
Spaceland. Tuesday-Wednesday. Be there.

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...or Phree and I will be PISSED. We also hope or plan to see AirAnn, Snowflake and JumperPaula out there, and who knows who else?
Come to Spaceland, or you're a dork.
The door is open
We are way the fuck up here
Might as well get out.
~ FallingMarc

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I'm a dork. :-(
But that's only because I'm in California. and I'm not allowed to drive anywhere let alone Texas, and cannot anyway coz my brother STOLE MY KEY AND HID IT!!!! GRRRRRRR
"Welcome to the sky!" -- My video/photographer, after my second tandem jump

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It'll be fun, a few more people and we'll get the Otter up, so come on guys, come join us. I promise we'll have fun. We can FF, do hybrids, do some CReW, what else can you ask for? :)A human cannonball, I rise above it all
Up higher then a trapieze, I can fly

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Well guys I'm having my own personal "Finacial Crisis" here. And I can't afford to spend the cost of rentals and stuff. I'm seriously trying to save money, just seems like everytime something goes wrong somewhere in my life I have to spend it.. I look back and never understood how I got through student jumps.. I get to jump once in awhile.. I'm not longer getting any better or working on anything when I jump.. Just trying to stay current so when I can afford my own equipment I will be able to JUMP MY ASS OFF!!!
Any ideas?
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OK, you dorks, I'm sorry. :D
If I didn't name you specifically, that means we ESPECIALLY want to see you. Golly.
The door is open
We are way the fuck up here
Might as well get out.
~ FallingMarc

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Be there, I have folks lined up to jump with Phreezone & Jessica.
Hey, now that guy has a nice phone voice.... I like to let him record a message and then pick up so I can save a little of The Voice for later. LOL
I now have lost the memory of who all will be there but is a load and a half for sure. (I got a little bump on the head the other day) But we are excited to have you here. We have several options on the To Do list - so we are all set up... AND Cyber got the vacume cleaner to work. It needed a belt. Heh...
So its all good. Veg man is outta the picture so its Fish Food and Chicken er frog legs taste the same you will never know the difference. LOL Just kidding, Cyber is the Grocery man.
I wind up in the candle isle and toy isle and I am pissed that they dont have the little lites I wanted for my helmet. They go on kids bike tires and if you move they blink, red green and blue. Kids get all the good stuff so thats where I am in the store. I found some little parajumper dudes I had got for Levin but couldnt find them when I got home. And they have a little alligator sprinkler for the yard that has an umbrella that goes around and makes fun splashes. And THEN, they just came out with a Lazy Boy chair for Flea and Olav needs one too. A pool furniture set for the cats and a tea set. And I found out that new born baby clothes fit Flea and are cheaper than the pet shirts. Flea gets cold. But Skeet doenst get it... He thinks Fleas raincoat and his tshirts are handles for him to pick him up with...... Well, Flea grabs Skeets warm up jacket to hang onto as well.
WTF am I talking about now, animals again.
speaking of Whuffo- Slapshimself better make a cameo appearance. Mc Dave will be there. Eric, Stevie, Zak, Trent and Jed for awesome FreakFlys. McDave sits very well and so does Aggie Dave. And who knows... who else will be there.
I am looking foward to the sunset load when everyone is there. Maybe that is the tube jump. Whooo Hooooo!
Maybe I can fix jacuzzi heater by then.......... after party? Its just a small gas leak under ground I will find it pretty quick with a bic lighter...... fix it up tootsweet...
Ann ~ www.AirAnn.com
Anyone want a Kitten?

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Have fun at Water Training. I'll never forget mine.
We sat in a hottub taking the instruction. Then put on a harness with a canopy and jumped in a swimming pool, swam out of the harness and untangled, then jumped back in the Hottub and did a Tequila Shot. We did another shot after each jumper finished.
We were plastered after Water Training. Hope I really never need to remember that stuff. :P
...but seriously, go pursue that USPA license requirement.
Don't you worry one bit about that SuperOtter!
Fly Your Slot !

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i gotta admit paula your water training sounds like a LOT more fun than mine was! although i'm not complaining, my buddy (instructor) brought over an old rig to my apartment complex. so, it's middle of the summer and damn kids are everywhere, i hop into the deep end with a canopy. he tells me to get under it and as soon as i do so he does jumps in on my head thru the canopy. no shit, there i was, thought i was going to drown...well hell i guess a real water landing won't ever be that bad!
puzzled the hell out of the neighbor kids, don't know why anybody doesn't talk to me anymore, oh well silly wuffos!
glug glug

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Alright, its almost 0400 so I'm off for some mody breakfast then on to Spaceland. Hopefully this way I'll beat some of the traffic and make it for first load. Need to make a few jumps to make this canopy demo worth while. :)*crossing fingers* Hope the weather doesn't turn out like it is forcasted...
A human cannonball, I rise above it all
Up higher then a trapieze, I can fly

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