
Whuffo's Representing Skydiving

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No, they attend to the ranks of 'skydiver journeyman' and onward. Duties include, but are not limited to, packing, fetching beer, and back massage
Hhmmm..nobody told me about that part :ph34r:

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No, they attend to the ranks of 'skydiver journeyman' and onward. Duties include, but are not limited to, packing, fetching beer, and back massage


Hhmmm..nobody told me about that part :ph34r:


you betta believe it - add to that list coffee run breakfast run lunch run beer run beer run braai run (barbecue - fetch meat!) .... the list continues ...:P


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Well I did my first tandem last week. But definitely don't call my self a skydiver. I've been telling everyone I know all about it, the experience was just too incredible not to share. But I would not dream of telling someone who jumps regularly how to do anything...that's just dumb...LOL. I don't consider myself a member of the club here...yet. Had a friend tell me about this site so I could learn from everyone here.

I do plan to continue with it. I MUST continue with it. It's the first thing I've ever done that just grabbed me like this.

So can I still play here with you guys? :D


If you're here, then you likely are a skydiver...because you're obsessed with anything and everything skydiving and want someone who understands to talk to about it. :)

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I had 200 jumps, including 6 demos, a 4-stack, a 10 point 4-way, a night jump, an emergency exit at 1800', 30 round jumps, two reserve rides, and a cutaway before I ever applied for a USPA certificate.

I always knew you Oregonians weren't right in the head. ;)

In a world full of people, only some want to fly... isn't that crazy! --Seal

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I had 200 jumps, including 6 demos, a 4-stack, a 10 point 4-way, a night jump, an emergency exit at 1800', 30 round jumps, two reserve rides, and a cutaway before I ever applied for a USPA certificate.

I always knew you Oregonians weren't right in the head. ;)

Yeah, I know. Oregonians aren't known for their love of beaurocracy. I've let them down. [:/]

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Well in my oppinion tandemeers are joyriders. If you ride a rollercoaster you don't consider yourself a rollercoaster engineer do you?
I've been seeing the tandem supporters (After all they leave big $ at the DZ) for a couple of months now. They are doing it to, once in a lifetime live the experience. They are most likely never to come back. As a matter of fact in the last two months I met only one person, who jumped a tandem and then went for AFF.
Many of you though made a strange point - oh, if you haven't been in the sport for 10 years... . Well compadres that is Bull Shit (brother of Jack Shit). I have 45 jumps today (more tomorrow). I never went for any tandem. Did my AFF straight. Put of buying furniture for my home office - rig is more important. Cut on all my non skydiving related purchases. At least once every 5 jumps I pack my rig (not bad for a biginner?) I go to bed a night and with my eyes closed I reherse side slides, exits etc. During the day I often wonder off into a day dream dirt dive.
All my efforts are geared towards skydiving. I am here to stay. I am a skydiver and it's a state of mind. If anybody uses it in a bar to pick up babes, well sure, but don't brag about it. As a matter of fact I now don't even consider a relationship with a whuffo. So YES I AM A SKYDIVER:)

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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I didn't consider myself a skydiver until i felt that I could make a jump by myself and not have to have someone with me. When you pack your own parachute, spot, can get stable and deploy, be able to handle emergency procedures, and land at the dz without aid from anyone else, thats when I felt like a skydiver.

At my dropzone, pretty much when you can save you own live by deploying yourself, your considered a skydiver. Which is usually after about 5 or 6 jumps under the IAD program.

Beau Lambert


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Yeah, A buddy of mine got his tandem ticket after 1.5 years in the sport (in which he did the 500 jumps needed for the rating) and was allowed to get the rating (even though there is a 3 years in the spprot requirement) because he did a tandem a couple years before he got certified. So I have to wait until May of next year until I qualify. So doing a tandem mean something to the gear manufacturers.

Mark Klingelhoefer

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Well do you actually have to have an A license number, or just have the card with the stamp on it, for your definition of a skydiver? Because I don't have a number, but do have about 185 jumps and consider myself a skydiver. B|

If you have alti awareness, got canopy control, and can stand up your landings very well I would say that's sufficient enough to say you're a skydiver--regardless of what license you may (or may not) hold.

(p.s. and also know your emergency procedures and can follow the traffic pattern).

Rantoul: Traffic pattern? What traffic pattern?

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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Well I did my first tandem last week. But definitely don't call my self a skydiver. I've been telling everyone I know all about it, the experience was just too incredible not to share. But I would not dream of telling someone who jumps regularly how to do anything...that's just dumb...LOL. I don't consider myself a member of the club here...yet. Had a friend tell me about this site so I could learn from everyone here.

I do plan to continue with it. I MUST continue with it. It's the first thing I've ever done that just grabbed me like this.

So can I still play here with you guys? :D


If you're here, then you likely are a skydiver...because you're obsessed with anything and everything skydiving and want someone who understands to talk to about it. :)

I don't consider myself a skydiver. I am on this site to 'soak up' all the info I can about skydiving. I've done three tandems, with the last one being the most gratifying. Of course nothing compares to your very first step out the door. Nothing has "grabbed" me more than this sport. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to pursue AFF or SL......yet! NO ONE I know understands my feelings for wanting to do this, with the exception of one of my friends who did her first tandem a week ago. She has wanted to 'fly' since she was a little girl. I still don't feel like a "member of this club".


