
Totally Insane AirAnn idea

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Have you ever seen those reports on TV where some lady has a ton of pets and they are all starving and have other issues. Well the below quotes are about pure breed animals.
The below statements were emailed to me about something I was looking into. And this is about a breeder.
"one of ___'s Shih Tzu's was so underfed when it had babies, it ate them"
"he was COVERED in dog lice and had NO HAIR on alot of his body ...he had scatched it off"
"she was matted with something that looked like TAR BALLS and when I cut one open it was ticks as big as my thumb imbedded in her with thousands of baby ticks surrounding the big one ....she had at least 50 of these"
This particular breed is very small, I am thinking you can fit 5-7 puppies in each pillow case and the adults two per pillow case. The attire is basic black, one get away car driver needed. Persons with military background or quiet sneaky experience a plus. Persons who can run fast a definate plus.
None of the organizations contacted will touch this breeder. I will... I will not only touch her I will choak her and give here a really big black eye. Knock her unconcious and remove the animals to my care.
Maybe it is just another one of my crazy ideas. Then again, I just might be in northern Alabama soon, accidently. Wearing basic black and pearls. The new swat team inspired fall fashion trend.
Ugly Girl #6

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AirAnn, I can't run fast, but I sure as hell can drive fast (ask Dutchboy or Deadbird)- let me know when yer ready; I'll take the getaway car driver job, and I'm only a few hours away from AL. But why stop there? I'm sure we can find plenty more animals that need rescuing-- and no, I'm not talking about you guys, Clay or Justin! :D Oh, and I'm a natural Ugly Girl; how do I apply for my number?
I'm really very gentle, no matter what my kung-fu teacher says...

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Couldn't we jump into the area, grab the dogs, and go? It wouldn't make much sense from a logistics point of view, but it would make a much better story later.
>None of the organizations contacted will touch this breeder. I will... I will not only touch her I will choak her and give
>here a really big black eye. Knock her unconcious and remove the animals to my care.
Now, Anne, as satisfying as that might be, it would be a lot more effective (and a lot safer for you) to just take pictures of the animals before you take them, then post the pictures all over town. It would also go a long way towards preventing her from getting another kennel license.
-bill von

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I'm jobless (or close enough to it) at the moment so I dont have any commitments I have to worry about...and I'm always up for some adventure. Plus, I've never been to Alabama...and I love animals, so coincedentally, I hate whoever is doing this to them. I have access to a fast car, fast plane and fast feet, so...that means I can fly fast, drive fast, and run (somewhat) fast. Count me in too...

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Not to be a total cynical ass, but don't we have more important things to worry about? Yeah, pets are cute and all, but couldn't this sort of major effort and emotion go into saving people that are abused, starved, etc.? Note that I'm certainly not defending the breeder, but just questioning the focus of effort.
Not trying to start a flame war....

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Shih Tzu's are worth about $350 to $500 a puppy or more. The person has several breeds and I have put a link on here of examples of the breeds. That the woman is slowly killing.
It would be a major felony if I got caught. I would want a jury trial and -IF- the judge wanted to pursue it, NO jury would convict me of anything except maybe trespassing. I would have pictures of everything including the conditions they were living in and the medical conditions they were found in. After explaining that the DA, SPCA, AKC and etc had been contacted and nobody did anything -I believe I would wind up with a medal instead of a fine.
So here is what I have so far from watching large amounts of TV. I paint my SUV with waterbased paint change the license plate. Dress in black. Shoot out the night light with a pelet gun. cut any locks -bag the merchandise run like hell, over the back fence into the church ladys back yard to the street in front of her house jump into SUV, drive like hell to a car wash change colors of car and license plate and then casually drive over to Georgia to a vet friends place for a day for any medical attention then back to my current location. After rehab, find wonderful homes who wont tell anyone they are actually stolen. So medical treatment and loving homes for the 'hot' dogs.
Which is a bigger crime --this alleged person who is mistreating her animals by neglect then selling them to others who then gets their kennels infected with lice and etc. (She said it was sawdust) (There is a law suit pending.) --OR me eleviating the animals from their wretched caged exhistance.
What we have here is a bad breeder with puppies and animals who cant take up for themselves. They are tiny little dudes. Like these in question, that reside at the aforementioned hell hole. Little bitty fellers.
I prefer sturdy dogs who have fun. So I am currently interested in a SHIH-a-POM $250 its a cross between a Shih Tzu and a Pomeranian. The Pomeranian will tear your leg off. The Shih Tzu is playful and inteligent and a people person. And the perfect temperment for a skydiving dog. I also like the personality of the Maltipoo.$350 Maltese and Poodle. I ordinarily wouldnt like a Poodle but historically they wont take any shyt from people. And are actually intelligent. The Maltese is a calm and collected individual, playful and likes people. Neither of these will weigh over 7 lbs. A nice one would be a Bichon Frise...450.00 mixed with a toy poodle or a toy doberman. LOL
That is how I ran across this story. After long conversations a lady leveled with me. And told me the whole story.
OOPS... look what I found on accident.... Josie scroll down the page for the surprise I found.... Hummmm.......
Ugly Girl #6

