
When does age difference become an issue?

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When your dating someone, when does age difference become an issue? Whats the biggest difference in age between you and someone you have dated? I have dated someone 6 years older than me, I have also dated someone 2 years younger than me. I am 24 now. Dating an older women isn't big deal, but I often wonder if it was to her. Just looking for input. And please, leave the damn sheep and goats outta this thread. ;-)
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I just posted something similar (Age and Skydivers) a few days ago. I'm 24 too and I think that I would date probably someone 10 years older then me, but more then that, I don't know. Think about introducing the person to the people you care about, and if you'd feel OK about that.
When it comes down to it age shouldn't matter, but on some level, to me, it does. I think basically it all comes down to the specific couple. Some people can make large differences work and some don't.
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When I was 18 I dated a 23 year old....
Now i don't really care...I am 29...and there is a college age jumper at my DZ that i think is totally cool...and there is a whuffo (almost) 40-year-old whom I think is a dream.....it is no longer about numbers and all about who these men are....

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Sophie Tucker used to tell a story about her and her husband Earnie.
Earnie came in one day and said, "Soph, when I'm 60, I'm going to get me a 20-year-old girl friend" and Sophie said, "Earnie, when I'm 60, I'm going to get me a 20-year-old boyfriend. And Earnie, let me tell you something. 20 goes into 60 a hell of a lot more than 60 goes into 20."

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I married someone 12 years my senior. When does it make a difference? When one or both of you enters a new phase of life. He wanted to slow down and I wanted to jump into life and explore all it had to offer. Suddenly we wanted totally different things out of life. Just something to think about.

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Age would only matter to me if she is under 18 because I could get into trouble. Yes, I have checked a chics ID before..LOL. Several times......Or over about 45 or so is getting out of my range. Other than that I do require the kind of tits I like.....one on the left and one on the right......:)"It's all about the BOOBIES!"

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I need someone at least 21, cause if he can't get into the bar, he ain't gonna see much of me. ;)
Seriously, though, I agree with dove. I spent a couple of really bad years with a guy 12 years older than me. I didn't realize they were bad at the time, but if someone treated me like that these days, I'd kick him in the crotch and run like hell.
Quite frankly, that experience led me to worry about the motivations of someone who seeks out a partner in a completely different age group. But what the hell, different strokes for different folks. I've seen some very loving relationships betwen people with big age chasms between them.
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No, it was bad cause he was a jerk. But, I was so young (19) that I really didn't know enough to stand up for myself, and I suspect that's why he pursued me -- he wanted someone pliable and naive, and by golly, a 19-year-old will do nicely.
So that's why I'm suspicious of someone who LOOKS for someone in a different age group. But being suspicious of them is different than condemning them, which I would never do. I've seen too many happy eyes for that.
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Actually I don't care as long as the boobies are aight,
however, a few months ago I met this girl that looked like 23 or something, we hooked up and 2 weeks later it turned out she was only 17 (no problem here in Belgium, you can go down to 16 since a few years so I didn't have to worry about the law.
She was very mature, and I liked her a lot, but I can tell you this: the first time your girlfriend tells you she can't see you because she is grounded!!! you've had it!
I'm 22, and for the moment 21 is my minimum, I just don't need that shit happening to me anymore
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I am 26 and have tended to date women in the 28-34 year old range. They tend to play less games, be more comfortable in their own shoes. There are younger exceptions.
The only problem with that is women in their early to mid thirties that don't have kids tend to be in the "I'm running out of time and my biological clock is ticking frame of mind" So they can tend to pressure more than say a 28-29 year old.
Youngest I've dated was 20, oldest was 38.. It seems that 28ish seems to be the sweetspot for me. I myself would like to have more kids someday so that has to be considered as well. So age has to be factored into what you are looking for in the future. And yes.. Women tend to be hung up on dating "younger" men. Age is an attitude and a culmination of life experience. The good ones will see past the number and look at you for who you are.
Hope this helps,
Blue Skies ..... ;)

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