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This weekend was a bust. Got 2 good jumps in at Skydive Houston. I showed up with Zennie and no rig. One of the guy jumping had a spare so I borrowed it for two jumps. Thanks Jerry. Great sit-fly with Zennie, even though I went low or he went high. Was good to get in the air with someone so I could tell if I was moving all over. Come to find out I'm really stable and can hold my slot. Still going to work on movment to dock ect....
BUT that will be in 6 weeks or more. I broke my collar bone Saturday night. Beer, bored skydivers {Aggies} and a human sling shot... :D I decided I was going to watch the crazy Aggs sling people across the scooter area with a huge bunge cord... After a few adult beverages I felt 20 again.. Sooooooooo I tried!!!! Bad move... I flew off the scooter face first and got airborn came down squarly on my left shoulder!! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! :( Anyways I got up knowing something wasn't quiet right, told everyone I was ok {Being a big man I guess cause my pride was hurting} I whispered in my gf ear.. "Get the truck and chairs and get me to a hospital.." She knew I was bad off because I NEVER ever go to the doctor for anything.. Showed up in great pain, vocabulary was shot so the only thing coming from my mouth were words I'm not going to repeat here. So I'm grounded :( Someone got anything I can do for 6 weeks or more? Becides typing, this one handed stuff s*cks!!!
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ROFL - You know, the dumbest question I think I've ever heard is "Why not?" Generally people's response when I tell them I don't drink.... In fact, I believe I heard that from you as well Slappie! ;)
Don't sweat it man, you'll probably be back in the air in a month or maybe even less. I've had several friends break their collar bone & as long as you do what the doctor tells you to, they tend to heal very fast! As far as things you can do with one hand to keep you occupied for a month.... well, there are several things you can do with one hand, I'm sure you'll figure something out! lol
"Pammi's Hemp/Skydiving Jewelry"

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So, you can jump out of an airplane from 14,000 feet and not get a scratch. Throw in some beer, a scooter, and stupidity and look what happens! Sorry to hear it! That blows......but think of all the money you will save in the next 6 weeks....:)"Shut up Dummy!"- Fred G Sanford

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Sorry to hear about the shoulder dude. :(
antimike says that most skydiving injuries tend to happen after the beer light comes on. This is becoming more & more true every weekend. :D
Get well soon!
"Wear the grudge like a crown. Desperate to control. Unable to forgive. And we're sinking deeper."

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Hope you heal fast man. I thought it might be a good idea just to go to a dz for an hour and hang out. Bad idea - stay away while you are hurt - it just makes the hurt hurt more.... watching big way dirt dives and beautiful swoops - my leg started aching like the day i broke it...
PD makes canopies all day long, you only have one life, when in doubt, cut away...

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Don't worry you weren't the only one hurt that night. Chris (Tandem Master, Freeflier, red & black jumpsuit) was pulling back as hard as he could on the bungee cord to get it behind someone. Well his hands were between his legs and before he could let go, it broke. Unlike you he didn't pretend he wasn't hurt, he moaned like a baby on the cement for like 30 min. The night he sat in a chair by the fire with an ice pack on his crotch.
This is probably why Derek doesn't drink either, although he did have two Coronas During the staff meeting.

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Slappie, sorry to hear about your shoulder. I think in the future you'll remember a few things: 1. Belly flying is bad, 2. Aggies, beer and boardom don't mix well and last but not least, 3. remember, a Texan's last words before they die usually consist of "Hey guys, watch this..." :)AggieDave '02
Blue Skies and Gig'em Ags!
BTHO t.u.

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And if it's a bunch of freefliers, it's...... "Hold my beer and get this on video!"

Heh, on the ride up on Saturday my jump buddy commented "Hey, there are 7 freefliers on this load and nobody has a camera. How weird is that?" :D
"Wear the grudge like a crown. Desperate to control. Unable to forgive. And we're sinking deeper."

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