pick up any trade mag and that's what everyone's talking about and what everyone wants as a direct result of 9/11.
Concentrate on SAN and broad band replication technologies and you'll have no problem getting a job. I interviewed with them, found out what they want, and put together a rough project plan for how to accomplish it. Sent that to them 2 days after the interview (they didn't ask for it), and I got the job that day.
The market is a little more competetive, but it's still much better than it has been many times in the past. IT is definitely the way to go, and it will continue to expand no matter what happens.
Oh...one other area that's good is VPN technologies. People are more interested then ever in working from home as opposed to their high rise office.
And on the consumer side of it, I like my high rise office, I haven't decreased my spending at all, in fact I've increased it due to all the bargains available now, and will be looking to purchase a home soon. If nothing else, my belief in living life for today is even stronger then ever.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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...and for comparison purposes, I'm 29, didn't go to college. Went to computer learning centers for Network Engineering. Have 3 years experience doing mid level network administration and project planning. And the new job is 6 figures.
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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Man, all I can say is just keep trying.
People think that Sept 11th has everything to do with the state our economy is in (job market & so forth), but to tell you the truth, the market completely sucked ass before all this happened. Yeah, the terrorists had some impact, but car manufacturers & other lenders started drastically cutting their interest rates to try to get people to buy long before Sept 11th. I've been looking for another job in a similar field as you since the end of July. Granted, I refined my search to one specific area for a few months, but have since refined that option & am STILL looking. There are others on this forum as well who will soon be looking for employment because of layoffs & such... Good luck to you all.
Malachi, I don't know what school you're attending, but you need to find out if there is a "career services" department to help with placement of graduates or interns. That's the BEST advice I can give. I graduated from Oklahoma State & they're placement dept is incredible, I had several interviews in just a short time & several options when it was all said & done (granted, the market was a lot better then, but it still couldn't hurt now). Again, good luck to ya, and don't try to do it alone, you'd be surprised what might still be out there if you have another set of eyes looking for you.
"Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"

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