
harvard or yale???

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witch one is better ive decided im going to go to one so i can become a billionaire (no this isnt a joke im serious)(and i dont mean this year either)
Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

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Our CEO came from Harvard - and our stock ain't doin' no better than anyone elses right now - so I guess Yale? ;).
It's funny how folk in the US put so much emphasis on which school they go to - you don't go to University to learn anything in books, you go to learn about yourself - and the less you spend on tuition, the more you can spend on beer (and you get to learn how much beer it takes before you spend the rest of the weekend hugging the toilet) :)

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A&M also has the top Patrolium Engineering program in the nation, and the 4th ranked Nuclear Engineering program in the nation...not to mention one of the premeire leadership labratories in the nation, The Corps of Cadets...all and all, it's just a great school. :)"ahhhhoo...the little guy hasn't done anything yet and you know its going to be good..."

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thing is i want to make the big money
Goal - to own the largest/most succesful company in history.
however im neither expecting it to be an easy nor fast path.when it comes down to it without going to a major school and also getting the resulting networking it wont be specificly becuase if you walk in to a meeting with a degree your not really anything and the person your trying to win over doesnt really care because you only went to school a however if you do well in harvard/yale etc you can use your contacts to get to the right people and they will actually listen to what you have to say.
the thing is i know that i can get into any school i want given time purly becuase i am a greedy pick headed bastard who is prepared to give 20000% to achieve my goals regardless of how hard it is our how much effort it is
its not gunna be for a couple of years anyways but if i pick this year then i can tailor my work/study etc to there requirments

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thing is i want to make the big money

Bill Gates didn't even graduate from college...it's not so much where you go, its how bad you want it and are willing to work for it. Or in Bill's case, how much you're willing to steal from other people and claim as your own software...
"ahhhhoo...the little guy hasn't done anything yet and you know its going to be good..."

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the thing is i know that i can get into any school i want given time purly becuase i am a greedy pick headed bastard who is prepared to give 20000% to achieve my goals regardless of how hard it is our how much effort it is

Getting in isn't nearly as tricky as being able to afford to actually attend. :)"Vindictiveness aside, the matchbook was a decent doubles partner. . ."

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Bill Gates didn't even graduate from college...it's not so much where you go, its how bad you want it and are willing to work for it. Or in Bill's case, how much you're willing to steal from other people and claim as your own software...
lol yer but i need the education purly becuase of the fact that i will be running cross subject i.e everything from say pepsi to tv to towns etc etc you hire people that know how to do it to run it but you have to know how to run the top people
yer but i dont want to follow footsteps i want to make them lol

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You gotta be a little more specific - if you're talking about an MBA, Harvard is good but HBS grads have a reputation in the business community for having, well, how should I put this, an inflated sense of how much money they should be making, given their actual experience and qualifications.
If you look at CEOs of the Fortune 500 I think maybe one or two went to Harvard Business School. Yale's business/management school is not really in same league as those at Harvard, Stanford, UPenn, etc.
I'd say focus on finding a job you enjoy and the rest will take care of itself. There are a couple of ways to make lots of money with few specific skills except some general smarts and a lot of hard work. The two that come to mind are sales and investment banking.

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In the end it won't matter which school you go to. Success comes from a desire inside yourself....blah blah inspirational stuff here. Seriously, only perserverance, luck, and the ability to recognize opportunity when you see it will carry you there. Trust me, ten years after you graduate no one that matters will care what school you went to...they'll only care that you can get the job done.
There I go, I've dusted off the advice, repainted it and sold it for more than it's worth. Choose your own way through life.
Good Luck and congratulations on having to make such a choice.

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I hate to be the one to do this, but.....
I call BS on the whole question. If you are as serious as you claim, why the hell are you asking here? Look to a more appropriate forum. Regardless of that, you need to come across as literate and well spoken if you wish to succeed. If you are willing to put in as much effort as you claim, then you should be telling us what business schools are cited as being tops in their fields, as well as which one is more suited to the specific sub-field in which you plan to operate your grand endeavor.
Rather than just throwing out a vague troll, ask some specifics, or offer up more information so people can offer pertinent opinions.

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I myslef thought it to be a pretty good troll, especially with his response later on...
BTW, FWIW to teh original poster-- the current privately owned, biggest company is probably Koch Industries, but you'll never know cause they don't release that info. The bigger public companies would require some sort of hostile take over that requires another company of equal or bigger size to capitalize it. You've got a pretty long road ahead of you... :)

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What's your SAT verbal score? That's the most reliable indicator of college success unless you want Engineering (not available at Harvard), when the best indicator is SAT math.
You'll need at least 1400 SAT composite to get into either school, anyway, or any other ivy league school.

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