
so what compels the female...

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'Are you taken or is there a chance we could end up shagging?'

I prefer the direct approach myself.....;)


Many of them can't help it and don't realise they're doing it.

Heheheehee....over time I came to realize that my ex-wife wasn't quite as mean and vicious as I had first thought. She just has the decision making skills of a 7 year old. (Really, I'm not saying that to be mean..it's true) She also cannot mentally connect her actions with the consequences. Of course, when I started reading about "Border Line Personality Disorder" and "Bi Polar Disorder" is when things got a little more scary. It's funny...after studying this stuff I see little pieces of it in a lot of people. Especially women.....[:/] It was more fun when I was ignorant and just played the games.....now it's just scary....

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Simple.. That is her way of saying she isn't available. This would usually be triggered by something the "commentee" did to provoke the "commentor".

She may be interested then a red flag goes up and she fires the reserve "boyfriend comment"

Just a guess.

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agreed, however one finds that occasionally the BF comment comes up so often that it seems shes trying to remind HERSELF that she has one, even when WE are being "perfectly harmless":)
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Ok...so what if (hypothetically) a woman is talking to a gorgeous man who (in other circumstances) she would love to sleep with, and the topic of 'her boyfriend' doesn't come up?

Wouldn't the gorgeous man in question wonder why it didn't crop up at some point, and feel that either a/ she has led him on because she just enjoyed flirting with him or b/ she might actually have an illicit fling with him behind her boyfriend's back?

Dodgy ground. Probably best to mention the boyfriend asap, just to be on the safe side? :S

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Having said that, isn't 'playing games' utter bollocks?

emma, i was going to write you another deranged love letter :S :D after reading this, but i'm short on time and i'm running out to get SOME AIR!

(and whaddya mean, "lesser sex"? michele? i want some answers! :P)


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Taken or no, a good flirt with a hot guy is still a good time...gotta throw in the 'boyfriend/husband' clause just to keep things clear. I'm thinking it's dirtier to flirt WITHOUT mentioning said 'significant other'!

Then again, you know what I've still gotten on occassion? "You're married? BUT, is it happily?!" Translation: "Wanna f*** anyway?"

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true, a mention or two in such circumstances would tell the observant that she is taken and the rest is just fun and pleasantries.
.however, (not so hypothetically since it happend recently to me) sometimes it seems that the absent BF (who isnt really due to be seen in the near future) is mentioned so often in other wise innocent conversation that he either;

a: walks on water and all mles should bow before him


b: is under serious threat of being temporarily forgotten if not focused on..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Taken or no, a good flirt with a hot guy is still a good time...gotta throw in the 'boyfriend/husband' clause just to keep things clear. I'm thinking it's dirtier to flirt WITHOUT mentioning said 'significant other'!

Then again, you know what I've still gotten on occassion? "You're married? BUT, is it happily?!" Translation: "Wanna f*** anyway?"

Thanks Pammi! Yes! "Someone else besides my poor put-upon wife finds me attractive! I'M NOT DEAD!

BAMM! "Yeah, my wife loves to come here with our twin girls when she picks them up from Most Holy Rosary where they are in first grade. Is your Husband on the way?

That other one gets a laugh every time. "Married?" "Oh, yeah" "Happily?" "Happily enough that I'm not going to break up my family to find out how firm your mattress is? Definitely."

Question: Is being married better than being single?

Answer: It sure was this morning.


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just to be on the safe side?


She will only do that if that's where she wanted to be though. All too often it isn't....

All too often? You get a lotta laydeeeez tryin to get you on the wild side?

If safe was so great, we wouldn't all jump out of perfectly good aeroplanes, huh? The 'my boyfriend' comment is like a Cypres...It makes it safer, but flirting with a gorgeous man is still dangerous if you're not careful...We just mitigate the risks...:P

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There's nothing more stupid and inaccurate than lumping half of the world's population into a single rough stereotype.

Yeah. The sad thing is the most interesting people around are those that live outside the stereotypes.

By lumping people together as "guys are this" or "girls are that" you can close your mind off to exploring some truly fascinating people.

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>So one asks, well are you saying that means you want to run for the
> hills sometimes... and he replies, well yea...

Would you rather he lie to you? He may love you, want to be with you etc. but not want the kind of relationship you two have. It's better to know that, and decide if you want to deal with it or not, than to just wake up one morning and find him gone.

There are no relationship "norms," nothing that he HAS to live up to. Heck, he could go out with seven women, one each day of the week. As long as all eight people are happy with that, the relationship works. The one thing that absolutely _doesn't_ work is trying to tell all seven women they're the only ones, even if that's what they want to hear.

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So one asks, well are you saying that means you want to run for the hills sometimes... and he replies, well yea...

I feel for you, but don't ask questions you're not prepared to hear an answer to that you might not like. Sounds to me that you were fishing for him to say "No way! I'm totally happy with you here forever and I never question a single thing about monogamy!"

(The only reason I know this is because I've done it.)

Some men are silly; they think if you ask a question it's because you want to know the answer.

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There's nothing more stupid and inaccurate than lumping half of the world's population into a single rough stereotype.

Stupid??? Inaccuarate??? Big words...
Hey take that one up with the holly father... He's the one that did it.

One person is vastly different from any other yes.. but -providing we're talking guy girl relationship- there is still a guy side and a girl side. The similarities are remarkable in how ALL men treat their women and vice-versa...

We are still animals with programmed instincts which go waaaaaay back. It's not a "stereotype" when we say stuff like "men want their space" and "women don't want their men to have space" it's human nature. This is Discovery channel-type stuff man.


My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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Hey take that one up with the holly father...

Is he married to the mistletoe mother?


The similarities are remarkable in how ALL men treat their women and vice-versa...


It's not a "stereotype" when we say stuff like "men want their space" and "women don't want their men to have space" it's human nature.

Hehe, ok, if you say so. Guess we'll just have to disagree on this issue.


Some things are so rediculous that you can't even explain why they are

"Your mother's full of stupidjuice!"
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