
Two canopies out poll.

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I have no idea where to put this poll.
Have you ever got unintentional two canopies out (the reserve and the main) at the same time? How many jumps you had (if its yes) and how you knew what to do. If its no, tell me how much jumps you have and if you know what to do if it happens.

Have you ever had two canopies out at the same time (main and reserve)?

"Life is full of danger, so why be afraid?"

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1900 jumps
Never had two out.
Don't know if there's really a concrete answer to this one. imho it would depend on the situation.
My personal plan:
Canopies side by side~ I might try to steer main away from reserve using front risers. IF it clears I would cut-away main.
Main in front of Reserve~ I flying straight I wouldn't touch a thing and go where ther take me. Unless of course I found my self in a down plane, which I would cut away from dependant on altitude.
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I answered no. Do I know what to do? I took the FJC, I listened to my instructors and JMs, I read the SIM, and I have been quizzed by the DZO while I was waiting to board the plane. I have the theory but I don't have the practice. I obviously can't go and give myself two canopies out just to practice, but I can do CRW to learn how two canopies will handle in a biplane, side-by-side, downplane, etc.
This is being discussed right now in the Safety and Training forum. Check it out.

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How many jumps you have?
My answer is No, 35 jumps.
What to do? disconnect RSL, downplane cutaway; side by side disconnect RSL and release if everything looks good; bi-plane fly the bigger canopy. And land all of them with PLF.
"Life is full of danger, so why be afraid?"

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I have not had 2 canopies out, but I saw a relatively new jumper deal with a touchy situation a few months ago.... He apparently brought it down low enough to have his AAD fire after he deployed his main. So it's trailing along in the bag without enough force to pull it out....until he picks up a little speed.....on a turn at only a couple hundred feet at the most. 2 out.... Almost immediately they downplane! Jumper did great and cut away immediately. Thought he demonstrated some real steady nerves there....I doubt he has a hundred jumps....
Just thought I'd share~
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Unless of course I found my self in a down plane, which I would cut away from dependant on altitude.
Just curious why altitude would factor into your decision to cut away from a downplane? If you are in a downplane, you are gonna hit the ground hard unless you cut away.

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If I'm in a down plane at 3000 feet.... I'll ride it a bit, make sure its not tangled, then chop it. At 300 feet... chop and pray its clear.
Cajun had a double out within his first 25 jumps if I rember right. I've seen 3 double outs and 2 times its been due to the AAD (1 FXC 12000 and 1 Cypres) firing after the jumper tossed the main. The third one was freaky that the jumper deployed unstable and the main knocked the reserve pin out as it deployed. Thats 3 in 2 years I've seen....
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Just curious why altitude would factor into your decision to cut away from a downplane? If you are in a downplane, you are gonna hit the ground hard unless you cut away
I've witnessed a guy with 20 jumps ride a down plane in that started right around 80-100 ft. He broke is ankle. That was it. When I say altitude I'm talking about 100' or below. I mean, if my canopies start to down plane at 50' I might strike mother earth at a slower rate of speed by staying with what I got rather cut away at 50'. This is just my humble opinion (I welcome other thoughts on this). It would certainly have to be a very quick decision made and a situation I'd rather never find myself in.
Now if they start to down plane around 100' or above HELL YES!! I'm cutting away. Just read Lindsey's post above^^^^^^^^^^^...chopping it might just save my life!!!
"This is the 4th time I've been late for work this week!!...and it's only Tuesday!" ...Cheech and Chong

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The answer is obvious, but due to my self-imposed restriction of never posting twice to the same thread, I am prohibited. :P
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Yes. 3 times. All three times a Sentinel AAD fired high. All three times I successfully cut away the main and landed the reserve.
See my thread on Jumping AADs: http:// http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forums/showthreaded.pl?Cat=&Board=forumsafetytraining&Number=162366&page=&view=&sb=&o=&vc=1#Post162366
Also see the PIA report on dual canopy scenarios. I was there when some of the testing was going on. I am at a loss to find the website. Can anyone help??

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What to do? disconnect RSL, downplane cutaway; side by side disconnect RSL and release if everything looks good; bi-plane fly the bigger canopy. And land all of them with PLF.

How are you going to fly the bigger canopy?

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That's what I was taught too.. (AND NO PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE TO SPEAK FROM) touching, leave alone.... IIRC With a side by side, they would probaby seperate at some point giving you an opportunity to cut the main away..
I also wonderign about disconnecting the RSL if the reserve is out, why would we want to do it?
Lastly, the terminology tht was used for me was to fly the more DOMINANT canopy, is that always going to be the larger of the two?
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I also wonderign about disconnecting the RSL if the reserve is out, why would we want to do it?

You wouldn't. Disconnecting the RSL after the reserve is out is only wasting precious seconds in an already dangerous situation.
I'm guessing he got this after reading the SIM and not fully understanding it. The point is, it takes more than reading the SIM to survive in this sport.

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I got this PM about why you should disconnect the RSL in a 2 out situation (hope you don't mind me posting it mate).
"Alex, on a racer if you have 2 out and they downplane the RSL will choke the reserve and you will be left with one huge streamer. A lot of instructors teach to disconnect the RSL incase the student ever ends up on a Racer. "
Adrenaline Junkie Skydive Monkey

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I have had a extremely good friend of mine that I knew since 1984 he deployed his parachute and nothing but bag came out then he cut away. His reserve opened but his main bag came down and hit him in the face. needless to say he was scared shitless. lines were crossed and he had just enough play on his left side to bring it in. Things are very serious in this sport especially when it hits home.

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I had 2 canopies out on my 9th jump ever.
The ripcord had a notch in it, and I had a hard pull. Immediately went to reserve (good training!), and the opening shock of the reserve knocked the main ripcord out, and the main opened.
It essentially opened into a downplane, so it was obvious I had to cut it away. Even on student gear, downplanes are quick.

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