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funny, I am sort of living this scenario. Last year, almost by fluke I started skydiving. Did my fjc for a sl jump and made my first jump on that day. What an incredible feeling. Do to other commitments ( a trip to Europe) I had ot wait close to three weks to make a second jump. That one felt even better....
The next weekend my then girlfriend, now fiance, wanted to come with me to see what this was all about. She is afraid of flying, has had therapy for an anxiety disorder and thinks I am crazy for doing this, doesn't want to do it herself, but can sort of understand what an amazing thrill it would be.
I get suited up for my third ever jump. I jump from the plane, chute opens, wow no line twists for a change, but wait, why am I spinning. Mmmm, the slider is only a 3rd of the way down. I flare twice, hoping that will solve the problem....it doesn't....
Look, Reach, Pull.....a second of actual freefall and one thought.....I hope this fucker opens......and a beautiful orange reserve opens over my head......wow that was an even bigger rush. I land the reserve, no wind, high flare and a wrong PLF reminds me why you really do not want to stick out your hands during a PLF. Damn my three fingers hurt. Later it turns out I have broken three of them....
I walk off the landing area and find my fiance in the spectators area, she is fuming, trembling and very upset. The first words out of her mouth were: We are going home.....
It took some talking to get her to settle down. In the end I did a fourth jump that day, only to find out I could barely use my right hand and had to flare with my wrist...... Landed that on in the cornfield......
Needless to say that my fiance and I had some "discussions" during the following week. In the end I told her this, mainly because I love her and because she is important to me...... I told her I would stop for the year, but if I still wanted to persue this the next year, she would have to support me and not stand in my way..........
It has been a long time, but I can't wait for May to come around, for the dz to open and for me to start with my AFF program. Now, when I talk about skydiving, when I watch Good Stuff on dvd, I think sometimes I actually can see a smile on her face..........
Talk with eachother and go with what your heart tells you to do...........
Blue Skies,
"We cannot do great things, only small things with great love" Mother Theresa

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I think I have to agree with Wildblue (even if he did find RC first and steal her heart). I've dated whuffos in the past, only to have them leave me or me leave them because of the inability to understand why I do what I do. I guess, IMHO, that if a person doesn't understand and can't grasp the feelings/emotions in this sport, they will never understand until they actually try it.
"If you don't understand, I can't explain - If I explain, you'll never understand."
"If you have something vital and it's sincere, you can communicate." Butch Trucks

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Your logic makes sense, the only flaw with what you said, and this is a big one, is that likening a crack habit with skydiving is not a fair comparison to start with. It's a fact that crack is dangerously bad for your health. There is no way around it. Skydiving while a dangerous sport does not have a continued detrimental effect on a person physically and mentally like crack does.
Now if a signifant other has a serious hangup with you skydiving, well then that may end up breaking the relationship up anyway, and sometimes that's the way it goes. But you want to play devil's advocate do it with a better analogy than crack because the two simply aren't comparable.
:)20 million bathtubs can't be wrong. . .

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Wildblue makes a good point, but I also don't agree that a crack habit is the same as skydiving. I know we sometimes joke that it's like a drug habit, but I'd like to think that it's not, really...not in the damaging way that drugs are.
Skydiving is really no different then any other possible problem in a relationship. There will always be something, even seemingly insignificant things, that will make or break a relationship. It can be big like money, children, your families (biggie!), or smaller things like cleaning, watching sports on tv, or leaving friggin baby powder all over the bathroom that gets on my clean work slacks...err... sorry... flashbacks from ex-hubby. (Baby powder?! I know your junk sticks, but that's a little weird..I certainly don't want to be eatting baby powder later! Ick..woops, there I go again :)The thing that amuses me is that other popular, more mainstream, sports like motorcycle racing and scubadiving can be just as, if not more, dangerous. Why is it that skydiving is viewed as such a bigger deal and more reckless then some of these other things? Lack of knowledge. We must educate!!.... or not :)All mho of course :)
Closing pin jewelry

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It would really be best for you do go ahead and make the plunge. It is a knockout to all of your senses and a feeling of peace all around. Hearing it from someone cannot accuratly describe it and seeing it gives it no justice either. Do him a favour and see what he is all pshyced about before asking him to stop.
Who ever said comming down from a high was bad obviously never tried this.
Peter Rodrigues

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Skydiving while a dangerous sport does not have a continued detrimental effect on a person physically and mentally like crack does.

You haven't been around long enough :D

But you want to play devil's advocate do it with a better analogy than crack because the two simply aren't comparable.

The word for today kids is "Hyperbole"
Look it up, report back, bring a sense of humor.
Never argue with stupid people.They just drag you down 2 their level & beat you with experience

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I know we sometimes joke that it's like a drug habit, but I'd like to think that it's not, really...not in the damaging way that drugs are.

Actually... if you want to get into it, skydiving does affect your body in very much the same way as drugs. The body becomes addicted to the endorphins and the adreline that is produced every time a jump is made. The addiction becomes stronger and stronger the more jumps or time you put into an activity. Eventually the jumps no longer satisfy the cravings for the endorpins so you move on to other activities that do.
Adreline causes the blood vessels to expand and lets the body work more efectively then it normally does. If the body has an over load, it will eventually crash and cause damage to its self. Endorphins are even stronger in causing self destructing behaivor. Repetive crashing from adreline and endorphin addiction is way more destructive to the body then most people think it is.
I know a few water skiers that ski up till like November in Ohio because they are addicted to the water that much. They completly ignore their common sense and good judgement and go out in near freezing water for a while each weekend. Why? The endorphin addiction is very hard to break.
How many "Extreme" people can just walk away from everything and intergrate into normal society and never think about thier former passions?
Cause I don't wanna come back down from this cloud... ~ Bush

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How many "Extreme" people can just walk away from everything and intergrate into normal society and never think about thier former passions?

