
Otter rooftop exit

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I was at a DZ bonfire in Florida recently (location withheld to protect the innocent......LOL) and was told a story of a few jumpers who had climbed up on top of an Otter on jump run and left from the top of the plane. Anyone else ever heard of or witnessed that type of exit?
How many FAA regulations does that violate?
"I Live to EFS"

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They do it out of the Pink Skyvan. Idle and feather one prop, dive the plane, climb out through the pilot escape hatch down a rope towards the tail. I haven't seen video, but from the stills it looks like the plane then dives out from underneath the jumpers so they just sort of float off.

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Well, I don't think they would be able to keep a hold of the hatch as they opened it so it probably went flying and fell who knows where. Then, they put themselves in a position that if they had a premature deployment would most certainly kill them and could possibly take the plane out. Otter pilots are not required to wear emergency bailout rigs so we would have no option but to ride the plane down. Yes, it's a long way to get to the door but some chance is better than no chance. Don't climb on top of the otter in flight no matter what cool skygod you saw do it first says it's ok. And if you see someone doing it you might bring it to the attention of the pilot.
Chris Schindler

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How many FAA regulations does that violate?

How many, I haven't totalled them up. But we could start with "Interference of a flight crew member". But that's if the pilot doesn't want you to do it. They might also look unfavorably at the weight and balance or structural limitations with someone on top or slid down the spine to the tail. If the CG can be shown to go aft of the AFT CG limit then that's exceeding a structural limitation and thus breaks an FAR.
This is to name a couple of ideas.
Chris Schindler

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Which is?

From http://www.access.gpo.gov/nara/cfr/cfrhtml_00/Title_14/14tab_00.html

91.13  Careless or reckless operation.
(a) Aircraft operations for the purpose of air navigation. No person may operate an aircraft in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another.
(b) Aircraft operations other than for the purpose of air navigation. No person may operate an aircraft, other than for the purpose of air navigation, on any part of the surface of an airport used by aircraft for air commerce (including areas used by those aircraft for receiving or discharging persons or cargo), in a careless or reckless manner so as to endanger the life or property of another.


105.5  General.
No person may conduct a parachute operation, and no pilot in command of an aircraft may allow a parachute operation to be conducted from an aircraft, if that operation creates a hazard to air traffic or to persons or property on the surface.

FAR 91.13 would get tagged on to just about -anything- an FAA inspector didn't like on -any- airplane or operation.
FAR 105.5 is sort of the same deal, but -specific- for parachute operations.

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"and you would know why?"
A Non Comissioned Officer needs to know these things. Plus I had an experience or two with Article 15, Article 32, Article 134, Article 92, and probably several others I have forgotten about.....:)"I only have 131 jumps, so I don't know shit..right?"-Clay

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