
it opened!

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BEER! I just got back from the dz, where I jumped my own pack job for the FIRST time! I don't think I have ever chucked my pilot chute out so hard (I really wanted to make sure things went well). I got a whole bunch of shit when I got down because it was my first. Hmm.. I think I am up to about 7 or 8 cases I owe.. I wish I wasn't poor, perhaps I could afford better than the beast or nati light. So, I guess I am just really excited and I wanted to share it with you all! I sure hope it opens next time! :)
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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why...thank you! The day is even better because I wasn't even supposed to be able to jump today due to crappy weather, but it held out until I got out of work! I think I am a bit overly excited about this day. :)The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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Good job, Skyrose!
I packed for lots of volunteers before I had enough confidence to jump my own packjob...thanks, Ed, Darryl, and of course Mark....that was my best opening (simply because it opened), second only to that pretty blue reserve...
Ciels and Pinks-
If you really want to, you can seize the day; if you really want to, you can fly away...

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congratulations!!! .... don't know about you ... but when I jumped mine for the first time ... had me a LOT more nervous than even my first jump did! I felt a huge relief when that bugger opened right ... and was even on heading.
I know it's not the official event, but to me ... that was when I really felt graduated.
As long as you are happy with yourself ... who cares what the rest of the world thinks?

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uh, so I went to sleep last night and dreamt that I had a malfunction from the way I packed my pilot chute (it just wouldn't open) and my chute took FOREVER to come out, but I had pulled at 900 ft, so the cypress had already fired... All I can say was that it was wierd. It was a perfect landing, but I think I will repack my rig. :S
The mind is like a parachute--it works better when it is open. JUMP.

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Gratz skyrose7! I jumped my own pack job for the first time this weekend as well! It opened a little hard and I thought something must be wrong so I did an extensive controllability check to make sure I wasn't going to have to cutaway. It was pretty scary because even though everything looked ok I could have swore it was diving or something. lol. Big psychological freakyness.
Also jumped my own pack job again (with variation on the nose rolling) and got one line twist but a softer opening. I'm going to keep working with it until it's just right. =) I still have a lot to learn to make a really clean and fast pack.
I also finished up every requirement for the A license this weekend (own pack job was last thing I had to do and really the toughest thing for me) and am going to mail off for it today or tommorow as well! :)

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Hey, Mary, Congrats!!!!!
I remeber the first jump on my own pack job...the whole opeing sequesnce was in slow-motion.....i waved off....(that took several years, as I recall)...then threw out....I remember repeating...."please open please open please open...." until I felt the jerk....
There has never been an opening that I remember so clearly and with such a sense of accomplishment!

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My first unsupervised pack job just wracked my nerves.
I was visiting a new DZ and didn't want to admit that I wasn't signed of for packing. I'd done a lot of supervised pack jobs but never one completely on my own. I packed it and jumped it on my own at the new DZ. Maybe it's just my memory but it was the best opening I ever had on that canopy....
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
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I'm REALLY new to the world of skydiving. After listening to y'all talk about your first pack jobs I'm getting kinda nervous. I just have a general packing question....is it cool to ask the riggers if I watch over/learn from them while they are packing chutes? Or is that something I shouldn't do? I know it probably varies from DZ to DZ, but I don't want to go up to them and ask a really stupid question. Thanks for all the help.
Blue Skies!

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That's something you definately should do, and do often. ALWAYS ask questions. No matter how stupid you think the question might be... ask it.
And jumping your first packjob is entirely psychological. It's a big hurdle to get over in your mind, but packing a parachute really isn't that tough. If we were rational about these things we wouldn't worry about our first pack job as much as we do.
ICQ: 5578907
MSN Messenger: andrewdmetcalfe at hotmail dot com
AIM: andrewdmetcalfe
Yahoo IM: ametcalf_1999

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Yeah.....I just jumped my first pack job a few weeks back. It was actually rental gear, and after I'd packed it, I went inside to get manifested for the next load, and while I was gone, another jumper grabbed the rig and was heading out to the plane. I did catch up with him to tell him that he was jumping my first unsupervised pack job....all he said was "Cool...I'll jump your rig now and drink your beer later! : ) " ...haha. Opened perfect for him, so I packed it again and then jumped it for myself.
"My eyes are dry and my hands are clean
and I can't believe all the things I've seen"
-- Blind Melon

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My first was on a brand spanking new Sabre-2 190 - SDC had just gotten them in about a week before to replace the aging Safire's as student mains. After struggling with it for about 2 and a half hours, I got it in there, slapped the container and said, "I dub thee, 'Malfunction Waiting to Happen' ." This freaked out the packers nearby as being bad karma.
I pitched at 4, and got to watch the risers cross right in front of my face and bitch slap me. Took a few seconds to realize what just happened and where I was, by then it was flying fine, no line twists or anything - quite odd. Never had that happen since.

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