
unhappy spouse

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"...I just got the new Parachutist and you are wayyy hot..."
How can you tell from that silly pic?!?!?! All you can see is my huge grin and my bonehead.... ahhhhh, it's my bonehead! But thanks.

OK, where is this pic? I went through the whole issue & couldn't find it.
Speed Racer
What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork from my lunch?!
-WC Fields

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Dove - Thats too funny. I was reading the thread and saw your thumbnail (nice headdown) and thought "Wow, now thats a cutie but she's taken for sure".
Sorry to hear about the news (not really, I kind of like the idea of another freeflyin' female on the loose. LOL
I am sure you are better off free and flying.

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Hey bucko, you forgot to BRAG about your most FAVORITE, AWSOME, MANIFEST girlee! Who is also a non-jumper, and wife of a skydiver, AND for years has been at a dropzone every weekend and did I forget??? SHE PACKS too! Give Bobbi a kiss/hug from Don and me. Okay, you get one too!!!!

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OK now I have another reason ta look forward to Parachutist!! I feel your pain,, at work we've had a major % of folks divorce over the last couple years,, me included,, it's tough initially but it gets better,, glad ya have a new family ta support ya and doesn't sound like your gonna be alone at all,, if it's meant ta be be no problem,, if it ain't,, well it just ain't!!

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OK, OK, I'm convinced - between Robin, Mike's wife and Merrick's chick (whatsername with the chameleon hair - ;)) - Oklahoma women seem to rock.
You Okies ever consider setting up a mail-order bride scheme? Must cook, clean, pack and enjoy spending all weekends at the DZ! :D
"this is your life and its ending one minute at a time"

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You guys are so funny! Thanks for the compliments! I am gone for a couple of days and I come back to this?!?!?! What a welcome! I had a wonderful new years with my new Zhills family. How was everyone else's?
P.S. I'll have some new pics soon!

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Ex-b/friend was a whuffo, had to dump him.
New signifigant other is a skydiver. Works so much better. The understanding for the love of the sport, spending time at the DZ, partying like crazy, packing toghether, flying togheter.... Much Much better.
Hang onto Heaven, when hell is on your back

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KRIS! Hey, how you doin? We are good. And you better believe I'm gonna be nice to that boy....he treats me like the queen I really am! haha I gotta be nice and good to him, you know, he's still commuting to Tinker AFB everyday, you know, he must really really like me!
Would love to see ya, next time you are close to Tulsa, give us a holler, okay??

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Has your wife said why she doesn't want you jumping?
The one thing I learned from my 19 year marriage and my current 3 year relationship with my sweetheart is that a happy man is a man that gets to follow his dreams. If he has a dream he wants to chase and I support him...even if that dream is dangerous, a wonderful side of the relationship develops. Support can be either by joining them in the chase or cheering them on from the sidelines. Sitting on the side line and not being supportive or not being allowed to join in the dream will only lead to resentment on both sides of the relationship. Guys....this goes both ways, the ladies have dreams they'd like to chase too.
Skydiving was my dream and I only intended to do one jump. John was supportive and we went through AFF together. Neither of us expected to get hooked. It has opened a whole new world up to us. We both have similar and different goals where skydiving is concern. There are days that I'm doing 4-ways and he's sitflying and other days where we're jumping together. Somedays we can't both get to the dz and that's okay too and we always tell each other to have a good time.
When I had my surgery last spring and was grounded for 12 weeks I still went out to the dz with John on the weekends. I figured I could either sit at home and feel sorry for myself or I could be at the dz with friends. The best medicine for me was seeing his smile after each jump.
I think its great that you are encouraging your wife to do AFF with you and I wish you the best of luck.

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>hmmmm, a couple of stories about parents, anyone else have problems with a spouse?
Yep. I introduced Amy to BASE jumping, and for a few months there, my BASE rig was always being borrowed away and taken to places like Idaho. Then there was the extra CYPRES I had to buy for her, and the Triathalon that's on permanent loan to her since she outgrew her Fury, and the Sabre that's on loan to her since she blew up the Triathalon . . .
I swear, it's like skydiving's gotten twice as expensive. Of course, if I ever do break my leg landing, it's nice to have an orthopod right there.
-bill von

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I know all too well what it's like to be married to someone who doesn't want you to jump. I first started jumping in 1972 while in the service ( sport jumping ). I made 67 jumps in the service and one after getting married after I got out. Soon after that my wife said I needed more life insurance but no company would take me if I continued jumping so I quit. Well i was never encouraged to jump again even tho the insurance thru my job didn't exclude skydiving. After 23 years we divorced ( not because of me wanting to jump again ) and within 6 months I was jumping again. I am now married to a wonderful woman who ( even tho she doesn't jump ) likes to be at the DZ every bit as much as I do. I quit jumping after Quincy last year because we now have a grandbaby. The time and money can be better spent on them instead of jumping but me wife wouldn't go for that. She said we have plenty of money and we see the kids regulary and the only reason I quit was because I was scared to jump. Gotta love a woman like that!!!! So I am getting my reserve repacked and will be jumping my ass off again within the week.

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Sorry, man. There's a saying here in trailerville...."Keep it in the family." If you've got any cousins here, you're in like Flynn!!!

Yeah, y'all have another saying down there:
"Hey, boy, you shur got a purty mouth!"
(Actually I think Deliverance was supposed to take place over in Clay's neighborhood!;))
Speed Racer
What contemptible scoundrel has stolen the cork from my lunch?!
-WC Fields

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