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You make a great point . . but you're trying a little too hard to drive it home to those who already know. Just rest assured that I am aware of the danger (ie: things do and will go wrong), but I'm equally aware of the safety (ie: great training, equipment, continued risk awareness). The increased safety over the past twenty or so years is not widely known . . . that's all I'm saying.
Blue Skies and Safe Dives,

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while i'm in total agreement that sky diving is an extremely dangerous sport, i also advocate that it can and is being performed in general by individuals who try there level best to be as safe as possible. there are the exceptions, that's what makes us look silly from time to time. having said that nascar is an extremely dangerous sport, can it be perfromed safely? i saw more wrecks on the track yesterday in fort worth than i knew what to do with! we simply have to realize the ever present danger, do not become complacent, and attend drop zone training days when they offer them. yeah, hell yeah, it's dangerous, but it can be done safely. just my .02 USD.
"I Swear I Didn't Know She Was Only 16!!"

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Fatility stats have remained at a flat percentage for about the last 15-20 years. The Gear is safer, but more jumpers are getting killed now then 20 years ago statisticly.... (Open, good canopys kill more jumpers then everything else anymore....)
"Hey.. Its my camera, and my remote... I'll rewind if I want to!" ~ Goat #2

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"you could be seriously mamed while simply taking a wiz as a meteor crashes through your roof and hits you while yer sitting on the can."
Perfect example of the cosmic shit hammer,,,,I should add that I usually whiz standing up tho....
Don't read this,,,

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Some would think that you are safe in your house. Especially if you hide under blankets, but you never know when communist trained nazi super-ninjas will repel through your dinning room windows and kill everyone in the room with lightning quick speed and with out a sound...
"Are they short-shorts?" T.B.

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You mean to tell me this shit is dangerous? I've got over 70 jumps now and noone has ever mentioned it to me. Yeah, I saw some legal mumbo jumbo on some forms I signed, but who reads that crap anyway? This is totally mind blowing, I had no idea I was taking any risk at all. Hell, Jimbo was just telling me the other day that there's absolutely nothing that could go wrong skydiving and that it's safer than easing yourself down onto a mound of cottonballs. I have to seriously rethink this sport now.
This thread reminds me of a great cartoon on the register in Square 3.
"Life causes death!! Everyone Panic!!!!"
cielos azules y cerveza fría

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This thread reminds me of a song lyric: "as soon as you're born you start dying, so you might as well, have a good time" - Cake.
Personally, I've been hit by a car while crossing the road, and they say walking is"safe" so I think I'll educate myself and do the best I can with this "unsafe" sport. While you have a better chance dying while skydiving then sitting in a chair, that's what life's about; deciding which risks you're willing to accept. Knowing the statistics and risks in this sport, I feel confident saying that I can be doing this for many years to come, in the same way I feel confident that I won't get hit by another car. I might be wrong on either account, but hopefully not.
Life's not worth living if you can't feel alive

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ppl have to also remember though that the very nature of this sport is indended suicied i.e flying - you hope in a plane with the intention of taking off flying around then landing, driving - hop in the car drive to point a to b. skydiving - you jump out of an aircraft at a high hieght and attain such a speed that the chance of survival is in the very long decimals , sure we use parachutes etc but that doesnt change the fact that what we are doing is intentionly "killing" ourselves with just the assumtion that the parachute will work.
if you look at other sports for eg rock climbing, you are already strapped in (exculding free climbing) bungee jumping your tied on what do have when we exit, nothing
im not saying that this sport is full of suicidle ppl or that is exceptionaly dangerous however it isnt really fair to compare it to walking or driving or getting hit by an asteroid becuase we are willingly and (hopefully) fully awaryly killing oursleves
Opinions are like a-holes everyone has one, the only one that does you any good is yours and all that comes out is shit

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