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Justin - Shut Up, you have no right to dis MY cause or MY interest. I have been saving animals my whole life.
It started with me at age 3 or 4 with a deer, that pic is on my web site then a couple of barn owls, a red tailed hawlk with a broken wing, then a bobcat I raised from a bottle in college and on to 17 kittens last spring that I stole from their feral (wild) mothers. Those went to super homes as they bonded with me and the wild instinct of the mother cat was absent.
If we had to debate on the cause we should be all over its Aids in Africa.
And- I also do my charity thing with AirAnn.com a non profit org. Which is public knowledge.
Justin- what did you say your cause was again? The one you spend your extra time and money on?
Ugly Girl #6

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Obviously, you should do what you please. I am just saying that my interests and values dictate that I help people before helping animals. Yes, animal cruelty is sad. But since I weigh human lives as more important than animal lives, I see human cruelty as a bigger problem.
I didn't say what my "cause" was, as it wasn't really relevant. But since you ask, I donate food to the local food bank and serve meals at a soup kitchen in downtown Washington DC. If one person lives in part because of the food I donated, I see it as more valuable than saving a whole pound's worth of puppies.

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Sounds like a good plan, Ann. The only thing is that car washes probably have videocams and might also notice someone changing paint colors in the middle of the night. So maybe someone's driveway/back yard/garage with a hose would be better. You may even want to consider switching cars soon after you grab the dogs, to throw off the scent, so to speak, since someone will probably hear the newly liberated dogs barking and call the PO-lice with a vehicle description as you speed away. But then, you'd definitely need an accomplice who could take your SUV somewhere and clean it.
Most important, remember to wear a hat that covers all of your hair (people are MUCH harder to recognize when you can't see their hair).
Good luck!

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You've actually got a logistical nightmare brewing.
You are going to need to have a bare minimum of a van with individual containers or space to put the cages after you pull them out of the building. You will need to have the vehicle backed up to the door for rapid loading, to minimize escape and also so you don't find yourself overwhelmed with too many dogs to carry at one time. Also, you should have at least 48 hours of surveillance on the building before moving on it.
Here's my thought. Getting in and out of pretty much anyplace is not a problem. I would get in at dusk or daybreak with a video camera and videotape the goings ons (so I have real light to work with and not nightshot). Video exits, windows, approaches, # of dogs. Turn a copy over to the Humane Society or send a copy to your local sheriff with an anonymous note saying a copy is going to the local news station. And really drop one off at the local news too. They love this undercover shit-especially during sweeps.
If you decide not to turn the tape over to anyone and handle this yourself, the tape is excellent recon material for your planning phase of the op. If you plan on returning yourself, don't disturb anything noticable on your initial visit. Remember that a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.
I'd also expect you to need 4 team members and one driver to pull this off in no more than ten minutes from the time of approach. On this return, bring lock cutters and don't worry what you disturb as long as you're quiet. (Gonna be really hard to do with barking dogs.)
Black then white are all I see, in my infancy...

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Gloves and disposable shoes. Self contained headsets for all members. Don't want to go cheap and get caught.
Also, if you can get them, night vision devices would really help.
Is it hot in here, or am I crazy? - Charles Manson

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