
Goodbye folks.

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I agree, however I did PM Sangiro and he did not respond. Instead he put a public message for all to read.

I believe I responded to a very dramatic public post that you made - "for all to read". No one has seen or even knew about the PM you sent me until you just mentioned it....
I'm done with this thread now.
Safe swoops

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thats the first time anyone has reached a dozen locked threads! DO I HAVE TO SAY IT!!!!!!!!**
REALLY!!??!! even i didn't know that. what i do know is it's been a long time since i've been locked. a simple trip to forum etiquette will explain all the rules, i noticed we have 9000 members on dz.com, but this post from HH has far less viewers. maybe a trip there would settle things down a bit. and getting back to me having a dozen locked threads, i believe you can correct the statement by saying i've been "involved" in a dozen threads which were locked, not started by me, but nonetheless i was probably involved in them, i dunno? take notice muenkel, mind your manners and play nicely, and everything is kewel. and by all means don't come in here in HH's living room and piss on his carpet! stick around, don't be a "wus" take care, live free, dive fast! ;)
"Gravity Is My Friend"

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thats the first time anyone has reached a dozen locked threads! DO I HAVE TO SAY IT!!!!!!!!**
REALLY!!??!! even i didn't know that. what i do know is it's been a long time since i've been locked. a simple trip to forum etiquette will explain all the rules, i noticed we have 9000 members on dz.com, but this post from HH has far less viewers. maybe a trip there would settle things down a bit. and getting back to me having a dozen locked threads, i believe you can correct the statement by saying i've been "involved" in a dozen threads which were locked, not started by me, but nonetheless i was probably involved in them, i dunno? take notice muenkel, mind your manners and play nicely, and everything is kewel. and by all means don't come in here in HH's living room and piss on his carpet! stick around, don't be a "wus" take care, live free, dive fast!
yes I know I can only remember the MAIN incident. but you miss my piont....thats the first time anyone has reached a dozen locked threads!
its monday 1am here but I am drinking my last beer. thanks!
Have fun, Live free, SKYDIVE!!

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Thanks for responding. I am not trying to start a pissing match and this is getting old fast. I had to respond to your post because that is the person I am. I don't just roll over and let comments be made without responding.
I don't want to leave, but I want to feel welcomed. So I am going to ask you an honest, blunt question:
1. The "without substance" thing really has me puzzled. I think this can apply to about 70% of the posts here. So, when is something post whoring and when is something idle chit chat. Is this determined by who is posting it or the actual content? I am totally serious about this question and would like to know the answer. I also post this publicly because I feel there may be many others who do not know the answer.
I appreciate your time and I am so ready to move on. I am not miserable at all, just a New Yawker!:D
BTW, my farm animal fantasies are my business...no one elses.;)
Blue skies,

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It is easy to let your posts get out of control. My alter ego is a prime example of posting the first thing that pops into your head and not thinking about your posts. It might seem funny to some people, however, it can be annoying to others. Will anybody stop you from doing it? Probably not. You will just annoy some people in the threads and they will not like you very much.
When someone looks at this online community they see that there is people here who post whore on a regular basis and have done it for a long time...Clay :)As HH said, post whoring every once in awhile is ok. Just don't make it your goal to increase your numbers and don't post just to hear your own voice. I used to be that way too. But I want to stay here and I want to jump with all 9,000 + DZ.commers and I want them to know a little bit about me and have respect for me when I see them at the dropzone. I don't want to just be a post whore. That is what I have learned during my time here. That is why I am back to my original screen name and I am not a guy named Chromeboy from ChromeDome.:)Sorry for the long post. Just my thoughts.
Blue Dreams,

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**yes I know I can only remember the MAIN incident. but you miss my piont....thats the first time anyone has reached a dozen locked threads!**
no, i did not miss your point. and by the way, your point is pointless, unless it's meant to start some shit. (which i hope it's not, because i won't be involved) now, my question is this, now that you've went to the trouble to do some obvious researching, what's the prize for having a dozen locked threads? be sure and tell me where, when, and how i can collect. i know chris is a friend of yours, but DO NOT "draw fire" from him to me, i believe this would be considered a personal attack. HH said he's finished with this thread, it's time we all let it "DIE" and consider this my last word on the matter. have fun, take care, be safe, and remember "only the good die young"
"Gravity Is My Friend"

