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I was watching this show on the discovery channel about thrill seeking people. They had tons of clips of skydivers. At the end they showed 2 guys doing sky-bungee. They said regular skydiving just got boring, so they came up with this. They get attached to a bungee chord, jump out while holding on to it, then one guy opens the canopy while the other one's still in freefall. When the canopy inflates it creates the whole bungee jump effect. The guys in the clip got hurt when they tried it in terminal velocity, I think one of them broke his back, the oher injured his head.
Has anyone else heared of this?

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I was watching that show also. I don't see you can get bored of "just" skydiving. I'm at that stage, 16 jumps (including 2 this Saturday on my own gear for the first time) where every jump is nervous and exciting. I don't see how they got so bored that they would want to try something like this.

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Saw it myself the other day. the man doing the bungi broke his neck, fractured his skull, and I believe he broke something else too, but cant remember what. He almost didn't make it. he kept drifting in and out of concousness. if you think about it your falling 120mph plus and in an instant your going in the opposite direction. HELLO you don't think somethings going to go wrong. He's lucky the bungi broke or he could have been hurt worse. Did you catch the end when they landed and the filmer asked the by standers to give him a hand and everybody started clapping. he should have said call an ambulance and not give him a hand.

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Wow! A lot of dissing of these people. The mote in your neighbor's eye and all that . . . some of these sound amazingly like whuffo comments. Like:
>if you think about it your falling 120mph plus and in an instant your going in the
>opposite direction. HELLO you don't think somethings going to go wrong.
Have you ever heard:
"So you jump out of an airplane and fall at 120 mph and expect to land safely? Hello! Don't you think that something's going to go wrong? In fact, my friend knew this guy who jumped and his parachute didn't open."
>Yes....I have seen the clip of the two idiots......
I'm sure the people who watch skydivers get broken up on RealTV say the same thing. "Yep, look at those idiots - jumpin out of a plane, what do you expect?"
Tolerance, people!
-bill von

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"Tolerance, people! "
I second that...although it does seem like the idea was kind of sort of dumb. :-)
"I didn't see the clip and have NO expertise in this area, but I don't see why if this stunt was rigged
"properly" it would be much more dangerous than a Mr. Bill jump."
Key being "If it were rigged properly". :-)
The main problem that I have heard of is the person at the top getting smacked with the recoiling bungee. That was done in a Mr. Bill scenario, though, meaning someone starting from 0, not already being in freefall at 120.

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The main problem that I have heard of is the person at the top getting smacked with the recoiling bungee.

The problem with this jump was the strength of the bungee itself. They did several jumps where the top man opened before terminal velocity, and it worked well.
Warning: the following discussion centers on the conservation of energy - if physics makes your brain hurt, do NOT read further!
On this particular attempt, after the top man opened, the bungee had to absorb all the energy of the bottom man @ terminal velocity. A full-grown man at 120 mph has a lot of kinetic energy, and the bungee reached its breaking point before all of that kinetic energy had been absorbed. When the bungee snapped, it broke close to the top man, so he didn't get hit too hard. But the bottom man was smacked by most of the cord, and it hit him with almost all of that energy that it had been soaking up. It's as if he had been falling really slowly, then been directly hit by another jumper at terminal. That's what knocked him out and broke him. If the bungee had been stronger, or if the bottom jumper had less mass or a slower terminal velocity, it should have worked fine.
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way

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AggieDave....calling AggieDave......dude, this might be our next idea to 'cook up' Nice follow up to pumpkins. Seriously with an awesome rigger, this could be done. Look at "Senseless Acts of Video," they rig some pretty amazing stuff. You have to have someone who knows all the rules of aerodynamics and physics, before you start bending them. If those guys pulled it off at under terminal, like a mister bill, hold on and then jump, that would be a sweet feeling. As a matter of fact, this makes me think I need to try a mister bill, but maybe not with David/Corn Fed :)Malachi

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Just get Chuck to steal one of those "barrel" harnesses the HALO studs jump. Check the link...if this guy can jump a water heater...I think Aggiedave will be OK...:)http://www.strongparachutes.com/mttb.html
"Houston? That place is full of Crack heads and debutantes."- Hank Hill

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"Is that where he runs a Honda Quad-Cycle out the back of the Skyvan?"
Yep....even has steering controls for the canopy on the handle bars. Pretty neat idea.
No reason for a HALO rig? Come on...you know how the Chics knees get all week over a guy flying a Gray 350 Sq Ft canopy.......with a Gray 350 Sq Ft reserve......:)"Houston? That place is full of Crack heads and debutantes."- Hank Hill

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