
Mommy says it's ok to cry

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How come these damn withdrawl symptoms are making me bawl like a little schoolgirl? I wouldn't mind, but the uncontrollable sobbing is really affecting my sex life/work life/ social life/ no life : ) [unsure]
I've only done two tandems a couple weeks ago and I already feel like a broke crackhead. This is going to be a long road isn't it.B|
p.s - To all that contribute and upkeep this forum, thank you, maybe it will help my now f*cked forever brain!

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Ok, firstly: Mommy was wrong. Never cry...never! Unless, of course, you run out of beer.

Secondly, you are at a critical point in your DZ.com existence. Your jump numbers and your number of posts are the same...a fork in the road, which will you choose!?


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a fork in the road, which will you choose!?

says three posts...;)
You will have a long raod ahead of you but stay focused. LOL get a fat paying job(yea right) so you can pay for your addiction. Either that or find out the easiest way to get in and out of your local bank.(without being seen)
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Or whatever else you want to feed ;) I spend spend money on beer too.

In South Africa the ratio between the cost of training jumps like tandem, AFF and normal jumps (own gear) is rather high, so it is a motivation to get onto your own stuff as soon as possible. Dunno what it's like in your country.


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Skydive Chicago makes me do 2 tandems before starting the AFF program which I think is about 18 jumps, then comes the massive drug selling for gear, wait, drug selling comes first for the cert. AHHHH, i'm just all screwed up. MOMMY!:ph34r:

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Just cuz you're new and you are getting all kinds of acronyms, Skydive Chicago does not do AFF. AFF is only 7 levels. Skydive Chicago's program takes you to your "A" license. There is no "limbo" area. The program at Skydive Chicago is call AFP = Advanced Freefall Program.


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Just cuz you're new and you are getting all kinds of acronyms, Skydive Chicago does not do AFF. AFF is only 7 levels.

Actually, very few places still offer a seven-level AFF program. Most places have some ISP derivative or tandem progression, one-JM AFF program. At Raeford, we train AFF using the ISP. That's a minimum of ten jumps with real AFF JM's, then coached and "other" instructor-supervised jumps up to the A-license. Right out of the book. Oddly, the other factions that train on our dropzone use several other combinations of training to achieve that same goal. The only thing in common is that we all use the ISP A-license card.

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I've only done two tandems a couple weeks ago and I already feel like a broke crackhead. This is going to be a long road isn't it.B|

I feel your pain!! I'm right there with you, and can't even get through a day without getting seriously bummed...Do'nt even want to work anymore... Just want to jump...Ready to sell everything just to afford the rest of my AFF's...

The key to walking on water... Is knowing where the rocks are

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So you feel it coursing thru your veins, huh? Welcome to the club. I couldn't think about anything else for the year I was in the sport! It's rather compelling, isn't it!!!?!

Prepare to dump you current batch of friends, sell your house, rent an apartment closer to the DZ, spend all your $$ of J/T's. Get used to looking up everytime a plane flys overhead, and prepare to become a weather watcher.


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sad but true isn't it... I"ve already been looking for a place closer to the DZ, i drool anytime a plane flys over, or anything airborne for that matter...
what's happening to me... it's crazy but I LOVE IT

The key to walking on water... Is knowing where the rocks are

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Hey Jesse,

This question probably qualifies as inappropriate, but what age group do you fall into? I ask because I went to high school in Gurnee (and still live there for part of the year), and I knew more than a few Mundelein High School kids, plus some relatives that live down there.

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In Colorado, I don't know of any places that do anything different than the 7-jump AFF program.

What you need to remember is that you have two kidneys, and can get away with one... That could be a source for a lot of jump tickets...

Getting banned isn't that bad......

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