
Totally Insane AirAnn idea

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Groper!! Sumthin a desperate man does ta someone not willing,, "grope" ya have a "135 acre" "Ranch",, and ya live in Texas,, shit boy that ain't a ranch,, ain't even a hobby farm in Texas!! Ya can "buy and sell people" sounds like a pimp ta me,, now I don't know the history a you 2 but from what I read here you cum out smelling like an arrogant prick,, and a real Texan would appologize to the lady for talkin shit on her thread,, ya got the balls for that??

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I was always last to get picked in kick ball...but people still think I am one hell of a nice guy.....at least to my face...;):)I hated school for that....people are mean in school...then I thought I got away from that mentality in skydiving..but seams there are always a few people around who gotta be assholes...
"...a mind stretched with new idea's will never regain its shape"

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don't we have more important things to worry about?

I'm with you, buds... can't get too upset about a dog with tics when there's children on this planet living in total poverty or in war-torn countries, people without clean water to drink, slums in parts of Africa where 10,000 share one toilet But everyone is entitled to their own passions, I guess...
Animals? I like 'em! Cooked...

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just tell the police that she has a pot plantation there (anonomously of course) when they get there they will find the dogs and call the animal welfare
what is it with skydivers and getting rapped cause a couple that have been on this board over the years have been raped is it a way to get over it for them (skydiving) or is it a much larger problem that skydivers are more vocal about??
Click Me

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Just a thought....maybe we should just drop this thread. Not worth getting into an argument. I think the majority of people (at least I was) were joking about actually going to this womans house. What shes doing makes me sick, but theres also some other good points made. Theres other ways of dealing with it. Theres also many other worse problems in the country/world whatever. Anyways, *why cant we all just get along!??!?!?!* ;)
Blue skies,
Marshall :)

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Go Ann!!! Put that idiot in his place! :)And if I could get down there I would help you save those puppies in a heartbeat... and beat the crap out of that woman!
I've always been crazy about all animals and when I was a kid my best friend and I used to make her mother scream by telling her if there was a puppy and a baby in the road and a car was coming that we would grab the puppy first. Of course I wouldn't do that now (and I think we mostly said that back then to make that mother scream in horror) but if it was groper in the road I think I'd still save the puppy first.
My friend is now called the cat lady because about 6 years ago she was going through a McDonald's drive thru and saw some stray cats by the trash bin and started going over every night and feeding them. That progressed into trapping them and spaying and neutering and vaccinating them and finding homes for those capable of domestication and rereleasing those too feral. She has about 13 in her house at the moment.
Keep up the good work, Ann!
I'm a foster mother for the local cat shelter and the mother of 6 previously abandoned cats and one yellow lab at the moment (and used to have a dane!)
D :P

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That progressed into trapping them and spaying and neutering and vaccinating them and finding homes for those capable of domestication and rereleasing those too feral.

Sounds familiar. That's how I ended up married one weekend.
Is it hot in here, or am I crazy? - Charles Manson

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Ok, I just couldn't leave this alone...My thoughts?? Mix gas with Ivory Snow Flakes - makes a great substitute for Napalm...sticks to anything it touches and burns clear to the bone...Also, a car antenna, pressed into a small block of wood, with a hole bored into the block of wood, and a nail attached to a rubber band and going through the hole, makes a fine untracable 22 calibre weapon. Anything more I can do?? Let me know...

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"Mix gas with Ivory Snow Flakes"
I believe you need soap with phosforous in it. I'm not positive but most manufacturerers have done away with that for environmental reasons. Those styrofoam peanut packing material things work well. But you can dissolve a truckload in 1 gallon of gas.....
"I got some beers....Let's Drink em!!!"

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before we get off track. Napalm is called that because of it's primary ingrediant (beside the accellerator) Napthaline. Without Napthaline any gas mixture (foam cups, Liquid dawn etc.) is just sticky gas. Napthaline is like the wax of a candle--keeps it going for a while.
Black then white are all I see, in my infancy...

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actually, no tricks, just my opinion, i'm truly not overly concerned with the welfare of animals. (there expendable) i do however understand that each individual has his/her own ideals/priorities. all i initially did was express an opinion, and followed it up with "just my .02 USD" the rest was an attack by an unfriendly, and others who want to get involved, what, should i lay down? i don't want no trouble with anyone over anything. in case you haven't noticed i've intentionally been staying away. but it's just one person in particular that seems to be at odds with me. but my care factor is 36" shy of a yard. i cannot for the life of me understand why everyone else here but me can state there opinion without rhetorical recourses. but then again, as i've stated previously, it matters to me not. i just don't care. this forum is great, i love it, but i refuse to be attacked without some sort of reaction. i wish all the best to each and everyone here, but no apologies for stating my opinion(s) as should no one else should have to either. it's certainly not my concern if some others have "issues" or skeletons in there closets, nor do i think that this forum is the correct place to disscuss them, but once more, just my .02 USD. take care.
"Gravity Is My Friend"
We do understand each other. please read the entire thread, and you'll surely make the observation that i was not the first to be assailed in this thread.

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It's not that you have an opinion that's the problem, it's the WAY you state it. i.e. "fuck it! kill em' all". You were in fact the first, and only person, to come up with a response like that. With your history in these threads you should know better.
There were loads of other people who also thought protecting animals are not as important as some other causes, but none of them tried to be as provocative and insensitive as you.
Don't patronize me by telling me to read the whole thread....
Safe swoops

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Richard -
I'm pretty sure you don't care about this, but you are getting grief not for expressing your opinion, but for personally attacking another on this board. Can't tell the difference? Here are some examples:
>i'm truly not overly concerned with the welfare of animals
>don't forget to take your allotted amount/dosage of prozac.
Personal attack.
>I believe that fundementally people do not change much.
>your rambling sycotic rhetoric . . .
Misspelled personal attack.
I'm not sure why you are posting anything at all, since you seem to be pretty adamant that you don't care ("i could care less","i could give a fuck","reports of me "backflying" i give a fuck?".) Apparently you give enough of a fuck to post. If you don't want to post, don't do it and save yourself the wasted time of typing a post about how you don't care. If you do want to post, you'll get a much more positive response if you tell people your opinions instead of attacking another person for hers.
-bill von

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"You can lift it off the cinderblocks yourself?"
No...I harness up your Mom and she pulls it around like nothin!!

Yep, just bring in the village idiots/court jesters to lighten things up. ;):D
"Can't keep my mind from the circling sky. Tongue-tied & twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I."

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