
Is It Me or Him? Frustration!

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You were right in being anxious, I would have been in that situation. My first 10 FF jumps or so were horrible corked out solo jumps (they're not too much better now ;)), jump numbers don't have anything to do with your ability to FF vs RW, etc. Just because you've been in the air a bit, doesn't mean that you'll instantly be able to FF or anything else for that matter.
Now, on the flip side, if he had wanted to take you out FFing, and you had wanted to, that would be another story. You could exit the aircraft last and the video could be a valuable learning tool for you to learn FFing with. But that's much more of a low pressure environment then it sounds like you were in.
"Homer Simpson, smiling politely."

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I got bored with belly flying at about jump # 25 or so.....

Were you even trying or interested to begin with?
This is not a dig at anybody's abilities, but rather just something I noticed a long time ago, if a person isn't really interested in something, then they move away from it pretty fast, if they're really interested in it, then they can probably spend the rest of their lives doing it.
For instance, I think right now I could spend the rest of my skydiving career just shooting 4-way. Yeah, I'll do other things as well, like some Pro stuff, but 4-way camera is really my "thing". I find it incredibly challenging to do "correctly".
I know there are other people that couldn't care less about doing it "correctly" and therefore don't see the challenge in it and therefore appear to get quite bored with it.
My guess would be the same with Clay's 25th belly jump. He may not have ever cared about it and therefore got bored quite fast.
Clay, what type of jumping are you really interested in? What really gets your interest -- uh, skydivingwise. Forget the sheep for a moment. :)quade

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Uh Oh.....I hope not unique like "Chromeboy" Some people go that way......

Great. Some people on here are known for farm animals and I am going to known as the guy who may be gay! :( Eventually I will run into a female dz.commer who may want to prove otherwise! ;)

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Eventually I will run into a female dz.commer who may want to prove otherwise!

You mean you're not gay? Hmmm....we all put you in the "don't bother" pile already. ;)
The brave may not live forever, but the timid may not live at all.

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Yeah but what if she won't kiss and tell??

At least it will be a good way to bring up the subject of sex. "You know people on dz.com think I am gay. I am not. Can I prove it to you? We don't have to tell anybody."

Ya know, it probably has a lot to do with your screen name.
"ChromeBoy" does sound like a character out of West Hollywood.

Chromeboy is actually a Super Hero who is payed back for his heroic contributions by being invited to the Playboy Mansion to have sexual fun with the Playmates. So yes, it does have something to do with Hollywood! :)

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Were you even trying or interested to begin with?

I don't think I really was. I definately wanted to learn to fly well and did lots of RW in my first 50 jumps with some really great people. It just seemed kind of boring to me. I also had some fall rate issues that really couldn't be fixed by anything but a bigger jumps suit. So......that was frustrating. It never seemed like that big of a challenge to fly on my belly once I got the basics down. Raeford doesn't have a lot of Free Flyers but the few that are there are really good. That's just what I became interested in. I think it's part of my personality to shy away from what "most" people do. I always take the path less travelled. Video.....it's next on my list. As soon as I get around to forking over the bucks for a PC-5 I want to start getting some practice at it and bugging the shit out of the video guys here. I'm lucky to have some VERY talented people to learn from.
Besides....Free Flying is just cool. No pressure like I saw all the team guys having at Raeford. I was out there to have fun and except VERY rare occasions it was the Free Flyers that were always having fun and the RW people that were always bitching about blown dives. Of course.....Raeford is home of GK so people take it pretty seriously there. *shrug*
"I only have 145 jumps so I always carry a JM so he can pull for me."-Clay

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Hi Rhonda,
you r husband is wrong for trying to push you into doing something that you are not comfortable doing or can't do!!!! people learn at different pace..i would recomend if you want to learn to freefly get some coach jumps.. then a bunch of solo jumps to practice what the coach showed you... then have the coach check you out when you think you got it... we skydive to have FUN ... so don't let him get you down... and don't let him push you into doing something you don't feel good about doing...freeflying takes alot of work... but is great fun... i can't wait till i am good enought to more than a two way freefly...hope you work things out!!!!
just jump!!!!