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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"Without the A, you can't jump at other dzs. With the A, you get grounded at other dzs the first time the wind kicks up above 8mph."

Sez who? I've sent unlicensed jumpers to other DZs (with logbooks) because of weather or whatever, and they've had no problem making good jumps. The BSRs don't impose a wind limit on A licensed skydivers, and even the student limit is 14.


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I still don't feel like a "member of this club".

Well if this club is "exclusive", then I would want out. But I don't believe most people here think that way. If you were not truly interested in skydiving, you would have lost interest in this site long ago. I don't recall Sangiro ever saying you had to have "x" number of jumps to be welcomed here. Every skydiver was a non-skydiver at some point. I consider myself a student of skydiving. Right now I am learning by reading and corresponding. My AFF is on hold for reasons out of my control. I did my two tandems and only I know how it affected me. I also registered and began AFF...but shit happens. So anyway, if anyone makes you feel or suggest that you are not a member of the "club", I would just ignore them, stick around and keep being "you". We're all fortunate to have you around.:)


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Well listen to you! If you are skydiving and yet don't consider yourself a skydiver, than what are you, a meat bomb falling out of control? Make up your mind. If you don't feel you're safe with others in the air - practice. Are you guys for real:o

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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don't acolytes carry candles?

No, they attend to the ranks of 'skydiver journeyman' and onward. Duties include, but are not limited to, packing, fetching beer, and back massages.:)

Well they do tend to get roped into doing ground support for the demo guys...I suppose those smoke flares could be a modern day candle?

I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter

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>if you haven't been in the sport for 10 years... . Well compadres that is Bull Shit

Talk to Kate Cooper on this one... (If you don't know who she is.. your not an experienced jumper). So many people go gung ho at the start but less then 10% last past 10 years in the sport. Most those that last 10 will be in for life. THOSE are the real jumpers....

The rest of us are just here visiting untill we pay our dues to become real jumpers....

425 jumps.... 3 years in and I'm only barely a jumper....
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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The BSRs don't impose a wind limit on A licensed skydivers

True. But the DZ or DZO can. My experience has been that I always had to prove myself when I had my A-license. I've been told I can't jump because of winds, but I jumped in the same winds while on student status (happened in Illinois). I've been kept from jumping for having too small a canopy -- stiletto 150 at 30 jumps (happened in Kansas).

My point is that an A license will only get you in the air. The D-license gets you freedom.

In a world full of people, only some want to fly... isn't that crazy! --Seal

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No it's not that at all. I feel I'm totally safe and all I just don't feel I can jump on a bunch of loads I would like to. Yeah, that's probably do to my inexperience but for me personally I don't think that I'd call myself a "skydiver" until I have a bunch more experience.

Do I skydive? Hell Yeah!
Do I have a blast doing it? Absolutely!
Do I like doing 2-4ways? Every chance I get!!
Am I totally comfortable with my ablities? Actually no I'm not.

Am I a meatbomb falling out of control? Depends on what kind of formation I'm looking to take out!;)

It's just a personal thing.

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Kate Cooper - don't know her, never juped with her. Yes I am new to the sport. I am a biker - been riding (and serious at it) my bicycle since I was 3. Did not give it up. I am a scater - been roller blading for 8 years now. I am a rock climber - 6 years now. There are many exciting things I have been doing and have not given them up. That is what makes my life interesting. Kate Cooper - I am sure she is a great person. But knowing her does not make me a skydiver. As I said - if you doubt me, come jump with me. I don't need to prove anything. I am jusr having a time of my life jumping with my friends with tonns more experience, who accept me even without knowing Kate Cooper.

Me Jungleman! Me have large Babalui.
Muff #3275

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oh, if you haven't been in the sport for 10 years... . Well compadres that is Bull Shit

Can't really expect anyone to understand that comment until they've been in the sport for over 10 years. When you've been jumping that long or longer you've seen an awful lot of people start jumping, get all excited, buy gear, "be" a skydiver, get really into it, do fifty to a couple thousand jumps, jump for 2, 4, 6 years... and then they quit. They have lots of reasons for quitting - marraige, whuffo spouses, children, injuries, witnessing someone going in, etc.

All of them were just as excited, just as "addicted", just as into the sport as you are now. But shit happened and they couldn't deal with it or they weren't willing to give up some other part of their life for skydiving.

Usually by the time someone has been jumping for ten years or more they've seen some bad shit, done some stupid shit, given up on whuffo relationships (or have a very, very good whuffo for a spouse/S.O.;)), dealt with an injury or two and gotten back in the sky, etc.

I can list off the names of least 40 names of people that I used to jump with 10 years ago who are no longer jumping today. And I was jumping at a small dz then...

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Y'all crack me up. So what if you don't know so and so....(Might be a good idea to edumacate yourself tho). Everyone jumps for different reasons. Everyone has to hold true to themselves. You are what you think you are and nobody can say anything different...so if you think you are a skydiver by doing a tandem........good for you.......the ground is just as hard and you can die just the same....you got out of the plane didn't you? Same in any other method of jumping. .....so......welcome to all skydivers.........nowin the words of Kebe.." back the F*)$ up!";)

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