I could, I can quit at any time if I wanted to man. Seriously, I can quit anytime I want...hey, you wanna go jump? :D
"Give me one ping and one ping only..."

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Yeah seriously, I have no problems jumping. It doens't rule my life. sometimes, I go a whole hour without thinking of jumping.
Ooo.... If I could just get this window open, I could land in that park across the street.....
What were we talking about? Oh yeah... Skydiving is NOT addictive. I can stop ANYTIME I want to....
Make up your own ending,let me know just how you feel....

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The word for today kids is "Hyperbole"
Look it up, report back, bring a sense of humor.

Oh geez! I know that you weren't one hundred percent serious, but there are still better examples if you want to play "devil's advocate." Besides if you are allowed to play devil's advocate, then I can play devil's advocate to your viewpoint. :P
But please don't take a condescending tone, it's unbecoming and tends to start arguments.
20 million bathtubs can't be wrong. . .

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Actually... if you want to get into it, skydiving does affect your body in very much the same way as drugs.

Actually... if you want to get into it, so does almost any physically exerting activity. And yes some people can become addicted to that feeling but it is nowhere near as addictive or dangerous to the body as drugs are. :)20 million bathtubs can't be wrong. . .

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Hyperbole: An exaggeration for the sake of emphasis.

I know what hyperbole means, but if you start with something then compare it to something hyperbolically the emphasis is only achieved if they still have some form reasonable similarity to start with. Skydiving and crack don't. *sigh*
:)20 million bathtubs can't be wrong. . .

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In reply to:
Skydiving while a dangerous sport does not have a continued detrimental effect on a person physically and mentally like crack does.
You haven't been around long enough

One word to support your thesis: CLAY.:S
hehehe.. enjoying the thread though...

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Being raised with zero self esteem and low confidence....
I jumped because I was convienced that I could not do it, period.
During a frequent bout with depression, I went. I told no one. I wanted to know if in fact I was a complete lozer as I never did anything right in my whole life. Or so I am lead to believe, up to and including this very morning.
I jumped, and I found out that #1 I am not a complete lozer.
#2 it took an extreme amout of sefl confidence to do that just now.
#3 what depression? I just jumped out of an airplane and flew thru the air and it was the most wonderful thing.
#4 regarding trials and tribulations in life- "If you can jump out of an airplane - you can do anything" AirAnn 2000
I now have a non profit org AirAnn.com who gives away Fresh Air awards to persons who keep going despite adversity. Oct winner was pregnant at 17, lived in a church home, got herself accepted into a West Coast college while she was in the church home, gave the baby up for adoption, and 3 months later did a tandem skydive sponsored by AirAnn.com and wrote about her experience. Paracutist Mag Jan 2002, Page 14.
It does more for self esteem and confidence than any other thing women have tried. I have spoken to women with lifelong issues of low self esteem and confidence.. 9 out of 10 women I have talked to will tell you this little known fact. The majority continue to skydive because it makes them feel better about themselves.
It happens with men too. If your bf is doing this to uplift himself, better himself in anyway, forget that its fun, let him have this freedom.
Ours is not to ask why, its just to understand there are things that work and we dont especially know why. Skydiving can make a person happy. Its a fact.
Explanations are different for each person. I guarantee you there has never been a time whereby a skydiver has gone over how much he owes for his car, how behind he is on X bill, or anyother dreadful daily experience while in freefall. So there is an escapism reason right there. Not that it is a bad thing.
And the experience is something that no one can take away from you.
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com

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I shoot video of tandems and I see first hand every day the difference between before and after, in that look the whole thing is explained. Sometimes they laugh so hard they crawl on the ground unable to verbalize. Sometimes they can't even put together broken sentences. They shout, they hug me, they high five, they cry, they hollar. I agree with what others said, go to the dz with him, meet the people. See looks on the faces of the first time jumpers and you will know.
Drewfus McDoofus

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Other activities do give you that same feeling. That's one of the reasons I'm such an advid weight lifter, why I used to be into rock climbing, repelling, paintball, mt. biking, etc. And it is sort of like a drug, I keep going up the ladder so-to-speak in rushes...(BASE here I come:D).
"Give me one ping and one ping only..."

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Actually... if you want to get into it, skydiving does affect your body in very much the same way as drugs.

Oh, I don't disagree that it has an actual physical response in your body that is habit forming, what I don't think happens, though, is my brain cells die little by little from it. I don't think I can OD on it either, as a friend of mine did..turning her into practically a vegetable, and that sort of thing. Definately habit forming tho...
Oh wait, I must edit this post...there are a few skydivers who I swear have lost a few brain cells somewhere...argh...freefall kills brain cells! Who knew?! :)
Closing pin jewelry

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when i get in to the air i dont worry about things in life bills ,arguments,ect im in another world ,if but for a second
human flight is about as close to flying with angles
plus its cool as hell doing mind melds with sitflyers
dont let your mind wander.....its to little to be left alone......

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#4 regarding trials and tribulations in life- "If you can jump out of an airplane - you can do anything" AirAnn 2000

After my first jump, once I was home, and sitting there alone, it struck me as a complete revelation. I can do anything after that!
Why jump? For the same reason that I write. Because there is a fire inside me, and doing these things feeds it and makes it burn hotter than anything else can. Not jumping or writing or digging into the earth in my garden would be like dumping water on that fire.
no one soars too high, who soars on her own wings

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