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Hey Rhonda:
My husband used to bitch me out when I funnelled a skydive, or blew a landing, or landed off the dz, blew an exit, etc.
I almost quit skydiving but I quit jumping with my husband instead. I found like-minded skydivers and started jumping with them.
I'm still married and I'm still skydiving :)-Sandy

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In my opinion, your husband was way off on this one. There is way too much at stake to jump out of a plane in a bad mindset. But what shocks me most is that you were flying a new canopy. EVERYBODY know you don't try more than one new thing at a time! You should have been doing relaxed fun jumps and maybe pulling a bit high to really get to know your canopy.
Besides, the real reason we all skydive is because it's fun. And if someone is taking that away from you then it becomes a rather expensive way to kill time. I've only had one instance where I wasn't enjoying myself on a skydive. I was freeflying with a group of people (too large for my experience level) who kept pushing me to do more and said I couldn't say no. After 3 very unsuccessful jumps and with diminishing confidence I became increasingly concerned about safety and felt miserable. I wanted to leave. Then I had the revelation that the reason I wasn' t having fun wasn't because of me, or because I sucked. It was because I was in a situation that made me uncomfortable. So I broke out of the group to lots of groans and tks-tsks from them and had a kick ass jump all by myself. I came down smiling and grinning and loving life. THIS is why I skydive! No matter what - have fun and be safe.

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>I got bored with belly flying at about jump # 25 or so.....
Not to harp on this, but . . .
Several days ago you talked about how you and some friends of yours "funnelled" (apparently just flew over to and fooled around with) a 4-way team, but it was safe because everyone was relatively experienced. Consider how you would react if you were doing a 4-way freefly and some belly fliers flew down to you, corked under you, managed to miss you - then claimed it was fine because they had 25 freefly jumps, which made them experienced enough to pull it off. And it was all in fun.
-bill von

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Respect to you for putting your (and everyone else's) safety first, you obviously are aware of your weakness's (if you call not being an asshole a weakness)
You have to learn at your own rate (coaching idea sounds great btw) :D i think you showed great maturity.
I don't know what "i" would have done in that situation, but it's ok to push your own limits when you feel comfortable.
I hope (know) you will get the right advice here,
the hard bit will be getting that point across to your other half. :)..Billions of people living out their lives..Oblivious..

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Hmm, sounds like to me you need to get yourself a good looking coach with patience and tell hubby that you'll be working hard at doing your darnist to be able to freefly with him. Then don't pressure yourself about learning everything and how fast you learn it, you have fun at it girl!

ROFL! That's fantastic! I love it...get a cutey coach and jump with him!
(OH! I forgot to add, I'm not sure if he's even in the US right now, but there's this hotty named Ramone here on DZ.com who is an awesome freeflyer and did his damndest to show me a headdown while we were in Houston. What a sweetheart...and so good natured about how badly I did :) Perhaps he does some coaching? :)You know, there is the possibility that there might even be a few people out there who may NEVER want to freefly...that are happy doing RW. I've actually met one of those rare breeds before! It's funny that it's assumed to be the natural progression.
It's really fantastic to be able to jump with your hubby/wife/gf/bf or whatever. It's nice always having a jump partner wherever you go. However, sometimes you'll jump apart, doing different things, jump with other people. If he's anxious to practice freeflying, he should go find some buddies and have at it and let you do the same with some people wanting to do RW. That's harder in a new place, especially if you don't really know anyone and you're a tad shy like myself (truly!!), but I've not been to a place yet where there weren't some terrific skydivers willing to 'adopt me in' for a few jumps :)
Have fun! That's what it's about :)
New pin jewelry!

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It's really fantastic to be able to jump with your hubby/wife/gf/bf or whatever.

ya know...I keep wondering how good it is...I just gotta figure out how not to be so sick so the sunshine woman and I can jump together....I so want my first kiss pass....

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