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:S this is how i feel today...
Damn telemarketers called my house at MIDNIGHT... MIDNIGHT, ugh... what is the deal? Do they not realize that people sleep... then my roommate calls at 5:30 because he forgot his house key!
damn I just want to get in the sky

The key to walking on water... Is knowing where the rocks are

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I don't take the calls at home (caller ID), but I get them all the time at work, asking for the owner of the company. The other day, the telemarketer asked the owner's name, and I gave her a fake name just to see how many times she would call. She's called every day so far! I'm having fun telling her that "Steve" still isn't in.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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LOL...one of my friends does something hilarious when they call him.

When they ask for whoever it is they're asking for, he says, "hang on, I'll get him/her" then just sets the phone down and goes and does something else.

I was with him once and the guy stayed on the line for about 10 minutes!
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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A usual response from me to a telemarketer is:

Please permanently remove us from your call list. Thanks. <>

It isn't worth my time to play stupid games with them. If I am home by myself, I won't answer the phone without screening it through the answering machine before picking up. If someone cares, they'll start to leave a message. Most of the time, they don't.

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I've done that before but I usually just hang up when they are in mid sentence.

I do the same thing with idiots that come to my front door and disturb me , a slammed door in the face before they can finish the first sentence usually means im not interested in joining their church or I don't want to change my gas/electricity supplier.
If you think my attitude stinks you should smell my fingers

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Sometimes I'll say something like "John, JOHN, put the knife down, for christ's sake put the f***ing knife down, JOHN, HOLY F***!" and hangup. They probably get that sort of thing enough that it doesn't even rile them anymore, though.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I used to get a couple of telemarketing calls and five to ten hangups every day. All of them had blocked called ID of course, so I could just refuse to answer them, but the damned ringing is still annoying, as is having to get up from whatever I'm doing, walk to the phone, decide I don't want to answer, then listen to more damned ringing. I was ready to simply cancel my phone service.

About a year ago I signed up for a phone company service which blocks all calls that do not transmit caller ID. If you don't have caller ID and call me, you'll hear a message that says, "This phone will not accept calls without caller ID. Please turn on your caller ID then call again."

They also have the option of recording their name. If they do, then my phone rings, I hear "You have a call from {recorded name here}. Do you want to accept it?"

I literally haven't had a single hang-up in the last year. I have only had 4 telemarketing calls in the same period. My phone is no longer my enemy! I love my phone again!

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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I do this one too.

You can do this with junk mail too, just find any old rubbish (their leflets, dirt, toe nail clipings etc.) place it all into the pre-paid envelope and post it back to them.
Not sure if it does any good but give a great sense of satisfaction).


Gravity- It's not just a good idea, it's the LAW!

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I like tell them I've died and gone to hell, and if there is a God hopefully they'll go to hell, too!

I asked one poor girl (she admitted to being on her first day-) if they taught her how to handle rejection, and when she aswered me I told her "Handle this!" and hung up-- And once in a while I just play with thier minds until I get bored-

Easy Does It

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We had a telemarketer make the grave mistake of calling the dropzone one day. We kept him on the phone for almost 25 minutes. I got him first, and let him talk a bit - when he started pressing me to buy the service I told him he'd have to talk to my "mom". . . I put another female jumper on the phone . . . . . who let him talk a bit . . and then yelled back at me to "take the phone to your father". . . .we put a male jumper on . . .etc, etc. . eventually the last guy he ended up speaking to started asking the telemarketer what he was wearing, that his voice was sexy, etc, etc. ....

The telemarketer hung up on us. . . giggle.


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My Pro-Track gets a good test whenever they start calling (all my friends have my mobile number, only business' have my land-line #) - so any call to the land-line that is not expected, out comes the Pro-Track, slap it next to the receiver, a couple of button pushes and they get to hear what I hear on breakoff, pull and cutaway times ;) Then hang up. Repeat on the next call. I am sure it annoys them as much as they annoy me.

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I too tell them to take me off their list right up front. I used to get tons of calls and after about a year (off one list prevents it from being sold again to 10 more) I get maybe one a week. I also did that op-out thing that takes you off alot of widely used lists. I can't stand telemarketing calls. Funny thing is I used to be a telemarketer in college. It was great money and I've considered doing it again since my current financial situation sucks. I was really good at it and always walked away with the nightly, weekly and monthly bonuses. They wanted me to become a manager but I just wanted good money while in school. Dunno if I really could do it again tho.....

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