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"I don't want to leave, but I want to feel welcomed. "
You are welcome here dude, there is a lot of compassion in the people here.
I have met some great people here virtually, and then in real life, we have become very good friends.
It would be a great shame if you were to deny youself that experience.
GR# 37
"I don't believe that kindness is a weakness"

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You have explained it better than anyone. You say you want people to get to know you, but voice inflection and expression gets lost in the written word. So things get said and misinterpreted. Clay can post whore because he has a rare gift of posting useless shit, but wording it in a way that I personally find entertaining. I definitely have post whored, but not to hear my own voice. I have also contributed to many of BillVon's interesting conversations. Keep in mind though, we may post something with one intention, but the reader may have an anger management problem and be totally offended.
Anyway, I am going to the rules section to read and study them now.
Thanks for making some sense.

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Believe it or not when I met Clay we did not discuss boobies or sheep once!

Same here....and I've seen him twice !
Do you think it might all be an act on Clay's part ?????? And he's really just a down-to-earth, non-farm-animal-fantasizing type of heterosexual male ??
(nah......can't be.....) :)Chris -- you need to hang around, dude.....

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Since Sangiro is done with this thread he won't be able to answer my question. I am posting it again so maybe one of the moderators can answer it or one of you more experienced people.
BTW, I'm still trying to find the rules section. Where's AggieDave when you need him?

1. The "without substance" thing really has me puzzled. I think this can apply to about 70% of the posts here. So, when is something post whoring and when is something idle chit chat. Is this determined by who is posting it or the actual content? I am totally serious about this question and would like to know the answer. I also post this publicly because I feel there may be many others who do not know the answer.


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Yeah, a ton of posts around here have no substance, but they're at least funny or amusing. For example, if someone replied to this thread with:
"Hot fork! Hot fork! Hot fork!"
Zero substance, but amusing, and applies to this situation. On the other hand, if someone responded with:
"Ha! Clay has sex with sheep!"
Well, that's really kind of pointless. Sure, you could get away with that once or twice, but if all your posts are like that, you might be a post whore.
New thread? "You might be a post whore if..."
Warning: sunshine is a kleptomaniac

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Hey, by the way Chris, Aggiedave is one of the many people from the boards that I have met in real life.
In fact I was jumping the CASA with him most of this weekend, along with many regular posters here.
Also met Flyingferret and Freaksister for the first time. Nice folks. :)Cya
GR# 37
"I don't believe that kindness is a weakness"

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Wow! This is a long good-bye ya got goin' on. Trying for a record?
Here's a clue about your pressing question: When you pay for the bandwidth, you can determine what has and has not substance. Until then, if you find that one of your threads has been locked, it's safe to assume that the thread has been determined to have been without substance by someone who pays for the bandwidth or is authorized by the dude who pays for the bandwidth.

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Thanks Julie, you sweet thing:
I guess my reply would be, that if you are paying for the bandwidth, make it clear to all new members so they can be considerate. Also, it may help to keep the cost down if you applied the rules evenly across the board.
Thanks for sharing.;)

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I guess my reply would be, that if you are paying for the bandwidth, make it clear to all new members so they can be considerate. Also, it may help to keep the cost down if you applied the rules evenly across the board.

And my reply would be if you are paying for the bandwidth you can do whatever you want.... Chris, put this to rest, please.... it's smart to know when to stop....
Safe swoops

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>Newsflash, DZ's are not the only place that will thicken your skin. I think life has
> a funny way of doing that on it's own.
Well, yeah, but it seems to happen more often at DZ's. Just this weekend I got screamed at by someone who claimed I was trying to kill him, I cut him off, wasn't I supposed to be a good skydiver etc. This puzzled me, as I was flying a straight in approach due to the gusty winds, and I believe he was attempting a high performance landing beginning above me. Claude came running up to us to prevent what he thought was going to be a fight, and five years ago, I think I would have gotten into it with him. After all, I was 'right.'
But I've learned that it's not worth it. People are going to disagree with me, get mad at me, and yell at me occasionally, especially at a DZ where there are an awful lot of type-A personalities. I just apologized and he calmed down. The key, I think, is to not take it personally.
-bill von

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if you applied the rules evenly across the board.

I think just about all of us have had one of "our" threads locked or deleted at one point or another. Even me. Get over it.
A few things to remember - a) life isn't fair; b) this ain't no damn democracy; c) if you don't like the way things are done here you're welcome to start your own website and forums and do things the way you think they should be done.
As HH just said... it's smart to know when to stop.
pull & flare,
"Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda sez

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