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I was having a conversation with one of my whuffo friends last night about why I "suddenly became so interested in jumping out of perfectly good airplanes." Well we got around to comparing it to sex. I basically said that at this point in my life, skydiving beats the pants off sex (better than sex) any day - any time - with anybody.
Now, that feeling may change or it may vary depending on the person, or the type of skydive, etc...
It seems that the 3 important things to skydivers (or at least us on dz.com) are times laid:times jumped:cases owed.... what is more important?
What do you guys/gals think ?? Which would you rather do if given the choice (if cost per jump was not an issue ?) Under what circumstances would one be greater than the other ? Speak up!!!
If first you don't succeed....skydiving is not for you.

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I basically said that at this point in my life, skydiving beats the pants of sex any day - any time - with anybody.

Hairy palms?
Seriously, sex is great, even bad sex is good, right? Atleast for the guy it is :)"ahhhhoo...the little guy hasn't done anything yet and you know its going to be good..."

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Hairy palms?

HAHA - No...Sex is available with the s/o . It's not just the act of having sex and with a specific person. I guess what I was trying to say was that the feelings you get from the entire skydiving experience (pre-flight, plane ride, jumping out, canopy flight, landing) was better than the entire sexual experience including orgasm.
Or maybe I was just trying to compare the sensations of both to a whuffo to make him understand why I want to do it again. But this sparked a question in my mind as to if I were to compare the two.
I guess if it had been a long time since I had sex, then maybe I would feel differently. Oh wait...it has been a while now...
If first you don't succeed....skydiving is not for you.

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Funny you bring this up.
THis girl i was seeing this summer is coming back in town and wants to stay with me . the problem is she wants to stay over the weekend which i should be out at the Dropzone. Its been 7 months since the first number hasnt been 0 but about 4 weeks since my last jump due to weather. SO im debating weather to jump or sweep the dust off of the first number. Im trying to figure out some way to work both in..
Blue Skies
"When they say jump you say how high" RATM

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You can have sex at night, and on crappy weather days. You need to take advantage of the good days when you get the chance. Besides if you're really horny you can just have sex in the car on the way home from the dz. I'm sure there's somewhere you can pull off the road. ;)
"Never frown, even when you're sad. 'Cause you never know when someone is falling in love with your smile."

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Whichever I haven't had the longest........ which is.... Uh.....well.... I guess I should try to find a partner for a rodeo dive :)
I'm not talking about your pig tails, I'm talking about your sex appeal.... hit the road and I'm gone....

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Let me put it this way. There's bad sex... and then there's GOOD skydiving. Hrm, crap, that didn't work without the hand gestures. OK. Visual learners.. visual learners..
****<----- Good skydiving.
** <----- Bad sex.
Actually the activities are very similar. For both of them, you can tell someone it's awesome, incredible, a sensation you can't truly reproduce anywhere else. You can show them pictures, you can even show them videos of your first time. But until that person actually takes the plunge :$, he/she doesn't know what they're missing.

It seems that the 3 important things to skydivers (or at least us on dz.com) are times laid:times jumped:cases owed.... what is more important?

Why do you think I put sex first when I tried to have the quality of my free time distilled into a three-digit metric? ;)
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way

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Why do you think I put sex first when I tried to have the quality of my free time distilled into a three-digit metric?

Are you the one that started that? We've been doing it for so long i never even thought about who came up with the idea. :)"Never frown, even when you're sad. 'Cause you never know when someone is falling in love with your smile."

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Are you the one that started that? We've been doing it for so long i never even thought about who came up with the idea.

Heh. Yeah. here and here for the history. (Skreamer came up with the idea of 'hump loadings' and I expanded it. I didn't think it would take off though.)
I'm stepping through the door
And I'm floating in a most peculiar way

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