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Hey guys, I just got back from the WFFC Now I'm broke and my head is still there. Does anyone want to share pictures or stories? I have a few pictures here that I took with a disposable camera. Sorry no Boobies. F*cking Meijers film shop wouldn't develop them. The convention was incredible though. I had a lot of new experiences there, everyone was soo cool to hang with. It was extremly difficult to even do a solo jump because there was always someone who wanted more people to jump with. My hats off to the load organizers- Especially mary @ tent three who let me take a picture of her cleavage and nominated me for the Rodreguez Bro's and The muff crew.... Muff Muff Muff... .... for bringing the inflatables and doing tube jumps and magic carpet rides. WOW what a time ... . ... I wish that I was still there right now.

Hey has anyone taken a picture of the caution tape lawn graffiti? "pull" - I ran out of film ... .. . That's another story that I may or may not own up to

Blue skies

mike mullins high altitude.JPG

Pre gator ride.JPG

gator ride muff dive.JPG

balloons from freefall.JPG

sky view of the convention.JPG

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cool pics!! where are everyone else's? those of us who can't be there need to live vicariously through you, but we have no imagination and we need pictures, and video, and boobies, and pictures and video of boobies!! :D;)
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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don't forget the Live video feed HERE

I have already sent an e-mail complaing that the video is broken because there have been no BOOBIES. I'm hoping they'll send the gals out to fix it...
I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. I promise not to TP Davis under canopy.. eat sushi, get smoochieTTK#1

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What time are you lookin' at it?

The cam in front of manifest/ticket sales is usually hoppin' all day long...

I looked about 6 times between 9:30a and 8:00p. Hadly anyone in the picture at any time. Not what I'd describe as "hoppin'"

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I saw most of a 4-minute video with some jumping and some ground stuff before it kicked into "buffering" mode (that's Chinese for it stopped), which happened due to heavy internet traffic, I believe. Try it again or go to the troubleshooting section..

I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143

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You live in a Pineapple in the bottom of the sea. Your name is SpongeBob Squarepants. Everything is blurry because you are looking through water.

It is always blurry. Lummy made a request for WFFC to tell people to show us their boobies but it hasn't happened, yet.[:/]

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The locals were pretty cool, I don't think that anyone knew what to expect from skydivers raiding their city though. It's kinda funny My friends sat around friday afternoon drinking beer (the clouds were low and thick) looking through the WFFC info manual. The Mayor of Rantoul officially welcomes the skydivers with a nice message- We all though that was cool But Fittingly enough there's a picture of him at the bottom of the page that makes him look like a deer in headlights. You gotto check it out.

Also there were a lot of curious spectators and young "bumpy" volunteers saying all the usual things. But know this There is nothing in this town, These people will be talking about the convention all year long. It will only get bigger and better.

Ohh one more pt of interest on the same subject...
The first night some *sshole was caught stealing tips from the tip jar at the free bar. (CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?) Anyway there were only about 30 of us still drinking at that time. When the man was approached It was pretty clear that at least ten of the people standing around the bar at that time were not really skydivers but undercover safety officers- I heard them talking afterwards about how Rantoul is not going to turn into another Quincy...

Peace and Blue skies

I travel the land, Work in the ocean, Play in the sky

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Since it's not completely over yet it's not yet judgement time. But for the first five days I was there everything seemed very behaved.

I'm sure everyone will go beserk and it will be a wild orgyfuck when the 727 arrives.


I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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The cams at the convention suffered from the morning dew every time I looked at one. The air was humid BAD! I had a lot of jumps that under 5000 feet the lens started fogging up so its not surprizing that the ground cams had issues. You should have seen me at manifest a few times. Most noteable asking for anyone who finds the remains of a camera to turn them into manifest. Luckly it was'nt my camera, but its still a sad sight to see this camera in about 200 pieces now....

Send Michael an email with suggestions for next years webpage if you have any....
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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Yesterday evening was SWEET! The C-130, Kerlin in the L-39 Albatross jet, the Bi-Plane, and Rod in the 412 flew in formation for a buzz pass over the swoop pond....really cool is an understatement. A few minutes later two firetrucks set up at the pond and shot two water cannons over the pond and Rod flew through them and gave everyone a good show. He was hovering "on" one of the firetrucks and the crowd loved it. Shot a couple rolls of film, hopefully I can get some of the pics posted sometime soon.

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Unfortunately I'm home. The WFFC rocked. 9 days of jumping and hanging with some of the coolest peeps. Biggest shock was meeting Rhino and having a great time with him. Highlights of the last 9 days: i managed to get kicked out of the C130 bar, help destroy 2 golf carts, cart #1, 3 flat tires and 2 stolen chains, gave Clay his first kiss pass, wrecked a car, watched a jeep get stuck on top of a 10ft dirt pile, landed on the runway, became a rodriguez brother and a muff brother, hung with the bytch, took a shower with another chick, the dz.com wednesday night scandal, slolam racing through the flags, screaming non-stop in the helicopter, stealing the japanese airline snacks. That's all i can recall right now, but i spent many nights incredibly drunk!! Sucks that it's over, i'm sooo ready for next year. :)


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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Ohh one more pt of interest on the same subject...
The first night some *sshole was caught stealing tips from the tip jar at the free bar. (CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?)

Yea and some ASSHOLES who will probably read this were stealing golf carts and laundry guess theres assholes in every bunch.

PS The driving the golf carts through the corn field was so totally wrong it's too bad that some people lack the brain power to distinguish between being funny and being a knucklehead.

PSS What a blast

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